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Graphic Design 11-13

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

Alphonse Mucha   show
Art Nouveau   show
Charles Rennie Macintosh   show
Cubism   show
Dada   show
show Rivaled Bradley and Rhead. He worked for HARPER'S MAGAZINE Influenced by Japanese prints. Golden Age of American Illustration. Father of American poster.  
show First American woman recognized as a good graphic designer and illustrator. Massachusetts. Book illustrator and poster designer. Designed for COPELAND AND DAY. Work disappeared at age 22. MYSTERYYY!!  
Eugene Grasset   show
FT Marinetti   show
show Evolved cubism to pretty much just form and shape (circular and color).  
show poster, typographic, and advertising design works was DYNAMIC. He was part of the futurist movement. He worked in NY, and designed covers for VANITY FAIR, MOVIE MAKERS, and SPARKS.  
show 2 sisters who were day students at THE STUDIO. They married other macs. They designed the Glasgow Institute of the Fine Art.  
Frank Lloyd Wright   show
show Launched when FILIPPO MARINETTI published his manifesto of futurism in paris newspaper. It was a poetry movement that urged noise, speed, technology. Typography styles expressed what was being said. Diregarded old and wanted new. Especially painters.  
show designed interior of bing's gallery (salon de I'Art Nouveau). He did all the artsy stuff. He created only one poster but said form shared a common language. Turned Glasgow school into a unified style. He wasn't literal but communicated through formncolor  
show German art nouveau. Called jugendstil after a magazine called jugend. Strong French and British influences.  
show created huge posters and got away from Victorian complexity. His posters showed idealized beauty and a carefree, energetic lifestyle. He transformed the walls of Paris with crazy bright colors and archetype women.  
show Key member of Vienna Secession. style was symbolic, mystical symbols in a simple 2d space. Vienna rejected floral style of the french. Glasgow style.  
show German. Merz from Kommerz. His piece combined Dada and strong design principles. Rejected by the Dada group.  
show British Born. willowy maidens like grasset but not pastel colors. very unexpected color combinations. decorative embellishments from victorian ages. Joined William Bradley and became 2 major American art nouveau-inspired graphic design and illustration.  
show Applied Dada because of Duchamp and surrealism to photography. part of the modern movement in photography. first with negative prints  
show French painter who was part of the DADA movement. Made a urinal into art. Painted mustache on mona lisa copy to remind everyone they had lost their renaissance spirit.  
show Started cubism. composed paintings from geometric, rhythmic planes. Also intro paper collage.  
show Worked for Jugend mag. multi-colored, abstract (inspired by Egyptian artifacts), woodblock prints. German guy. 25 pg booklet with FIRST SANS SERIF. Director of dusseldorf school. geometric structure and frequent rectangles.  
show drew the fish man. maintained poetic dialogue between reality and fiction (illusion) well. Surrealist  
Salvador Dali   show
Surrealism   show
show photography started following the dada movement and was experimented with in different exposures and such.  
show Drew up the nightlife of Paris. He was crippled and turned to art. The decorative flatness, and echo the spontaneous glimpses of photography. Highly influenced by Ukiyo-E.  
Vienna Secession   show
show Too poor so he self-taught. IGNITED art noveau in America with his work from INLAND PRINTER and CHAP BOOK. Followed Beardsley and would be called the "American Beardsley"  
show Asian art that was flat and usually of flowers and women. Created from woodblocks  
Aubrey Beardsley   show
show Rejected by Brandywine and told to develop his own style. His style was a romantic and idealized world. land of fantasy with pristine color and idealized drawing.  


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Created by: Chelseagirl2508
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