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Rheumatoid arthritis Matching
meds- other NSAIDS: what do they do
used to manage arthritis and other causes of inflamation, they all inhibit prastaglandin synthesis reducing inflammation.
does temp increase or decrease in flair up
it increases
med: plaquenil (Hydroxyxhloroquine): class
what are s/s of inflames joints
they are swollen red and painful
calcium: should calcium corbenate (TUMS) be given with or w/out food
with food b/c it is an ant acid
meds- aspirin: what is a good daily dose for anti inflamatory effects
2.6-4.8 G/day
meds- aspirin: nursing implications
assess for contraindications (allergies, bleeding disorders), stop drug if rash,hives, or signs of gastrointestinal bleeding develop
diagnostic tests: what is the Rheumatoid factor?
it will be present in most people with RA
are joints effected symetrically yes or no
why does splinting inflamed joints help
to provide local joint rest

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Created by: jmkettel
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