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Combining Form 101
Question | Answer |
abdomen, abdominal cavity | abdomin/o |
to rub away | abras/o |
a solution or substance with pH less than 7 | acid/o |
hearing | acou/o |
hearing | acoust/o |
extremity | acr/o |
gland | aden/o |
albumin (a protein) | albumin/o |
pain | alges/o |
air sac,alveolus | alveol/o |
amnion, amniotic fluid | amni/o |
amnion, amniotic fluid | amnion/o |
anus | an/o |
male | andr/o |
blood vessel | angi/o |
blood vessel | andin/o |
fused, not straight | ankyl/o |
front | anteri/o |
front | anter/o |
aorta | aort/o |
to hang onto, appendix | append/o |
spider | arachn/o |
artery | arter/o |
artery | arteri/o |
joint | arthr/o |
weakness | asthen/o |
incomplete | atel/o |
fat | ather/o |
atrium | arti/o |
hearing | aud/o |
hearing | audi/o |
ear | aur/o |
self | aut/o |
urea, nitrogen | azot/o |
bacteria | bacter/o |
bacteria | bacteri/o |
glans penis | blan/o |
life | bi/o |
bile | bil/i |
germ, bud, developing cell | blast/o |
eyelid | blephar/o |
arm | brachi/o |
airway, bronchus | bronch/i |
airway, bronchus | bronch/o |
purse or sac, bursa | burs/o |
calcium | calc/i |
cancer | carcin/o |
heart | card/o |
heart | cardi/o |
wrist | carp/o |
gristle, cartilage | cartil/o |
tail | caud/o |
blind intestine, cecum | cec/o |
hernia, protrusion | cel/o |
abdomen, abdominal cavity | celi/o |
small chamber | cellul/o |
head | cephal/o |
cerebellum, little brain | cerebell/o |
brain, cerebrum | cerebr/o |
cervix, neck | cervic/o |
lip | cheil/o |
chemistry | chem/o |
hand | chir/o |
bile, gall | chol/e |
common bile duct | choledoch/o |
gristle, cartilage | chondr/o |
gristle, cartilage | chondri/o |
membrane, chorion | chori/o |
color | chrom/o |
color | chromat/o |
time | chron/o |
orange | cirrh/o |
colon | col/o |
colon | colon/o |
vagina | colp/o |
dust | con/i |
knuckle of a joint | condyl/o |
to bind together, conjunctiva | cunjunctiv/o |
pupil | cor/o |
pupil | core/o |
horny, cornea | corne/o |
crown, circle, heart | coron/o |
tree bark, outer covering, cortex | cortic/o |