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VNSG 1323 Exam 1

Basic Nursing Skills

Germs are also known as Microorganisms
Non-Pathogens are harmless, as long as they stay where they are supposed too
pathogens are harmful
The invasion of a susceptible host by pathogens results in disease
Prion causes degenerative neurologic disease such as mad cow disease
Do not require oxygen to live (most dangerous) Anaerobic
Requires oxygen to live Aerobic
Viruses will not respond to antibiotics
Protozoa is bacteria can be found in sand, fresh and salt water
Rickettsia is carried by parasites such as fleas, ticks, lice etc. and can cause Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Fungi is caused by yeast and molds
Helminths are worms which come from dirt and soil that mainly live in intestines but can live in other organs
This cycle must be complete and not broken for the microorganisms to live Infection cycle
First link of the infection process Causative agent
Second link of the infection process Reservoir
Third link of the infection process Portal of exit
Fourth link of the infection process Mode of transfer
Fifth link of the infection process Portal of entry
Sixth link of the infection process Susceptible host
Causative agent germ/microorganisms
Reservoir where infection grows and reproduce
Portal of exit secretions, nose, throat, mouth, eyes, ears, and wound openings
Mode of transfer hands, equipment, instruments, dishes, and droplets
Portal of entry germs can be swallowed or break in skin
Susceptible host can be anyone
First line of defense Intact skin, secretion of skin
Second line of defense inflammatory defense
Third line of defense Immune response
sneezing and coughing naturally acquired immunity
antiserum that contains antibodies (injection) Passive acquired immunity
genetically transmitted Naturally acquired passive immunity
Vaccinations or immunizations Artificially Acquired
Medical asepsis is also known as clean techniques
Medical asepsis reduces the number of pathogens
surgical asepsis eliminates or kills all pathogens
Antimicrobial agents bleach, iodine, chlorine and soap
bacteriostatic agents alcohol and peroxide
disinfectants are also called germicides or bactericides
patient got the infection while in the hospital Hospital acquired infection
not part of normal body flora Exogenous
part of normal body flora Edogenous
Air borne, droplet, and contact types of isolation
N 95 mask or particulate required, use for respiratory infections example TB or varicella Air Borne precautions
use gloves, use surgical mask with shield example mumps, pneumonia, whooping cough Droplet precautions
use gloves, use single use gown, use shoe covers for VRE Contact precautions
things that make up a patients environment walls, floors, lighting, and climate control
paper, wood, and cloth fires Type A fire extinguisher
flammable liquid fires Type B fire extinguisher
electrical fires Type C fire extinguisher
any type of fire/ universal fire extinguisher Type ABC fire extinguisher
Rescue, activate the alarm, confine the fire, extinguish the fire RACE
the inability to breath Asphyxiation
there are two types of restraints chemical and physical
the order for the restraint must be updated how often every 24 hours
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act OBRA
defines the rights and choices of clients and it also states acceptable reason for using physical restraints OBRA
protect patients from falls, protect a body part, and keep the patient from interfering with therapies time when a restraint might be necessary
how frequently should you monitor a patient in restraints every two hours sometimes more frequently
things you must assess and document while a patient is in restraints at least every two hours VS, circulation, skin condition, and behavior
aerosolization particles become suspended in gas
able to burn or dissolve caustic
commode toilet
to get in the way, obstruct impede
nothing can go through it impermeable
coming out slowly oozing
common prevalent
make render
produce exact copies of replicate
carefully, perfectly scrupulously
strict, severe stringent
carriers vectors
very harmful and rapidly spreading virulent
one celled microorganism protozoa
process of killing all microorganisms sterilization
make unclean contaminate
without pathologic organisms sterile
dead tissue or foreign matter debris
chemical compound used on skin to inhibit growth of microrganism antiseptic
Created by: nursekk
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