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275 Questions covering all the material

The action options and response objectives fall into these three types. Offensive, Defensive, Nonintervention
Action options and response objectives are based on: Estimated outcomes, Stage of the incident, Strategic goals
The following steps should be taken when determining response objectives. Estimate the exposures that could be saved. Determine the response objectives. Focus on changing the actions of the stressors, the containment system, and the hazardous material.
The response objectives are: Change the applied stress. Change the breach size. Change quantity released. Change size of the danger zone. Change exposures contacted. Change severity of harm.
ways to “Change Applied Stress” are: Move stressor. Move stressed system. Shield stressed system.
ways to “Change Breach Size” are: Chill contents. Limit stress levels. Activate venting devices. Mechanical repair.
Four ways to “Change Quantity Released” are: Change container position. Minimize pressure differential. Cap off breach. Remove contents.
ways to “Change Size of the Danger Zone” are: Barriers. Adsorbents. Absorbents. Diluents. Reactants. Overpack.
ways to “Change Exposures Contacted” are: Provide sheltering. Begin Evacuation. PPE.
ways to “Change Severity of Harm” are: Rinse off contamination. Increase distance from source. Provide shielding. Provide prompt medical attention.
Principals that apply to response objectives are One cannot influence events that already happened. The earilier the event sequence can be interupted the more acceptable the loss (the better?)
The Hazmat Technician Can recommend strategies to the incident commander
Level A equipment has been tested with 21 chemicals for this period of time. 3 Hours
This NFPA Standard is associated with vapor protection and Level A equipment. NFPA 1991
OSHA requires this Level of PPE when working with an unknown during decon operations. Level B (Page 137)
Level B equipment has been tested with 7 chemicals for this period of time. 1 Hour
This NFPA Standard is associated with liquid splash protection and Level B equipment. NFPA 1992.
Level C equipment uses this kind of respiratory protection. Air-Purifying Respirators (APR)
These levels of PPE can be utilized in an oxygen deficient environment. Level A and Level B.
MOPP Gear or daily work clothing are both considered this level of protection. Level D.
Fire entry suits, proximity suits, and undergarments are PPE for this hazard. Thermal.
Lead aprons are PPE used for this hazard type. Radiological.
These levels of PPE provide protection from asphyxiating hazards. Levels A, B, C
Etiological/biological hazards typically require this level of PPE. Level C
Situations when no information is available to judge whether PPE will provide adequate protection are: Chemicals not been tested with garments. Mixtures of two or more chemicals. Chemicals that cannot be identified. Extreme environmental conditions. Lack of data on clothing components.
SCBA provides this amount (time period) of air. 30 to 60 minutes.
A SAR air-line supply hose restricts users to this travel distance. 300 feet.
Considerations for selecting the proper respiratory protection. Name of chemical. Concentration. Hazard. Expected Exposure. OSHA Requirements.
Selection factors for selecting the proper chemical-protective clothing. Overall suit integrity. Materials chemical resistance. Materials physical properties. Design features. Service life. Potential for exposure. Known Hazards. Cost.
This term is an increased likelihood that a hazardous material will permeate and penetrate the garments, thus endangering the health of the responder. Degradation
The weakening of material, by exposure to chemicals. Chemical (degradation)
The weakening or destruction of a material, caused by rubbing against rough surfaces, or leaning/brushing against sharp objects. Physcial (degradation)
Indications of material degradation 1. Stiffness or excess pliability 2. Tears, cuts or abrasions. 3. Damage to zippers or closures. 4.Soft, sticky areas.
