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RP Exam

Inrate Information

Dewey Decimal Classification 000 General Works
Dewey Decimal Classification 100 Philosophy
Dewey Decimal Classification 200 Religion
Dewey Decimal Classification 300 Social Sciences
Dewey Decimal Classification 400 Language
Dewey Decimal Classification 500 Pure Sciences
Dewey Decimal Classification 600 Applied Sciences
Dewey Decimal Classification 700 Art
Dewey Decimal Classification 800 Literature
Dewey Decimal Classification 900 History and Geography
Major Numerical Subject Group 1000 Military Personnel
Major Numerical Subject Group 2000 Telecommunications
Major Numerical Subject Group 3000 Operational Readiness
Major Numerical Subject Group 4000 Logistics
Major Numerical Subject Group 5000 General Administration and Management
Major Numerical Subject Group 6000 Medicine and Dentistry
Major Numerical Subject Group 7000 Financial Management
Major Numerical Subject Group 8000 Ordnance Material
Major Numerical Subject Group 9000 Ships Design and Material
Major Numerical Subject Group 10000 General Material
Major Numerical Subject Group 11000 Facilities and Activities Ashore
Major Numerical Subject Group 12000 Civilian Personnel/ Astronautical Material
Major Numerical Subject Group 16000 Coast Guard Mission
Standard Subject Identification Code 1010 Military Inspections
Standard Subject Identification Code 1020 Uniforms
Standard Subject Identification Code 1050 Leave and Liberty
Standard Subject Identification Code 1100 Recruiting
Standard Subject Identification Code 1300 Assignment and Distribution
Standard Subject Identification Code 1400 Promotion and Advancement
Standard Subject Identification Code 1500 Training and Education
Standard Subject Identification Code 1601 Duties and Watch
Standard Subject Identification Code 1611 Officer Performance
Standard Subject Identification Code 1616 Enlisted Performance
Standard Subject Identification Code 1650 Decorations, Medals, and Awards
Standard Subject Identification Code 1730/1 Auxiliary Chaplains
Standard Subject Identification Code 4200 Contracting
Standard Subject Identification Code 4600 Travel and Transportation
Standard Subject Identification Code 5000 General Administration and Management
Standard Subject Identification Code 5210 Records Management
Standard Subject Identification Code 5212 Records Disposal
Standard Subject Identification Code 5354 Equal Opportunity
Standard Subject Identification Code 5216 Correspondence
Standard Subject Identification Code 6000 Medicine and Dentistry
Standard Subject Identification Code 6100 Physical Fitness
Standard Subject Identification Code 7100 Budgeting
Standard Subject Identification Code 9000 Ships Design and Material
Alloted square footage for a library space with personnel numbering <150 Space as available
Alloted square footage for a library space with personnel numbering 151-299 100
Alloted square footage for a library space with personnel numbering 300-450 145
Alloted square footage for a library space with personnel numbering 451-1000 260
Alloted square footage for a library space with personnel numbering 1001-1350 300
Alloted square footage for a library space with personnel numbering 1351-1750 350
Alloted square footage for a library space with personnel numbering 1751-2000 500
Alloted square footage for a library space with personnel numbering >2000 1200
Library- what is the usual loan period for books? Two weeks
Library- what is the usual loan period for subcription items like magazines and periodicals? Seven days
Library- what is the usual loan period for music tapes and CDs? Three days
Marine Corps Section S-1 Personnel and Administration
Marine Corps Section S-2 Intelligence
Marine Corps Section S-3 Operations
Marine Corps Section S-4 Supply and Logistics
Marine Corps Section S-5 Planning
Marine Corps Section S-6 Communications and Information Systems
ACE Aviation Combat Element
GCE Ground Combat Element
CSSE Combat Service Support Element
MAW Marine Air Wing
MLG Marine Logistics Group
FSSG Field Service Support Group
FMTB Field Medical Training Battalion
MWSG Marine Wing Support Group
MAGTF Marine-Air-Ground Task Force
MHG MEF Headquarters Group
MEF Marine Expeditionary Force
MEB Marine Expeditionary Brigade
MEU Marine Expeditionary Unit
Marine E-1 Private
Marine E-2 Private, First Class
Marine E-3 Lance Corporal
Marine E-4 Corporal
Marine E-5 Sergeant
Marine E-6 Staff Sergeant
Marine E-7 Gunnery Sergeant
Marine E-8 Master Sergeant/ First Sergeant
Marine E-9 Master Gunnery Sergeant/ Sergeant Major
Conopaeum A veil that adorns the tabernacle.
