Dental Materials 4 Matching
what does hydroquinone do to MMA in cold cure acrylic resins? |
destroys free radicals and creates working time |
what is the proper time to look at a shade selection? |
3-5 seconds, rods are exhausted after this so you need to let them rest and look at gray or blue |
how do you identify composite resin adhesive on patient's teeth? |
patient report, stain on tooth (disclosing solution), drying tooth, exploring the tooth |
what type of cement is on the brackets on premolars and anterior during ortho? |
where do you place electric pulp tester on single rooted tooth? |
are acrylic resins thermoplastic or thermoset in dentistry? |
what tooth usually is cracked during cracked tooth syndrome? |
when the adjacent polymers are joined by highly charged side chains... |
bond is stronger and the cross linked polymers are stronger and stiffer |
what is the mohs hardness of novamin |
what are the objectives to debonding? |
to return enamel surface to its pre treatment or natural appearance
to return the enamel surfaces to its pre treatment texture |