The movement of a chemical through the suit’s closures, cracks, or tears Penetration
The process by which a hazardous material moves through a given material on the molecular level, exposing the responder to contamination Permeation
NFPA 1991 covers this standard. Standard on Vapor-Protective Suits
NFPA 1992 covers this standard. Standard on Liquid Splash-Protective Suits
NFPA 1994 covers this standard. Standard on Protective Ensembles
This “type” of protection is fully encapsulating, airtight vapor-protective suit with SCBA worn on the inside. Type 1
This “type” of protection is a nonencapsulation suit with SCBA worn on the outside. Type 2
This “type” of protection is a supplied air respirator with encapsulation suits Type 3
This type of heat exchange unit has the following advantages and disadvantages. Advantage: Cools the entire body. Disadvantage: requires an air line and large quantities of breathable air. Air Cooled
This type of heat exchange unit has the following advantages and disadvantages. Adv: Relatively inexpensive and lightweight, improve worker comfort, decrease lens fogging. Dis: The coolant packs add additional bulk and weight to the responder’s equipment Ice Cooled
This type of heat exchange unit has the following advantages and disadvantages. Adv: Most effective method for controlling body core temperatures. This technology can also be used as a warming system in cold conditions. Dis: Adds both weight and bulk and Water Cooled
This type of heat exchange unit has the following advantages and disadvantages. Adv: creates a constant temperature vest and works in harmony with the body. Dis: Cost and requires an ice water or a refrigeration unit to cool the vests. Phase change cooling technology
Process are used in selecting protective clothing. 1. Criteria established by EPA and OSHA. 2. The Chemical Protective Clothing must be compatible with the chemicals to which it will be exposed. 3. Breakthrough time. 4. Manufactures’ recommendations
Physiological and psychological stress that can affect users of PPE 1. Low dexterity and mobility. 2. Low visibility. 3. Communication problems. 4. Physical Stress. 5. Claustrophobia 6. Limited dexterity. 7. Heat stress and heat exhaustion. 8. Practice wearing PPE can reduce anxiety
1. Heat stress is caused by the inability of the body to transfer heat to the atmosphere at a rate equal to, or faster than, it is being generated. 2. Working in a level of PPE that partially or fully blocks the body/s radiated heat from escaping into the general heat stress symptoms
1. Cramps in the extremities or abdomen caused by the imbalance of chemicals in the body, as a result of excessive sweating. 2. Symptoms: muscle cramps, weakness, heavy presperation heat cramps
Caused by the loss of body fluids through sweating without adequate fluid replacement. Symptoms: Excessive sweating and pale, moist, cool skin. heat exhaustion
Exposed to high temperatures which causes the body temperature to rise. It occurs more rapidly in individuals who are engaged in work or other physical activity. It is caused by a failure of the obdy’s cooling mechanism. Symptoms: hot, dry red skin and ra Heatsroke
Level A equipment should be selected When the greatest level of skin, respiratory, and eye protection is required.
Level B equipment should be selected When the highest level of respiratory protection is necessary but a lesser level of skin protection is needed
Level C equipment should be selected When the concentrations and types of airborne substances are known and the criteria for APRs are met
Level D equipment should be selected When the atmosphere contains no known hazard
Level C should not be selected When atmosphere contains less than 19.5% oxygen
An emergency egress (escape system) comes in two sizes 5 minutes and 10-minutes
This should never be used by the initial first responders Air Purifying Resperators (APR)
The risk assessment factors for selecting chemical-protective clothing ID the hazards present, Specific tasks to be performed, compliance with instructions, potential for exposure, consequence of exposure, Determine the risk
The disadvantages for Type 3 protective suits are: length of the hose (300 ft), trip hazards, restricted maneuverability, and requirement of emergency air kit.
Provides the highest level of resperatory and skin protections Level A Suit
NFPA 1500 requires all responders using SCBA to be medically certified annually
Air cooled advantages Cools the entire body.
Air cooled disadvantages requires an air line and large quantities of breathable air.
Ice cooled advantages Relatively inexpensive and lightweight, improve worker comfort, decrease lens fogging.
Ice cooled disadvantages The coolant packs add additional bulk and weight to the responder’s equipment and need ice source at scene
Water cooled advantages Most effective method for controlling body core temperatures.
Water cooled disadvantages Adds both weight and bulk and cooling system for water
Phase change cooling technology advantages creates a constant temperature (59F) vest and works in harmony with the body
Phase change cooling technology disadvantages ost and requires an ice water or a refrigeration unit to cool the vests.
