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School Nurse Certification
Question | Answer |
Low set ears may indicate what? | Chromosomal abnormalities or genitourinary defects. |
Pain when pulling on the top (helix) of the ear may indicate what? | Otitis externa or Swimmer's ear. |
Pain, tenderness, swelling or nodules located on the bony protruberance behind the ear (the mastoid)may indicate what? | Internal inflammation and infection. |
Which area of the ear houses the tympanic membrane and the 3 bones that carry vibrations? | The middle ear. |
What are the three bones that carry the vibration in the inner ear? | The malleus (hammer), the incus (anvil) and the stapes (stirrup.) |
Which part of the ear houses that 3 semicircular cannals, the vestibule, the cochlea, and the auditory nerve? | The inner ear. |
What connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx? | The eustachian tubes. |
What is the usual decibel level for hearing screening? | 20 decibles. |
What are frequencies are usually tested during hearing screenings? | 1000, 2000 and 4000Hz |
How is the Weber test performed? | Place base of a vibrating tuning fork on midline top of the head; ask the child where the sound is heard best. |
What is the expected outcome of the Weber test? | Sound should be heard equally in both ears? |
How is the Rinne test performed? | Strike a tuning fork against your palm; place base of tuning fork against the mastoid. Note when sound will no longer be heard by seconds. Repeat process but place the fork against the external meatus; should be heard longer than when on the bone. |