Government programs designed to decrease the fertility rate and slow down population growth.
Ravenstein's Laws of Migration
Patterns and trends found in migration and migrants.
Economic, Social, Political, and Environmental, and Demographic causes and effects of migration.
Forced Migration
People relocate due to fears of violence or survival.
Malthusian Theory
Theory that population will grow exponentially while food output will not. This would result in a food shortage and famine due to overpopulation. Malthus said governments should intervene.
Internal Migration
Migrants that travel within a country’s borders. Much more likely than transnational migration.
Step Migration
Migration typically occurs in steps, migrants reach their eventual destination through a series of smaller movements.
Internally Displaced Person
Someone who has been forced to flee their home but never crosses an international border.
Asylum Seeker
When people flee their own country and seek sanctuary in another country.