General heat stress symptoms include: inablity of the body to transfer heat, working in PPE that blocks body's radiated heat, lack of water or electrolytes in body
Heat cramp symptoms muscle cramps,weakness, heavy persperation
Heat exhaustion symptoms Pale, moist, cool skin
Heatstroke symtoms hot, dry and red (flushed) skin, unconsciousness or sudden collapse
While selecting protective clothing use the criteria established by EPA and OSHA
Process by which materials hold liquids. Absorption.
Chemical method of decontamination involving the interaction of a hazardous liquid and a solid sorbent surface which stays rigid, with no volume increase. Adsorption.
Examples of Adsorption. Activated Charcoal. Silica. Aluminum Gel. Fuller’s Earth.
Applying a cover of gas over the surface of a hazardous material. Blanketing.
Physical Method of confinement, typically a temporary measure. Covering.
Physical method of confinement by which barriers are constructed to prevent or reduce the quantity of liquid flowing into the environment. Damming.
This type of dam is used to trap floating lighter-than water materials behind the dam. Underflow dam.
Spill control tactic used to trap sinking heavier-than-water materials behind the dam. Overflow dam.
Physical method of confinement by which barriers are constructed on ground used to control the movement of liquids, sludges, solids, or other materials. Diking.
Reducing the concentration of a contaminant. Dilution.
Chemical method of confinement by which certain chemical or biological agents are used to disperse or break up the material involved in liquid spills or water. Dispersion.
Physical method of confinement by which barriers are contructed on ground or placed in a waterway to intentionally control the movement of a hazardous material. Diversion.
Activities involved in controlling and extinguishing fires. Fire suppression.
Altering a contaminant chemically so that the resulting chemical is harmless. Neutralization
Physical method for containment in which a leaking or damaged container, drum, or vessel is placed inside a larger, specially constructed container. Overpacking.
Placing material over a breach and holding it in place to stop flow. Patching.
Inserting, driving, or screwing a chemically compatible object into the breach of a container to reduce or temporarily stop the flow. Plugging.
Physical or chemical method of containment by which the internal pressure of a closed container is reduced. Pressure isolation and reduction.
Physical method of confinement by which a liquid is temporarily contained in an area where it can be absorbed, neutralized, or picked up for proper disposal. Retention.
Causing a liquid to solidify. Solidification.
Physically moving a liquid, gas or some forms of solids either manually, by pump, or by pressure transfer. Transfer.
Physical method of control by which water spray or fans are used to reduce the concentration of a gas below the LEL. Vapor Dispersion.
Physical method of control to reduce or eliminate the vapors emanating from a spilled or released material. Vapor Suppression.
Most important thing to consider with any method of control Compatability of substance and control material
who regulates confined space operations OSHA
Procedures, equipment, and safety precautions for preserving and collecting legal evidence at hazardous material/WMD incident is consistent with IAW organizational SOP/SOG
Why do you bond or ground trucks during transfer? Shock hazards
What kind of pump does the; (DOT-406, MC-306),(DOT-407, MC-307), (DOT-412, MC-312) have? Power take-off
what are the questions; Is the incident stabilizing?, Is the incident increasing in intensity?, asked during Evaluating the effectiveness of personnel
What are the three components of a debriefing? Direction, Participation, Solutions
When should the debrief take place as soon as practical
Who should be involved in the debrief? all participants
Three components of a critique Direction, Participation, Solutions
Who should be involved in a critique Representitives responding agencies or groups that were on scene/ individuals responsible for training
How long are exposure records kept? 30 years after employment
What type of environment are you in if levels are above IDLH Toxic
What are examples of decontamination methods. 1: Absorption 2: Adsorption 3: Chemical degradation 4: Dilution 5: Disposal 6: Evaporation 7: Neutralization 8: Solidification 9: Vacuuming 10: Washing
What is the purpose of Absorption? To absorb liquid contaminants without changing their properties (e.g. soil, sand, and absorbent pillows/pads made from polypropylene & natural fibers)
What is the purpose of Adsorption? Contaminant sticks to the sorbent material without adding to the volume of the sorbent. The resulting chemical reaction is heat. (e.g. Activated charcoal, silica)
What is the purpose of Chemical degradation? To let the contaminate degrade itself over time by allowing it to age.
