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Facts about the colonization of Georgia

What year did Tomochichi die? 1739
What happened in the same year that Tomochichi died? Britain declared war on Spain
When did Oglethorpe build Fort Frederica? 1736
When did the first colonists arrive at Yamacraw Bluff? 1733
When did the trustees vote to allow slavery in Georgia? 1750
When did the trustees give up the charter and make Georgia a royal colony? 1752
What are the three purposes of Georgia's charter? charity, economics, and defense
What was the fourth reason for Georgia's creation though not stated in the charter? religion
What river was selected as Georgia's northern border? savannah river
What river was chosen as Georgia's southern border. the Altamaha river
What type of English colony was Georgia? A trustee colony
When did Georgia's Charter name James Oglethorpe and 20 other British gentlemen as trustees? 1732
How long were the the trustees responsible for Georgia? 21 years
What were the keys to make Georgia into a model society? Strict rules on land and work and carefully selected colonists
How did the trustees raise money for the Georgia colony? through sermons, pamphlets, speeches, and newspapers that carried appeals for donations of money
How many families were selected to come to the Georgia colony? 35
Who was not chosen to come to the Georgia colony? debtors and prisoners
What did the trustees give the families to start their lives in Georgia? free passage to Georgia, land, weapons, tools, seed, and food for passage
What did the families to in return for all of the free things? clear the land, raise crops, build houses and public structures, and follow the trustees rules
When did Oglethorpe and the families cross over to Georgia? 1732
Indentured servants came to Georgia for this valuable plant to send back to England. Tobacco
The chief who gave Oglethorpe the land for the first English settlement in Georgia. Tomochichi
A trade policy that called for balanced trade and the need for raw materials to be sent back to the mother land. mercantilism
Oglethorpe's friend who died in debtor's prison. Robert Castell
The first fort built in Georgia around 1721. Fort King George
Rules and laws assigned to the colonists by Oglethorpe and other trustees. regulations
What could not be owned by either trustees or colonists? land
a citizen army militia
a person who has no right or privileges and is seen as a property of another slave
the person the trustees ultimately answered to King George the 2nd
the year the charter was granted 1732,
the tree the trustees promised to plant in order to acquire raw materials for England mulberry tree
the group of people Oglethorpe wanted to help with the new colony Poor-but-worthy
the interpreter for Oglethorpe and Tomochichi Mary Musgrove
the number of trustees who were granted the charter to start a colony in Georgia 21
a person or group of people who represent another person legally trustee
the four groups of people Oglethorpe did not want in the Georgia colony liquor dealers, lawyers, Africans, Catholics
the bluff that Tomochichi gave Oglethorpe to settle Yamacraw
two important rivers that laid boundaries for the colony of Georgia Savannah and Altamaha
the primary religion of the new colony of Georgia Anglican
Created by: Little Dreamer
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