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Gordon's Functional Health Patterns
Question | Answer |
In what category would you classify these cues? How does client describe patient health status | Health Perception/health mgmt |
What is their ETOH use? | Health Perception/health mgmt |
What is their living situation | Health Perception/health mgmt |
What is their temperature, height and weight | Nutritional/metabolic |
Record IV solution and site | Nutritional/metabolic |
skin lesions? incision, dressing change? | Nutritional/metabolic |
Blood glucose? | Nutritional/metabolic |
condition of hair/nails | Nutritional/metabolic |
bladder/bowel patterns. laxative use. | Elimination |
catheter/dysuria/retention. I & O (intake and output) | elimination |
ADLs - cooking, hygiene, shopping, eating, working | Activity/Exercise (includes oxygenation & circulation) |
assistive devices | Activity/Exercise (includes oxygenation & circulation) |
patterns of exercise, leisure, recreation | Activity/Exercise (includes oxygenation & circulation) |
Chest Xray, Hct, Hg, pulse oximetry | Activity/Exercise (includes oxygenation & circulation) |
Blood pressure, pulses, respirations | Activity/Exercise (includes oxygenation & circulation) |
Blood gases, CBC, WBC | Activity/Exercise (includes oxygenation & circulation) |
energy level | Sleep/rest |
sleep patterns, rest, relaxation, naps. What does client do when he/she can't sleep | sleep/rest |
Client wear glasses, contacts, hearing aids? | cognitive/perceptual |
Does client have sense of taste, touch, smell? | cognitive/perceptual |
What is pain perception? How are they managing pain? | cognitive/perceptual |
Language difficulties | cognitive/perceptual |
Problems with memory, making decisions | cognitive/perceptual |
attitude about self, perception of abilities | self-perception |
body posture, carriage? | self-perception |
eye contact, voice/speech patterns | self-perception |
What concerns pt most about illness or hospitalization | self-perception |
what does client rely on for support | role-relationship |
how does illness effect others | role-relationship |
last menses? children? does illness have a possible effect on sexuality? | sexuality/reproduction |
recent loss of life? | coping/stress |
amount of stress? How do they respond to stress | coping/stress |
Spirituality? Ethics? Beliefs? Truths? | value/belief |
Work ethic, honesty, respect of elders, reliability | value/belief |
What functional pattern describes the client's perceived pattern of health and how well it is managed? | Health-Perception/Health Management pattern-----includes current & future activities |
Where would you classify a patient's adherence to medical/nursing care | health-perception/health management pattern |
what pattern describes food/fluid consumption relative tometabolic need and pattern indicators of local nutrient supply | nutritional-metabolic pattern |
condition of skin, mucous membranes | nutritional-metabolic |
describes patterns of excretory function | elimination pattern - includes SKIN, bowel, bladder and any devised used therefor |
includes ADLs as well as factors that interfere with desired/expected pattern such as nm deficits, dyspnea, angina, cardiac/pulmonary | activity-exercise pattern |
describes patterns of sleep, rest, relaxation - including medications and perception of energy level | sleep-rest pattern |
includes adequacy of sensory modes and compensation or prostheses utilized for disturbances | cognitive-perceptual pattern |
reports of pain, how it is managed | cognitive-perceptual pattern |
language, memory, decision making | cognitive-perceptual pattern |
body image, identity, sense of worth, emotional pattern | self-perceptions/self-concept pattern |
body posture, eye contact, voice pattern | self-perception/self-concept pattern |
satisfaction at work, school | role-relationship pattern |
disturbances in family or with friends | role-relationship pattern |
satisfaction or disturbances in sexuality, female's reproductive stage | sexuality-reproductive pattern |
reserve or capacity to resist challenge to self-integrity | coping-stress tolerance pattern |
modes to handle family or other support systems | coping-stress tolerance pattern |
patterns, goals that guide choices or decisions | value-belief pattern |
perception as to what is important in life, quality of life | value-belief pattern |
conflicts with respect to what is important in life, or perceived conflicts in expectations that are health related | value-belief pattern |