[+ obj] : to invent or plan (something that is difficult or complicated) |
[+ obj] : to say or think that (two things) are equal or the same |
1 [+ obj] : to take or get (something) from (something else) |
[+ obj] 1 : to refuse to show that you hear or see (something or someone) |
[more distinct; most distinct] 1 : different in a way that you can see, hear, smell, feel, etc. : noticeably different |
to move or become near or nearer to something or someone |
: the length, width, height, or depth of something : a measurement in one direction (such as the distance from the ceiling to the floor in a room) |
to build or make (something physical, such as a road, bridge, or building) |
facts or information used usually to calculate, analyze, or plan something |
[+ obj] : to judge the value or condition of (someone or something) in a careful and thoughtful way |