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Aphasia Matching
Written expression of language: Step 2
2. Language-encoded thoughts sent to premotor cortex (BA 6; Exner’s area) for handwriting motor planning.
Oral production of language: Step 3
3. SMA relays now active plans to the primary motor cortex.
Oral production of language: Step 2
2. Broca’s area projects to the supplementary motor area (SMA; top of area 6), which activates speech plans.
Aphasia profile components
Aud. Comp (corresponds with reading) - Verbal production (corresponds with writing) - Repetition - Naming (word finding/retrieval is poor for all types)
Written expression of language: Step 3
3. Motor plans sent to the primary motor cortex.
Written expression of language: Step 4
4. Primary motor cortex sends writing motor plans to the dominant hand.
Auditory comprehension of language: Step 3
3. The thalamus relays the information to the primary auditory cortex (PAC) for signal processing.
Written expression of language: Step 5
5. The left superior parietal lobe coordinates the visuouspatial elements of writing. (There are visuouspatial elements to writing – you can’t write it all in one space.)
Oral production of language: Step 4
4. Primary motor cortex sends plans to the speech muscles for execution.
Auditory comprehension of language: Step 5
5. Wernicke’s area projects to Broca’s area for higher-level syntactical processing. (Even silent reading reading activates auditory cortex.)

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Created by: ashea01
Popular Speech Therapy sets