New art. Organic, plant-like lines that influenced art, architecture, furniture, etc. (1890-1910). Formed a bridge between victorian and modernism. Heavily influenced by Asians. (International)
Alphonse Mucha
A Czech artist. Designed for actress Sarah Bernhardt. (Gismonda) due by new years day. He made it and went crazy popular. Amazing, huge stain-glass looking pictures (central female figure). Influenced Art Nouveau.
background and figure were abstracted into geometric planes.
Marcel Duchamp
French painter who was part of the DADA movement. Made a urinal into art. Painted mustache on mona lisa copy to remind everyone they had lost their renaissance spirit.
Rene Magritte
drew the fish man. maintained poetic dialogue between reality and fiction (illusion) well. Surrealist
Will Bradley
Too poor so he self-taught. IGNITED art noveau in America with his work from INLAND PRINTER and CHAP BOOK. Followed Beardsley and would be called the "American Beardsley"
Frances Macdonald/Margaret Macdonald
2 sisters who were day students at THE STUDIO. They married other macs. They designed the Glasgow Institute of the Fine Art.
Maxfield Parrish
Rejected by Brandywine and told to develop his own style. His style was a romantic and idealized world. land of fantasy with pristine color and idealized drawing.
Salvador Dali
Surrealist. He had depth in his paintings and prints inspired graphic designers to use more depth in their works.
Frank Lloyd Wright
European architect, designer, really believed in white space in design. Inspired by Japanese architecture. Operated his own little printing press. Geometric, VERY VERY DETAILED EDGES.