What is the purpose of Dilution? To lower the concentration of a miscible liquid contaminant by adding a non-hazardous liquid solution. Method of last resort. Dilution significantly increases the quantity of the material that must be contained.
What is the purpose of Disposal? To remove contaminated item(s) and transport them to a containment/disposal facility.
What is the purpose of Evaporation? Allow the contaminant to evaporate.
What is the purpose of Neutralization? To add a chemical to a contaminant, in order to change its chemical structure, with the goal of eliminating or rendering it harmless.
What is the purpose of Solidification? To add a chemical to the contaminant that will convert its physical state from liquid to solid.
What is the purpose of Vacuuming? To gather the contaminant by sucking it from the surface and placing it in a container.
What is the purpose of Washing? To remove contamination by decontaminating with water or soapy water.
Incident action plan elements include: 1: Site description 2: Entry objectives 3: On-scene organization and control 4: Hazard(s) evaluation 5: Personal protective equipment 6: On-scene work assignments 7: Communication procedures 8: Decontamination procedures 9: Other considerations
Other considerations for Incident action plan elements: Emergency procedures, safety considerations (safety offecer), monitoring (enviroment and personnel), medical care, personnel accountablitiy (buddy system), rehabilitation, debrieg and critique
Analysis of hazard and risk, site map or sketch, site work/control zones, use of the buddy system. are elements of what plan Site Safety Plan
A site safety plan includes Analysis of hazard and risk, site map or sketch, site work/control zones, use of the buddy system, site communicatin, command post location, SOPs, Med assistance and triage, Hazard Monitoring plan, Decon procedures, and other topics relevant to incident
Which responders must meet all the competencies of their appropriate levels in accordance with NFPA 472 incident commander, branch officers, and all haz mat responders
Amount of risk to take when no possiblity of saving lives no risk to safety of members is acceptable
What level of LEL should you Continue working with caution <10%
What level of LEL should you Continue working with continuous monitoring 10% to 25%
What level of LEL should you withdraw or evacuate >25%
When is the safety briefing given? Prior to working on the scene
Procedures for conducting safety briefings should be outlined in the organizations Standard Operating Procedures
Who are safety briefings given to? All Personnel
The incident commander, branch officers, and all hazardous materials responders have to meet all the competencies of their appropriate levels in accordance with NFPA 472
Hot and warm zones are supervised by a branch officer
Medical monitoring of all responders is accomplished before they can proceed to work in PPE, in accordance with NFPA 471
who is in charge of the guidelines for flammable vapors EPA
When LEL is <10% you should Continue working with caution
When LEL is 10% to 25% you should Continue working with continuous monitoring
When LEL is >25% you should withdraw or evacuate
Pre-entry activities to be performed include must be consistent with LERP, pre-entry medical monitoring, review of the action plan, ID of (safety officer, control zones, Escape route, designated withdrawl signal, ID safe locations uphill)
Identification of safety officer, control zones, Escape route, designated withdrawl signal, ID safe locations uphill should be done when: Before Pre-entry
What are some sources of technical information for selecting appropriate decontamination procedures? 1) CHEMTREC 2) MSDS 3) Product manufacturers 4) National Response Center 5) Local or regional poison control
Techniques for hazardous materials control. 1) Adsorption 2) Neutralization 3) Overpacking 4) Patching 5) Plugging
Atmospheric hazards in confined spaces: 1) Oxygen-deficient: Oxygen levels below 19.5% 2) Oxygen-enriched: Oxygen levels above 23.5%, Flammable explosive conditions, and toxic conditions
Physical Hazards of working in confined speces: Engulfment, Falls/Slips, Electrical, Structural, Mechanical
Have an additional spefic safety breifing Entry and backup teams
All hazmat incidents should be Treated as a potential crime scene
What are key elements of collecting legal evidence IAW organizational SOP/SOG, Use of eveidence collection kit, Techniques for collecting samples are critical to material identification, treat all haz mat scenes as crime scene
Is critical for material identification Sample collection techniques
Benefits of ICS Integrated communications and terminology standards, flexible organization to meet any kind or size of incident, consitant position titiles, provides log and adm support to opperational staff, cost effective, avoids duplication of work
Incident Command System components Command, Unified command, Incident command post, Base, Staging area, command staff, safety officer, liason officer, public information officer, general staff
The Command element of ICS Is established when first unit arrives and is maintained until last unit leaves
The Unified Command element of ICS Is an important element in multijurisdictional or multiagency domestic incident management
The Incident command post element of ICS Is located near the scene of the emergency, uphill and upwind of the incident
The Base element of ICS Is the Location at which primary logistics functions are performed (only one per incident)
The liaison officer is the primary contact for supporting agencies
The primary contact for supporting agencies The Liaison Officer
The primary functions for the General Staff include: Divert complexity of the event by assigning individuals to oversee parts of the incident as it expands and grows.
