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Health Safety
Question | Answer |
Ways individuals describe, monitor and interpret symptoms, take actionand use the health care system | Illness behaviors |
Dynamic state of being in which the devolopemenatl and behavioral potential of an individual is realized to the fullesst extent possible | Health |
activity undertaken for the purpose of achieving a higher level of health and well being | Health promotion |
Living organisms are seen as interacting;a unified whole gthat is more than the sum of its parts | Holism |
the tendency of the bosy to maintain a state of balance while continually changing -deviations from normal are sensed and counteracted | Homestasis |
level of achievement for a particular segment of a persons life | Developemental stage |
behavior motivated by a desire to actively avoid illness, detect it early, or maintain functioning within the constant of illness | Health protection |
the actions a person takes to understand health state, maintain optimal state of health, prevent illness and injury and reach maximum potential | Health behavior |
system of activities intended to produce learning | Teaching |
invidual who pleads the cause of another, or argues or pleads for a cause or proposal | Advocate |
the health of a person at a given time | Health Status |
A state of well being | Wellness |
a subjective for perception of balance, harmony, and vitality | Well being |
any activity undertaken for the purpose of achieving a higher level of health and well being | Health promotional model |
concepts about health that an individual believes are true | Health belief |
the extent to which an individuals behavior coincides with health advice | Adherance |
highly personal state in which th eperson feels unhealthy or ill, or maybe related to disease | illness |
An alteration in body fuction resulting in reduced capacities or shortening of the life span | Disease |
typically characterized by severe symptoms of relatively short duration | Acute disease |
illness that lasts for an extended period of time, usuually greater than 6 months | Chronic illness |