Triptika The sacred book of Buddhism.
Narthex The vestibule, or porch, at the entrance of the church.
Feast of the Assumption Catholic Holy Day of Obligation celebrated on 15th of August yearly.
Shevouth Celebrated in June to commemorate the giving of the Ten Commandments.
Salat In Islam, the obligatory Muslim prayer service held five times a day.
Yom Kipper A Jewish holiday consisting of a solemn period of asking for God’s forgiveness.
Mi’Raj Islamic religious holiday referring to the prophet’s ascension to the heavens.
Rash Hashana Jewish holiday for examining the events of past year and resolving to live a better life.
Eid ul-Fitr Islamic religious holiday marking the end of Ramadan.
Hajj Name for the pilgrimage to Islam’s holy city of Mecca which should be taken at least once in the lifetime of each Muslim.
Manuterge A small linen towel used at the washing of the hands.
Antependium In the Orthodox faith, a cloth that hangs in front of the pulpit.
Bhikku A minister or teacher of the Buddhist faith.
Rite of Tenebrae Performed on Good Friday or Holy Saturday.
Shadhadah There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.
Bar Mitzvah Rite of passage for Jewish boys entering manhood at age 13.
Bat Mitzvah Rite of passage for Jewish girls entering womanhood at age 13.
Vinaya Pitaka The section of the Tiptika which deals with discipline.
Sutra Text which embodies the words of the Buddha.
Acolyte An assistant who prepares the altar and generally assists the celebrants.
Holy Thursday Celebrates the Last Supper which Jesus observed with his disciples.
Chu Van A symbol of enlightenment. Found on Buddhist holy medals, on pagoda’s as a decoration, and on the statue of Buddha. Similar to swastika in appearance.
Burse A case to hold the folded corpora.
Cowl A hood worn over the head. Also, a flowing garment having ample sleeves and a hood worn by many religious orders.
Mihrab An arch or other device pointing to Mecca.
Abhidamma Pitaka The section of the Tiptaka which deals with metaphysics.
Minaret A tower on a mosque from what the call to prayer is chanted.
Rubrics The directives in liturgical books that are printed in red so that they can be distinguished from the text, or prayers, printed in black.
Missalettes Booklets that are supplied by publishers containing the liturgical texts for Catholic mass for a week, a month, or a season.
Bet Midrash Center for religious learning in the Jewish faith.
Ordo Annual calendar that regulates worship and liturgy for each day.
Dagoba A place of worship for Buddhists.
Bimah Desk upon which the scrolls of the Hebrew scriptures are read during Jewish worship.
Sacraments Religious rites that confer special graces.
Sacrarium A small sink with a cover which drains directly to the earth.
Novenas Nine successive days of public or private prayer for a special occasion or in preparation for a feast.
Sangah A monastic order to which members of the Buddhist clergy belong.
Sukkot 15th day of Yom Kipper.
Vesperal The protective cloth spread over the altar to keep it clean.
Dalmatic The outer vestment worn by a deacon.
All Saints Day Catholic Holy Day of Obligation celebrated on the 1st of November each year.
Lent The 40-day period in the Christian liturgical year, beginning with Ash Wednesday, set aside as a season of preparation for the celebration of Easter. Markedly a period of fasting.
Thurible A vase or vessel wherein mixtures of various aromatic incense are burned over lighted charcoal.
Sedilia A bench or chair in the sanctuary for the presiding minister at a liturgical rite.
Lustral Water that has been poured over the statue of Bhudda to obtain Buddha’s goodness.
Zucchetto A small semispherical headdress or skullcap worn by select clergy.
