When the force of water bashes against the bank of the river or coastline
Give an example of where a levee can be found
The old age stage of the river Liffey
What is erosion?
Wearing it away
What is solution?
Rocks being dissolved in water
What does the rate of erosion depend on?
The size,speed and hardness of a river
Explain how a meander is formed
The outer bend of a meander is deep,and causes the water to flow more quickly,thus causing erosion. The inner bend of a river is shallow and causes the water to move more slowly,thus causing deposition
What is abrasion?
When rocks, pebbles and stones are hurled against the river bank or coastline
What is an estuary?
Where a river mouth is tidal
When do rivers deposit material?
When a river looses speed,when the river flows into a sea or lake, when the slope of gradient of the river is reduced