The Major functional components within the ICS Finacne/Administration, Logistics, Operations, Planning
The operations section is directly involved in the incident and responsible for all tactical opperations at the incident
Divisions Divide an incident geographically
Groups Are functional areas of operations
Branches Are used when number of Divisions and Groups exceeds the span of control, represent a higher level of combined resources.
Haz Mat Branch can include: Haz Mat branch director/group superviser, assistant safety officer (HAZMAT safety), site access control leader, decon leader, Tech specialists (hazmat leader), and safe refuge area manager
The Assistant Safety Officer is also refered to as the Hazardous materials branch safety officer
Makes recommendations concerning control activities in the hot zone Entry team leader
Responsibel for reducing and preventing the spread of contamination Decon team leader
Gathers information and reports to the IC and HazMat Safety Officer (Assistant SO) Technical Specialist
Is responsible for participating in the safety briefing, altering or suspending unsafe acts to responders and maintaing accountablitiy for all resources assigned to haz mat mitigation efforts Hazardous material Safety Officer (assistant safety officer)
Is responsible for the collection, evaluation, dissemination and use of information relevant to the incident The planning section
Units of the planning section Resources Unit, Situation Unit, Demobilization Unit, and Documentation Unit
Collects and analyzes information on the current situation Situation Unit
Conducts all check-in activities, keeps track of available personnel and equipment Resources Unit
Assists in ensuring that resources are released from the incident in an orderly, safe, cost-effective manner Demobilization Unit
Provides duplication services, written Incident Action Plan, and archives all incident-related documentation Documentation Unit
Is responsible for: communications, med support amd food for incident personnel, supplies, facilities (sleeping, sanitation, and showers) and Ground Support (trans) Logistics
Responsible for contract negotiations and monitoring, time keeping, cost analysis and compensation for injury or damage to property Finacne/Administration
According to NFPA 472 is responsible for unsing a risk-based response process to analyze a problem involving Hazmat/WMD and select decon procedures, select PPE, and control measures for an incident? HazMat Technition
Safety Procedures for working in PPE include Extreme weather protection, dehydration protection,medical screenings, track suit time, account for bad visibility, mobility, dexterity, and communications, need for decon
Must be operational before site entry Decontamination corridor
What should be established to replenish fluids and allow for rest and recovery? Rehabilitation program
Type of ICS control divides an incident geographically Divisions
Type of ICS control are functional areas of operations Groups
Type of ICS control are used when number of Divisions and Groups exceeds the span of control, represent a higher level of combined resources. Branches
Loss of air supply, suit integrity, and verbal communication or man down in a hot zone all refer to Emergency procedures personnel in PPE should know
What is the most critical thing to consider when repairing and testing chemical protective clothing manufacturer’s guidelines
Established when the first unit arrives on scene and is maintained until the last unit leaves the scene Command
important element in multijurisdictional or multiagency domestic incident management Unified Command
Location near the scene of the emergency where the primary tactical level, coordination, control, communications are centralized and incident command functions are performed Incident Command Post
Location at which temporary logistics functions for an incident are coordinated and administered Base
Where reserves of personnel and other resources can be placed Staging area
Which regulation determine the qualifications for the IC OSHA HAZWOPER
Consist of the safety officer, the liaison officer, and the public information officer Command Staff
Has the responsibility to identify and evaluate hazards and to provide direction with respect to the safety of operations for the emergency at hand Safety Officer
types of leaks on pressure bulk/non bulk containers are: Fusible metal plug, side wall, and valve
Position the drum so the leak is above the product level and Tighten bung clockwise to easily stop a: Bung Leak
Tightening the drum rim clamp, wire brushing paint, and using compatiable materials is essential to fix what kind of leak Chime leak
What should be considered when using a wire brush flammability of haz material
What is the first step in fixing a leak on a drum? Position the drum so that the leak is above the product level
Is considered the most complex type of drum leak Forklift puncture
