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Afterlife Continuation of existence after death
Animal Rights The principal of treating animals fairly
Commonality (of all living beings) All living creatures are part of the same process of development
Cyclical (view of human existence) Time has no beginning or end and that the soul of human beings is reborn again and again
Determinism Every event has a cause, which may also involve believing that humans beings cannot have free will, as their choices and actions are caused
Dominance (of human beings) Human beings have been given the right to exercise control over all other living beings
Free will The human will is free, so human beings can choose and act freely
Greed An excessive desire for things, such as wealth and food, which bears no relation to actual needs
Human destiny The future of human beings/ what happens to them when they die
Ignorance (in relation to wrongdoing) Not knowing or understanding the difference between right and wrong, or what makes actions wrong
Immortality The idea that the soul lives on after the death of the body
Judgement (by G-d) The decision of G-d about the destiny of Human Beings
Law of cause and effect (in relation to human actions) Every human action has an automatic consequence
Linear (view of human existence) Time has a beginning and an end, and that human beings live only once on earth
Physicalism The real world is nothing more than the physical world
Predestination (by G-d) G-d has already decided the fate of human beings
Rebirth The soul is reborn into another body
Resurrection After death, the body stays in the grave until the end of the world when it is raised
Selfishness Self-interest and concern with individual needs/wants which excludes considering those of others
Sin Behavior which is against the law of G-d
Soul The spiritual or non-material part of a person
Abortion The removal of a fetus from the womb before it can survive
Agnosticism Not being sure whether G-d exists
Atheism The belief that G-d doesn't exist
Benevolent Good will towards all beings
Causation The system of causes and effects within the universe (suggests a first cause that started the process)
(Religion) conversation An experience which changes a person`s whole outlook on life (and religious belief)
Design (of the world/universe by G-d) When things within the universe appear to be connected in a way which suggests purpose and a designer
Designer (G-d as) G-d is the designer of the world/universe, because it appears to have been designed
Euthanasia An easy and gentle death, usually associated with release from an incurable disease
First cause (G-d as) As everything has a cause, there must be a first cause of the world and that is G-d
Liberation Being set free from the cycle of rebirth
Monotheism Belief in one G-d
Moral evil The actions of human beings which cause suffering
Natural evil Natural features of the world which cause suffering, and which have nothing to do with human beings
(Religious) nurture Being brought up to follow the teachings of and practices of a religion
Omnipotent All powerful
Omniscient Knows everything (past, present and future)
Only possible explanation The existence of the world/universe requires an explanation, and the explanation is that G-d created it.
Polytheism Belief in more than one G-d
Salvation Being released from the limitations of human existence and sin to eternal life with G-d
Sanctity of life The belief that life is holy and belongs to G-d
Adultery A married person having sexual relations with someone other than their marriage partner
Celibacy Remaining unmarried and having no sexual relationships
Civil partnership A legal relationship between two people of the same sex, which gives the partners equal treatment with married couples in a wide range of areas
Cohabitation Living together without being married
Contraception A means of preventing a woman from becoming pregnant
Divorce The legal ending of a marriage
Extended family A number of different family relations, such as parents, children, grandparents, and other relations, living together as a unit or close to each other
Faithfulness (within marriage, a civil partnership or long-term relationship) Staying only with the partner and having sexual relations only with that partner
Genetic engineering Changing the basic structure of human life by medical means
Heterosexuality Being attracted to people of the opposite gender to yourself
Homosexuality Being attracted to people of the same gender to as yourself
Marriage A man and woman who have been legally joined together
Nuclear Family Mother, father and children living as a unit
Pre-marital sex Having sexual relations before marriage
Promiscuity Having sexual relations with a number of partners without any commitment
Reconstituted family Children from different marriages becoming one family after their divorced parents marry each other
Remarriage Marrying again after being divorced from a previous marriage
Rights of children The principle of treating children fairly
Role (of men or women within marriage, a civil partnership, long-term relationship or within the family) The part a person plays (in the particular relationship or in the family)
Status (of partners within marriage, a civil partner or long-term relationships) The importance of one partner in relation to the other
Charity Those who are wealthy giving money to the poor
Compassion Feeling pity for the suffering of others, which makes one want to help them
Disability A physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person`s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities
Disability bias Regarding and/or treating those with disability less favorably than others
Discrimination Treating people less favorably than because of their race/gender/color/class/disability
Equal opportunities All people being (legally) entitled to equal opportunities in relation to employment and provision of goods, facilities and services
Equal rights All people being (legally) entitled to fair to fair and equal treatment
Equality before the law A person`s right to fair and equal treatment and protection under the law
Exclusivism The belief that only one religion is true and avoiding people who follow other religions
Freedom of opinion A person`s right to hold any opinion they choose
Freedom of religion A person`s right to follow, or not to follow, a religion
Gender bias Regarding and/or treating either men or women more favorably
Human rights The principle of treating all people fairly
Inclusivism The belief that there is truth in all Religions and welcoming and working with other people, whatever their religion
Justice Making sure that people have what is theirs by right
Multi-faith society Different religions living together in one society
Multi-faith society Many different races and cultures living together in one society
Pluralism The belief that a multi-faith/multi-ethnic society is desirable
Prejudice Believing some people are inferior or superior without even knowing them
Proselytisation Trying to convert people to join a religion
Racial harmony People of different races/colors living together peacefully and happily
Racism The belief that some races are superior to others
Right to liberty The right to be free, and to be able go about one`s lawful business without interference or restriction
Created by: jamesjobling111
Popular Religion sets




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