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Army SOM Board
Question | Answer |
What does ASAP stand for? | Army Substance Abuse Program |
What is the mission of ASAP? | The ASAP's mission is to strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the Army's total workforce and to enhance the combat readiness of its Soldiers |
What is meant by deglamorization of alcohol? | Personnel will not promote any function glamorizing the use of alcohol through drinking contest, games, initiations, or the awarding of alcoholic beverages as prizes in contests |
What are the Army Values? | Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage |
What FM covers Land Navigation? | FM 3-25.26 |
What FM covers First Aid? | FM 4-25.11 |
What does SPORTS stand for? | Slaps gently upword on the magazine, Pulls the chraging handle fully to the rear, Observe, Release the charging handle, Tap the forward assist and Squeezes the trigger |
What are the 3 types of counselings? | Event counseling, Performance counseling, Professional growth |
What are the 4 stages of the counseling process? | Identify the need for counseling, Prepare for counseling, Conduct the counseling, Follow up |
What is communications? | Communications is the flow or exchange of information and ideas from one person to another. |
Leaders should seek to develop and improve what three leader counseling skills? | 1. Active Listening 2. Responding 3. Questioning |
When was the US Army Medical Command shoulder sleeve insignia approved? | 31 January 1973 |
What army regulation covers awards? | AR 600-8-22 |
What army regulation covers uniforms? | AR 670-1 |
What army regulation covers Military Justice? | AR 27-10 |
What are the 7 types of ammunition for the M4? | 1. Ball 2. Ball Green Tip 3. Tracer 4. Tracer Red Tip 5. Blank 6. Dummy 7. Training Round |
How many SMAs have there been? | 14 |
When was the position SMA established? | July 4th 1966 |
What can you do to help ACS? | Donate foodstuff, donate usable household goods, and donate your time |
What is AER? | AER provides financial assistance to soldiers and their families in time of distress |
What AR covers safety? | AR 385-10 |
What does DEERS stand for? | Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System |
What is DEERS used for? | To obtain dependent ID cards for spouses and children |
What AR covers army sponsorship? | AR 600-8-8 |
What are the six element of Army Sponsorship? | 1. DA Form 5434 2. Welcome letter 3. ACS Relocation Readiness Service 4. Reception 5. Oreintation 6. Inprocessing |
What are the general rules for appointing a sponsor? | Sponsor should be the same grade or higher to the incoming soldier. Should be the same sex as incoming solider and firmiliar with the unit. |
What does FM 7-0 cover? | Training the force |
What AR covers Leadership? | AR 6-22 |
What is Leadership? | Leadership in influcing people by providing purpose, direction and motivation while operating to acomplish the mission and improve the organization |
Describe the "BE, KNOW and DO" | BE the values and attributes that shape a leader KNOW your skills in the technical side of your job to the people skills it takes to be a leader and DO apply what you know |
What are the Norths on a military map? | True north, grid north and magnetic north |
What are the 3 types of contour lines? | Index, intermediate and supplementary |
What are the 5 major terrain features on a map? | Hill Valley Ridge Saddle Depression |
What are the three minor terrain features on a map? | Draw Clif Spur |
What is an azimuth? | A horizonatal angle, measured in a clockwise manner from a north baseline, expressing direction |
Name 2 ways to hold a compass? | Compass to Check Center Hold |
Name 2 ways to orient a map | Use a compass and terrain associaiton |
What does FM 7-0 cover? | Training the force |
What AR covers Leadership? | AR 6-22 |
What are the 7 steps to problem solving? | 1. Identify the problem 2. Gather information 3. Develope critera 4. Generate solutions 5. Analyze solutions 6. Compare solutions 7. Implement decision |
What are the Norths on a military map? | True north, grid north and magnetic north |
What are the 3 types of contour lines? | Index, intermediate and supplementary |
What are the 5 major terrain features on a map? | Hill Valley Ridge Saddle Depression |
What are the three minor terrain features on a map? | Draw Clif Spur |
What is an azimuth? | A horizonatal angle, measured in a clockwise manner from a north baseline, expressing direction |
Name 2 ways to hold a compass? | Compass to Check Center Hold |
Explain the chain of command | The succession of commanders superior to suborinates through which the command is exercised |
Define responsiblity | Being acountable for what you do |
How does the chain of command support the NCO support channel? | By legally punishing those who question a sergeants authoirty |
Define duty | Duty is a legal or moral obligation to do what should be done without being told to do it |
What is the NCO support channel? | The channel of communication that reinforces the chain of command |
Who is the only member of both your chain of command and NCO support channel? | Your first line supervisor |
What AR covers ERS? | AR 623-3 |
What AR covers Chain of Command? | AR 600-20 |
What is the DA form 705? | Physical Readiness Training Scorecard |
Name 2 physical fitness formations | Extended rectangular Circular |
What FM covers Physical Readiness Training? | FM 21-20 |
What TC covers Physical Readiness Training | TC 3-22.20 |
What is the unique feature of type "O" blood? | It is a universal donor |
What is the object of first aid? | Control bleeding, overcome shock, relieve pain and prevent infection |
Name 4 common points for checking pulse | Carotid, Radial, Femoral and Posterior Tibial |
Name the four types of burns | Chemical, Thermal, Electrical and Laser |
What AR covers MWR and soldier support activities? | AR 215-1 |
What is the FM concerning the M16/A2 Rifle? | FM 3-22.9 |
What are the four fundamentals of marksmanship? | Steady position, breathing, sight picture and trigger squeeze |
What is a malfunction? | The weapon ceasing to fire due to a stoppage resulting from mechanical failure of the weapon, magazine or ammo. |
Name the different categories of malfunctions on the M16/A2. | Failure to feed, chamber or lock Failure to fire cartridge Failure to Extract Failure to Eject |
What is stoppage? | A stoppage is a failure of an automatic or semiautomatic firearm to complete the cycle of operation. |
Describe the M16/A2 | A 5.56 mm, magazine fed, gas-operated, air-cooled, semiautomatic or three-round burst, hand-held, shoulder-fired weapon. |
Describe the ranges for the M16/A2 Rifle. | Maximum Range - 3,600 meters Max Effective Range for a Point Target - 550 meters Max Effective Range for an Area Target - 800 meters |
What are the 8 steps in the functioning of the M16/A2 rifle? | Feeding Chambering Locking Firing Unlocking Extracting Ejecting Cocking |
What FM covers the M9 pistol? | FM 3-23.35 |
Describe the M9 | The M9 pistol is a 9-mm, semiautomatic, magazine fed, recoil-operation, double-action weapon chambered for the 9-mm cartridge. |
What are the ranges for a M9? | Max range 1800m Max effective 50m |
What STP covers Warrior Tasks? | STP 21-1 |
What Army regulation covers Salutes, honors and visits of courtesy? | AR 600-25 |
What Field Manual covers counseling? | FM 6-22 Appendix B |
A counseling session consists of what 4 basic components? | Opening the session. Discussing the issues. Developing the plan of action. Recording and closing the session. |
What is counseling? | Counseling is the process used by leaders to review with a subordinate the subordinate's demonstrated performance and potential. |
What form is used for counseling? | DA Form 4856 E |
When did the US Army degree? | June 14, 1775 |
What did Baron Fredriech von Steuben teach the Continental Army at Valley Forge? | Drill formations. Proper care of equipment. The use of the bayonet. Offciers responsibility for taking care of the soldiers. Taught NCOs how to train and lead those soldiers |
When was the Declaration of Independence signed? | July 4, 1776 |
On what date did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor? | December 7, 1941 |