Using compatable golf tees or screws with washers is best suited for this leak Nail puncture
When used with corrosives fire can be a hazard of this wooden plugs
May dissolve when exposed to some chemicals whenused to stop a nail puncture Rubber plugs
Techiques for placing an over pack in a drum include Slide-in, rolling slide-in, slip-over
Over pack method that include the following steps: lay drum side, place rollers under drum, roll drum into overpack, upright, seal and lable Slide-in
Over pack method that include the following steps: lay drum on side, position overpack at 45 degree angle, "V" roll into over pack, upright, seal, and label Rolling slide-in
Over pack method that include the following steps: position drum on inverted lid, place overpack over drum, tighten lid, upright seal and label Slip-over
Safety considerations using a overpack drum Overpack should be compatable with product, use proper lifting techniques, use caution to avoid feet/leg injuries, use appropriate PPE
Oxygen-deficient, flammable, or toxic atmoshere and engulfment hazard are considerations for Assessing a leak or spill inside a confined space
Safety considerations for product transfer operations Grounding ,Bonding, Elimination of ignition sources, shock hazards
Connecting two or more conductive object together by means of a conductor is Bonding
Connecting one or more conductive objects to the ground is Grounding
Steps for grounding and bonding a damaged tank to an undamaged tank Ground both tanks, then bond tanks together
What is used to repair a Dome cover leak Dome clamps (special clamps)
What is used to repair an irregular-shapped hole, puncture, split or tear? Compatable wedges, plugs, epoxy putties, patches, etc (NFPA 472)
Common methods for tranfer for 406,407,412 Tanks are Vacuum trucks, Power-take-off pumps (PTO), portable pumps
Common methods for tranfer for 331, 338 Tanks are: Pressure Transfer using valves
You should check the following for the effectiveness of action operations How HazMat personnel are used, control zones, containment/confinment ops, decon process, and PPE
Absorption Advantages: readily available
Absorption Limitations: absorbed contaminant remains hazardous
Adsorption Advantages: can leave less residual contamination than an absorbent
Adsorption Limitations: Creates heat that could cause spontaneous combustion
Chemical degradation Advantages: inexpensive, reduces or eliminates resource requirements
Chemical degradation Limitations: Requires sufficient time for the material to degrade, weather and location of the spill must be favorable  Evaporation of a flammable liquid spill
Dilution Limitations: run-off must be collected
Dilution Advantages: Water typically available in large quantities, effective on water-soluble materials
Disinfection- Advantages: increasingly important due to CBRN threat
Disinfection- Limitations: Does not cause complete destruction of the microorganism
Evaporation- Advantages: no resources required, do not have to handle contaminant
Evaporation- Limitations: Not as effective on porous surfaces and could take a long time to completely remove the chemical
Isolation and disposal Advantages: eliminates the immediate threat to people, property and the environment
Isolation and disposal Limitations: requires encapsulating the contaminated items and has increased potential for cross contamination
Neutralization Advantages: eliminates the contaminant’s toxicity and thereby eliminates the secondary threat posed
Neutralization Limitations: neutralizing chemical may not be readily available
Solidification Advantages: Makes confinement, containment quicker and disposal easier
Solidification Limitations: could pose additional problems when liquid contaminant increases in volume as it solidifies
Sterilization- not on personnel Advantages: preferred method to decontaminate medical equipment
Sterilization- not on personnel Limitations: limited field application, cannot be used to decontaminate personnel
Vacuuming Advantages: effective for removing granular size particles from surface, won't increase volume of hazmat
Vacuuming Limitations: static electricity and fine dust created can cause explosion, specialized container required
Washing Advantages: Best way to decontaminate personnel and equipment
Washing Limitations: hazards of contaminant are not neutralized and runoff must be controlled
Ultimate responsiblilty for implementing a decon plan falls on the: incident commander
Overseas the implementation of the decon procedures Hazardous Material Officer
When determining applicable decontamination procedures contact: Manufacturers, CHEMTREC, Local and regional control centers, National Response Center
Is the first major difference between HAZMAT situation and a CBRN incident number of expected victims
Questions to be asked before initiating decon: Can decon be done safely? Are existing resources adequate? What are the agents to be contaminated? What are the existing and forecast weather? What is the terrain?
