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Mid Term101

up, toward, apart ana-
two bi-
upon, over, above, on top epi-
under, below normal hypo-
one uni-
abdomen, abdominal cavity abdomin/o
front anter/o; anteri/o
arm brachi/o
heart card/, cardi/o
tail caud/o
head cephal/o
cervix, neck cervic/o
gristle, cartilage chondr/o, chondri/o
time chron/o
skull, cranium cran/o, crani/o
away dist/o
back dors/o
cause (of disease) eti/o
thigh femor/o
stomach gastr/o
formation, cause, produce gen/o
buttock glut/o
sameness, unchanging hom/o, home/o
to heal iatr/o, iatri/o
person, self idi/o
flank, hip, groin ili/o
to enter, invade infect/o
below infer/o, inferi/o
groin inguin/o
side later/o
loin, lower back lumb/o
middle medi/o
disease path/o
pelvis, washbasin pelv/o
nature physi/o
back poster/o, posteri/o
near proxim/o
spine, thorn spin/o
above super/o, superi/o
chest, thorax thorac/o
to cut tom/o
naval umbilic/o
front, belly ventr/o
toward -ad
pertaining to -al
pertaining to -ar
process of recording -graphy
pertaining to -ic
act or process -ion
pertaining to -ior
one who studies -olgist
standing still -stasis
process of -y
away from ab-
within endo-
excessive, abnormally high, above hyper-
within intra-
before pre-
after post-
below, beneath sub
pertaining to -al
pertaining to -ic
inflammation -itis
study of -ology
measuring insturment -meter
pertaining to -ous
disease -pathy
viewing instrument -scope
process of viewing -scopy
artery arteri/o
joint arthr/o
heart cardi/o
stomach gastr/o
liver hepat/o
bone oste/o
vein ven/o
up,toward, apart ana-
two bi-
upon, over, above, on top epi-
under, below normal hypo-
one uni-
abdomen, abdomoninal cavity abdomin/o
front anter/o; anteri/o
arm brachi/o
heart card/o; cardi/o
tail caud/o
head cephal/o
cervix,neck cervic/o
gristle, cartilage chondr/o; chondri/o
time chron/o
skull, cranium cran/o; crani/o
away dist/o
back dors/o
cause (of disease) eti/o
thigh femor/o
stomach gastr/o
formation, cause, produce gen/o
buttok glut/o
sameness, unchanging hom/o, home/o
to heal iatr/o, iatri/o
person, self idi/o
flank, hip, groin ili/o
to enter, invade infect/o
below infer/o, interi/o
groin inguin/o
side later/o
loin, lower back lumb/o
middle medi/o
disease path/o
pelvis, washbasin pelv/o
nature physi/o
back poster/o, posteri/o
near proxim/o
spine, thorn spin/o
above super/o, superi/o
chest, thorax thorac/o
to cut tom/o
naval umbilic/o
front, belly ventr/o
toward -ad
pertaining to -al
pertaining to -ar
process of recording -graphy
pertaining to -ic
act or process -ion
pertaining to -ior
one who studies -ologist
standing still -stasis
process of -y
disease of rapid onset, short duration, often sharp or severe effect acute
disease of long duration, with slow progression chronic
state of body in which homeostasis has faltered due to any cause disease
disease induced by medical treatment iatrogenic
disease of unknown cause idiopathic
invasion and multiplication of parasitic organisms within the body infection
response to trauma markes by symptoms of redness, swelling, heat and pain inflammation
condition following and resulting from a disease sequelae
wound or an injury trauma
Computerized Axial Tomography Scan CAT Scan
determination of a disease diagnosis
diagnostic procedure, visual examination with an endoscope, including camera, fiber optics and long flexible tube inserted into a patient endocsopy
study of the causes of disease etiology
Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI
one who studies disease pathologist
study of disease pathology
Positron Emission Tompgraphy Scan PET Scan
forecast of the probable cause or outcome of a disease prognosis
diagnostic procedure using sound waves pulsated through body tissues, pulse echoes converted into images ultrasound
bad, abnormal, painful, difficult dys-
after, change meta-
new neo-
gland aden/o
carcin/o cancer
chemistry chem/o
color chrom/o
cell cyt/o
fiber fibr/o
tissue hist/o
smooth lei/o
fat, lipid lip/o
clear water or fluid lymph/o
bad mal/o
dark, black melan/o
muscle my/o
nerve, fascia neur/o
nucleus nucl/o, nucle/o
tumor onc/o
tool organ/o
bone oste/o
radiation, radius, light energy radi/o
rod rhabd/o
flesh, meat sarc/o
nipple thel/i
shape, formation -plasia
something shaped -plasm
malignant tumor -sarcoma
treatment -therapy
loss of structural organization in a tissue that is permanent anaplasia
abnormal tissue development dysplasia
increase in the number of celle in a tissue, other than by tumor development hyperplasia
spreading of cance cells from primary tumor metastasis
improvemnet or absence of signs of disease remission
noninvasive, slow growing tumor; nonmalignant benign