Advent The season in the Christian liturgical year set aside as a season of preparation for the celebration of Christmas.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Holy Day of Obligation celebrated on 8th day of December each year.
Feast of Assumption Commemorates Mary’s departure.
Sacristy Used to store ecclesiastical appointments, alter cloths, linens, vestments, and perishable consumables such as hosts and wine.
Chancel The area of the worship center assigned to the officiating clergy.
Zakat Islamic religious rite consisting of giving to the poor.
Maulid Islamic religious holiday referring to the prophet’s birthday.
Sutta Pitaka The section of the Tiptika which contains discourses.
Mahayana A branch of Buddhism commonly practiced in the United States.
Shofar A ram’s horn used in some Jewish services.
Purificator A rectangular piece of linen with cross in the middle center. Place in chalice during rigging of Catholic mass.
Surplice A white outer garment that is worn over a cassock by the chaplains of some Protestant faith groups.
Mohel The person in the Jewish faith who performs ritual circumcisions.
Epimanika Liturgical cuffs worn by Orthodox priests that are placed over the sleeves of the sticharion.
Epigonation A piece of stiff material about 1in. by 12in. decorated with a cross that is worn by Orthodox priests on the right hip.
Talmud Jewish book containing all religious laws, prayers, social ethics, parables, history, and poetry.
Iconostasis A moveable wall or screen placed in the chancel area during Orthodox worship.
Cruets Containers that hold the water and wine used during Catholic mass.
Cinture A long chord used by Catholic priests as a belt to gather the alb at the waist.
Midrash Jewish sacred book containing a collection of expositions of the Bible.
Cassock A long close fitting garment reaching to the feet worn by Protestant chaplains.
Zone A belt or cincture around the waist used by Orthodox chaplains.
Paten A small dish upon which the large host is placed during Catholic mass. It rests on top of the chalice.
Teffillin 2 small quadrangular black leather boxes containing four biblical passages.
Yad A pointer used when reading from the Torah.
Oneg Shabbat A time of fellowship and light refreshments following a Jewish worship service.
Corporal In Catholic faith, piece of linen about one square foot, cross appears at lower 1/3.
Prothesis A small altar table used in Orthodox worship where holy vessels and communion ware are normally kept.
Lavabo Dish Used during mass for ritual ablution of the Catholic priest’s fingertips.
Lavabo towel A Eucharistic linen measuring about 4in. by 8in. folded once lengthwise and once widthwise and usually has a cross embroidered at the lower center face.
Sticharion The basic Orthodox liturgical vestment that corresponds to the Wester Alb. It is made of silk, and is not necessarily white.
Phelonion In Eastern Orthodox faith, it is cone-shaped garment with and opening in the head and corresponds to the chasuble worn by Roman Catholic clergy.
Epistrachelion A stole that is worn aroung the neck by Orthodox priests.
Artophorion The Orthodox tabernacle that stands at the back of the altar table.
Chasuble A large, sleeveless outer garment worn by Catholic priests.
Pall A square linen pocket with a stiff cardboard or plastic insert that is placed on top of the paten and large host.
Kiddish Jewish wine ceremony during the Sabbath.
Intinction Cup In the Protestant faith, a small metal container rounded on one side that fits into a chalice.
Chalice Veil A square cloth proper to the color of the liturgical season that is used during Catholic mass. It is draped over the chalice after the purificator, paten, host, and pall have been placed.
Siddur The name of the Jewish prayer book.
Shivah The name of the Jewish period of mourning.
Tallit A four-cornered, fringed garment worn during certain prayers.
Amice Piece of rectangular white linen (2’x3’) worn over the shoulders by a Catholic priest.
Stole A long, narrow band worn around the neck that is used by both Catholic priests and Protestant ministers.
Antimesion In Orthodox worship, a piece of material approximately 24”x18” bearing a representation of the figure of Christ laid out for burial.
Purificator A rectangular shaped Eucharistic linen measuring about 9”x18”.
Sukkot A booth erected for the Fall Sukkot festival.
Alb A full length white linen garment with sleeves worn by Catholic priets.
Created by: zookerman
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