Methods of decon physical, chemical, prevention
Decon effectiveness can be assessed by levels of contamination reduced, contamination confined to hot zone prior to vapor line, contamination is reduced to ALARA
Three fundamental stages of decontamination Primary- gross contamination removal; Secondary- residual contamination removal; Tertiary- PPE removal and personal shower
mass decon is a multi-stage, resource intensive process
Single most important step in decon which removes 50-80% of contaminent Removing chothes
What percent of the contaminent is removed just by removing clothing 50-80%
How long should wash time be 30 seconds to 3 minutes
Five basic steps for the process of mass decontamination: Initial Size-up, Victim Control and Decontamination Triage, Decontamination Setup, Mass Decontamination Execution, Post Decontamination
Three components of an effective debriefing or incident critique Direction, participation, and solutions
This should take place as soon as practically possible after an event according to LERP Debriefing
How many people should facilitate the debriefing One
The components of an effective critique portrayed as a positive process; Requires, direction, participation, and solutions; allows for the modification of SOPs; promotes collaboration between agencies
How many years does OSHA required records be maintained after employment 30 years
Who requires records to be kept for 30 years after employement OSHA
These records are important to assist in the chronological accounts of the incident and with follow up of responders if problems arise at a later date debriefing records
Move stressor. Move stressed system. Shield stressed system. Are all : ways to “Change Applied Stress”
Chill contents. Limit stress levels. Activate venting devices. Mechanical repair. Are all : ways to “Change Breach Size”
Change container position. Minimize pressure differential. Cap off breach. Remove contents. Are all : ways to “Change Quantity Released”
Barriers. Adsorbents. Absorbents. Diluents. Reactants. Overpack. Are all : ways to “Change Size of the Danger Zone”
Provide sheltering. Begin Evacuation. PPE. Are all : ways to “Change Exposures Contacted”
Rinse off contamination. Increase distance from source. Provide shielding. Provide prompt medical attention. Are all : ways to “Change Severity of Harm”
Type of decontamination level that can occur at any point during a decon opperations Emergency Decon
Type of decontamination level that refers to the rapid reduction of agent from the skin of many contaminated victims Mass Decon
Type of decontamination level that refers to the deliberate decon of responders, equipment, and evidence Technical Decon
Does not provide adequate protection for many TIMs MOPP Gear
What percent bleach solution followed by complete flushing is the maximum bleach concentration used for skin and clothing 5%
A 5% bleach solution is used for decon of skin and clothing
A rule of thumb to create a 5% bleach solution is 10 parts water to 1 part bleach
These DOD charcoal-based resin absorbents are available for commercial purchase M291 and M295 SDK
Decontamninent types Miscellaneous (commercial, Natural, and standard military
rehabilitation programs to allow for: -Replenishment of fluids -Allow for rest and recovery
Created by: woodyb42
Popular Military sets




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