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Greek RtsEMS1st Sem
Greek Roots EMS 1st Semester 1-80
root | meaning |
juven | young ex: juvenile, rejuvenate |
later | side, broad ex: lateral, latitude |
leg | law ex: lega, legislature |
lic, licit | permit ex: license, illicit |
lit, liter | letters ex: literature, alliteration |
magn | great ex: maginify, magnificent |
man | hand ex. manual, manicure |
mand | command ex: mandate, mandatory |
mania | madness ex: maniac, pyrmania |
nat | to be born, to spring forth ex: nature, native |
neur | nerve ex: neutral, neurotic |
nom | law, order ex: autonomy , economy |
nomen, nomin | name ex: nominate, nomenclature |
omni | all, every ex: omnipotent, omnivorous |
onym | name ex: pseudonym, anonymous |
oper | to work ex: operate, cooperate |
ortho | correct, straight ex: orthodontist, orthopedic |
pac | peace ex: pacifist, Pacific ocean |
pan | all ex: panacea, pantheon |
pater, part | father ex: patriarch, patriot |
path, pathy | feeling, suffering ex: sympathy, |
que, qui | ask, seek ex: question, inquire |
reg, recti | straighten ex: correct, direct |
ri, ridi | laughter ex: ridicule, ridiculous |
rog, roga | ask ex: prerogative, interrogate |
rupt | break ex. rupture, erupt |
sacr, secr | sacred ex: sacred, consecrate |
salv, salu | safe, healthy ex: salvation, salute |
sangui | blood ex: sanquine, sanquinity |
sat, satis | enough ex: satisfy, saturate |
tact, tang, tag | touch ex: contact, contagious |
tele | far ex: telephone, telescope |
tempo | time ex: tempo, contemportary |
ten, tin, tain | hold ex: contain, dention |
uni | one ex: unicorn, university |
vac | empty ex: vacation, vacuum |
val | strength, worth ex: valor, equivalent |
ven, vent | come ex: convent, convene |
vert, vers | turn ex: reverse, introvert |
zo | animal ex: zoology, zodiac |
acer, acid, acri | bitter, sour ex. acerbic, acidity |
acu | sharp ex: acute, acupuncture |
ag, agi, ig | do, move, go ex: agenda, agitate |
ali, alter | other ex: alias, altenative |
altus | high, deep ex: altimeter, altitude |
belli | war ex: rebellion, bellicose |
bio | life ex: biology, biography |
bibl | book ex: bible, bibliography |
breve | short ex; abbreviate, brief |
calor | heat ex: calorie, caloric |
cap, cept | take ex: capture, accept |
capit, capt | head ex: capital, captain |
carn | flesh ex: carnivore, reincarnate |
caus, caut | burn, heat ex: cauterize, cauldron |
deca | ten ex: decimal, decathalon |
dem | people ex: demography, democracy |
dent, dont | tooth ex: dental orthodontist |
derm | skin ex: dermatology, tacidermy |
dic, dict | say, speak ex: dictionary, verdict |
end, endo | within ex: endoral, endoskeleton |
equi | equal ex: equinox, equilibrium |
erg | work ex: energy, allergy |
fac, fact, fic | do, make ex: factory, amplification |
fall, fals | deceive ex: fallacy falsify |
fer | bear, carry ex: ferry, fertile |
fid, feder | faith, trust ex: fidelity, confederacy |
fila, fili | thread ex: filament, filter |
gam | marriage ex: monogamy. polygamy |
gastro | stomach ex: gastric, gastronomic |
gen | birth, race, produce Ex: genesis, genetics |
geo | earth ex: geometry, geology |
hab, habit | have, live ex: habitat, habitual |
helio | sun ex: heliograph, heliotrope |
hema, hemo | blood ex: hemorrhage, hemophilia |
here, hes | stick ex: adhere, cohesion |
ignis | fire ex: ignite, igneous |
ject | throw ex: reject, inject |
join, junct | join ex: junction, conjunction |
jud, judi | judge, lawyer ex: prejudice, judicial |
jur, jus | law ex: justice, juror |