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Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce and Buchannan

Term for a person running for office candidate
The principle whereby people of a territory decide for themselves if they want slavery popular sovereignty
President who had been the hero of the Mexican War Zachary Taylor
Votes cast by the people in a presidential election popular vote
Term meaning the United States Union
Groups of people with different ideas on how the government should be run; they try to get their candidates elected to office political parties
People who come to the United States from other counries immigrants
A high crime against the government of the United States treason
He opened Japan to American trade Commodore Matthew Perry
To withdraw from the Union secede
The fastest sailing ships of the mid-1800s clipper ships
Three Terms of the Compromise of 1850 1. California comes in to the Union as a freed state 2. Utah and New Mexico Territories created from lands of the Mexican Cessian 3. Utah and New Mexico Territorities would decide if they would be free or slave by popular sovereignty
In he 1850s, the law-making body which came under Northern control Congress
Two houses of Congress House of Representatives and Senate
Two more terms of the Compromise of 1850 4. No slave sales in Washington, D. C. 5. Congress would pass a Fugitive Slave Law
It declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional and denied freedom to Dred Scott Supreme Court
New nation established by seven seceded states Confederate States of America
The lawmaking body which came under Northern control in the Antebellum Period Congress
He proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and defeated Abraham Lincoln in the 1858 Illinois Senate race Stephen A. Douglas
A meeting at which delegates choose their party's presidential and vice-presidential candidates National Convention
Votes given to the presidential candidate who wins the most popular votes in a state Electoral votes
A person who wanted to do away with slavery Abolitionist
Zachary Taylor's political party Whig Party
Term meaning "against slavery" anti-slavery
Term meaning "for slavery" pro-slavery
A mail delivery service that carried letters and packages to the west coast in wagons Overland Mail Service
Political Party in the Elecion of 1848 which opposed the extension of slavery into the territories Free Soil Party
Zachary Taylor's political party Whig Party
Term meaning "against slavery" anti-slavery
Term meaning "for slavery" pro-slavery
A mail delivery service that carried letters and packages to the west coast in wagons Overland Mail Service
Political Party in the Elecion of 1848 which opposed the extension of slavery into the territories Free Soil Party
Term for state which permitted slavery Slave State
People who hurried to California during the gold rush 49ers
A railroad that linked the East and West transcontinental railroad
Land which has not yet been organized into states Territory
Term for the period of time when candidates make speeches and try to get themselves elected to office campaign
An official count of the population census
The U.S. Constitution requires this every 10 years census
It required Northerners to cooperate in returning runaway slaves Fugitive Slave Law
Chief Executive of the United States President
Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe
Lawmaking body in which the North had a 36 to 30 advantage in 1860 Senate
House of Congress dominated by the North, because of its greater population House of Representatives
South Carolina and six other states seceded after he was elected president in 1860 Abraham Lincoln
Known as the Great Compromiser Henry Clay
Henry Clay was the senator from this state Kentucky
Political office held by Millard Fillmore prior to becoming president Vice-president
Nickname for the Western territory that was the scene of violence between proslavery and antislavery forces Bleeding Kansas
The first Southern state to secede South Carolina
Political party formed after the Kansas-Nebraska Act; wanted to keep slavery out of territories Republican Party
He took part in "Bleeding Kansas;" later attacked the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia John Brown
High-speed mail delivery system between St. Louis, Missouri and Sacramento, California Pony Express
Term for a slave owner master
British citizen who developed a new way of converting iron into steel Henry Bessemer
President of the United States when the Confederate States of America was first organized James Buchannan
The last territory added to the continental United States Gadsden Purchase
A statement of ideas or plan of action of a political party platform
President who lost popularity for defending the rights of immigrants Franklin Pierce
Reason Milliard Fillmore bcame president Zachary Taylor died
First state to sign a law requiring children to attend school Massachusetts
Small strip of Mexican Territory at southern end of Rocky Mountains Gadsden Purchase
Cost of Gadsden Purchase $10 million
Term which describes the end of Japanese isolation from the West Open Door Policy
Two men who worked for a new method of turning iron into steel-one American and one British William Kelly and Henry Bessemer
First Republican presidential candidate John C. Fremont
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court during the Dred Scott Case Roger B. Taney
Ran against each other in 1858 Illinois Senatorial campaign Stephen A. Douglas (Democratic) and Abraham Lincoln (Republican)
Said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free." Abraham Lincoln in 1858 Illinois Senatorial campaign
Thought slavery was a "moral, social, and political evil" Abraham Lincoln
Winner of 1858 Illinois Senatorial election Stephen A. Douglas
Drilled the first successful oil well in Pennsylvania Edwin L.Drake
Length of time the Pony Express lasted 18 months
Invention which spelled the end of the Pony Express telegraph
Nickname of Zachary Taylor Old Rough and Ready
Name of Zachary Taylor's horse Old Whitey
Political party to which Zachary Taylor belonged Whig Party
Before becoming president only job Zachary Taylor ever held soldier
What killed Zachary Taylor Food poisoning
A popular form of entertainment in the mid-1850s was white men dressed in black face. Name a group popular for this type of entertainment Christy Minstrals
A Northerner who believed slavery was O.K. doughface
Nickname of Franklin Pierce Young Hickory
First maker of jeans Levi Strauss
Place Senator Charles Sumner was beaten with a cane U. S. Senate
Only U.S. president to never have married James Buchannan
Said, "I am the last U. S. president." James Buchannan
To become president, a candidate must win a majority of what kind of vote? electoral vote
Reason many Americans were opposed to immigrants in 1800s Took jobs away from Americans by agreeing to work for less money
Act which repealed the Missouri Compromise Kansas-Nebraska Act
Declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional Dred Scott Case
Raided the government arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia in order to capture weapons and arm the slaves John Brown
Negotiated a treaty that opened Japan to U. S. trade Matthew C.Perry
the "Great Compromiser" Henry Clay
Worked out many agreements between the North and South Henry Clay
Won the Illinois Senate race in 1858 following a series of debates with Abraham Lincoln Stephen A. Douglas
By the mid-1850s where did political parties choose a presidential candidate? National convention
Created by: marthell
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