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Ch 5 Barnette

Standard Chapter 5.

Soddy a house made of sod. It provided warmth, but no protection from pests.
Morrill Act Gave federal land to the states to help finances agricultural colleges
Dawes Act the law that allowed white settlers to take much of the land set aside for Native Americans
Assimilation plan that sought to abolish Native AMericans' traditional cultures
Battle of Wounded Knee Slaughter of 300 unarmed Native AMericans that marked the end of the Indians wars in 1890
Chisholm Trail It allowed the cattle business to flourish by providing a route to a shipping yard in Abilene, Kansas
Homestead Act offered 160 acres of land free to any head of household
Oliver Hudson Kelley Man who started an organization for farmers called "The Grange"
bimetallism Policy of using gold and silver. Supporters hoped it would place more money in the pockets of ordinary people
William Jennings Bryan Populist Candidate who lost the presidential election in 1896
The Great Plains grassland extending through the west-central portion of the US
Treaty of Fort Laramie an agreement in which the Sioux were forced to live on the reservation.
Sitting Bull Famous Native American Sioux Indian
George Custer Famous for "Custer's Last STand" where his entire regiment was wiped out by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull
Exoduster African Americans who moved from the post-Reconstruction South to Kansas
Homestead Act Offered 160 acres of land free to any citizen who was head of a household
Bonanza Farm single-crop farm
Populism "the movement of the people". A political party largely backed by the farmers
Created by: bnet02
Popular U.S. History sets




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