technique and counter, the idea that every technique has a counter and every counter has a technique, two major components of the German systems of swordsmanship
Low guard or Fool’s guard, apparently since it was thought foolish to rely only on defense
a vertical cut, delivered either Oberhau (above the waist) or Unterhau (below the waist)
Obere Ansetzen
techniques delivered over or above the opponent’s guard (opposite of Untere Ansetzen)
Fight Master
upper guard
literally displacement or to displace, a defensive action to put off an attack by a deflecting blow or counter strike as opposed to an opposition block, employed with evasive stepping (Versatzungen or the "displacements" are four of these cuts)
fight book or fencing book, a German manual on fighting techniques and methods, particularly swordsmanship
master cuts, prized techniques described by the grand-master Liechtenauer in which the swordsman strikes in a manner so that his sword deflects the incoming blow while simultaneously hitting the opponent