aggressive unregulated growth of abnormal cells and spreading to other tissues cancer
cancer in early stages prior to metastasis cancer in situ
cancer treatment that uses drugs chemotherapy
treatment to reduce the intensity of painful symptoms without producing a cure palliative therapy
cancer treatment that uses radioactive materials radiotherapy
near, alongside, departure from normal par-
through per-
under, beneath, below sub-
to rub away abras/o
self aut/o
hidden crypt/o
skin cutane/o
skin derm/o, dermat/o
change shape elast/o
red eryth/o, erythr/o
fiber fibr/o
other heter/o
sweat hidr/o
hard, horny tissue kerat/o
white leuk/o
fungus myc/o
death necr/o
nail onych/o
thick pachy/o
body louse pedicul/o
wrinkle rhytid/o
sebum or oil seb/o
hair trich/o
dry xer/o
condition of blood -ema
softening -malacia
view of -opsy
eating or swallowing -phasia
discharge (of fluid) -rrhea
skin wound caused by scraping abrasion
collection of pus froam a localized infection abscess
loss of scalp hair alopecia
local uneven surface of the skin caused by fat deposition, thighs and buttocks cellulite
a scar cicatrix
elevated lesion formed by buildup of sebrum and keratin (blackhead) comedo
skin injury, discoloration and swelling without breaking the skin surface contusion
closed sac or pouch that contains fluid cyst
profuse sweating diaphoresis
swelling caused by accumulation of fluid edema
general term for redness of skin (sunburn) erythema
narrow break or slit in the skin fissure
localized skin infection orginating from a hair follicle furuncle
formation of local hard areas on the skin or elsewhere (callasus) induration
abnormal yellow coloring of skin jaundice or xanthoderma
overgrowth of scar tissue keloid
basl cell carcinoma BCC
biopsy bx
incision and drainage I & D
subcutaneous sc
systemic lupus erythematosus SLE
squamous cell carcinoma SqCCa
total body surface area TBSA
slow brady-
around, passing through dia-
many poly-
four quadri-
fused, not straight ankyl/o
joint arthr/o
wrist carp/o
hernia, protrusion cel/o
hand chir/o
knuckle of a joint condyl/o
rib cost/o
flat shape, intervertebral disk disk/o
lead, move duct/o
electricity electr/o
fascia fasci/o
clasp or buckle, fibula fibul/o
bend flex/o
haunch, hip joint, ischium ischi/o
motion kinesi/o
hump kyph/o
thin, lamina lamin/o
bent forward lord/o
upperjaw bone maxill/o
crescent shaped moon, meniscus menisc/o, maneisci/o
bone marrow myel/o, myelon/o
straight, normal orth/o
wall pariet/o
small pan, patella patell/o
stone petr/o
row of soldiers, phalanx phalang/o
foot pod/o
small hole por/o
grown up, pubis pub/o
spine, vertebral column rachi/o
sacred, sacrum sacr/o
curved scoli/o
dried up, skeleton skelet/o
vertebra spondyl/o
chest, sternum stern/o
binding of eggs, synovial synov/o, synovi/o
flat surface, tarsum tars/o
reaction to stimulus tax/o, taxi/o
to stretch out, tendon ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o
turn vers/o
joint, vertebra vertebr/o
weakness -asthenia
pain -algis
germ, bud, developing cell -blast
hernia,swelling, protrusion -cele
a surgical procedure -centesis
break apart -clasia, -clasis, -clast
in motion -clonus
surgical fixation, fusion -desis
run, running -drome
resembling -oid
growth -physis
shape, formation -plasia
paralysis (major) -plegia
falling down, drooping -ptosis
split, fissure -schisis
anterior cruciate liagment ACL
bone mineral density BMD
carpal tunnel syndrome CTS
Duchene's muscular dystrophy DMD
electromyogram EMG
herniated nucleus pulposus HNP
muscular dystrophy MD
osteoarthritis OA
rheumatoid arthritis RA
range of motion ROM
spinal cord injury SCI
total hip replacement THR
total knee replacement TKR
fatty substance ather/o
hard dur/o
a plug embol/o
brain encephal/o
knot, swelling gangli/o, ganglion/o
glue, neuroglia gli/o
body somat/o
inner chamber, thalamus thalam/o
clot thromb/o
attention deficit disorder ADD
alzheimer/s disease AD
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS
eyelid blephar/o
pupil cor/o, core/o
tear dacry/o, lacrim/o
eye ocul/o
old age presby/o
net, retina retin/o
vision -opia
laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis LASIK
eye, ear, nose, throat EENT
ocular dexter or right eye OD
oculus sinster oer left eye OS
visual acuity VA
hearing acou/o, acoust/o, aud/o, audi/o
maze, innner ear labyrinth/o
voice box, larynx laryng/o
membrane, eardrum myring/o, tympan/o
ear ot/o
nose rhin/o
stirrup, stapes staped/o
hearing condition -acusis, -cusis
right ear (in Latin, auris dexter) AD
left ear (in Latin, auris sinister) AS
both ears (in Latin, aures unitas) AU
otitis media OM
tympanic membrane TM
Created by: rjones8187
Popular Surgery sets




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