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Longsword Terms and Definitions

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German Long Sword Terms
Absetzen   show
show ward off, such as with a deflecting parrying action  
show on the sword, attacks made while maintaining constant pressure on the opposing blade, also known as the Winden (winding or turning)  
Binden   show
Drey Wunder   show
Durchwechseln   show
Durchführen   show
show cutting aside, short drawing cuts known also as Schnitt ("slices"), used at closer distances against the opponent’s forearms and hands, they can be made with both the lead and the back edges  
show fight book or fencing book, a German manual on fighting techniques and methods, particularly swordsmanship  
Fechtmeister   show
show A German Medieval or Renaissance fencing school or public fighting exhibition and competition  
Fuehlen   show
The Four Openings   show
show attacking at the same time as the opponent or In des Fechten (as opposed to Nach Reissen and Vor Fechten)  
show half-sword, techniques of gripping the middle of the blade itself with the second hand (often by gloves or armored gauntlets). Also called Halt-Schwert, they allow a wide range of offensive and defensive striking and deflecting actions as well as thrusts  
show handwork, also called war, the phase of combat once swords have crossed and the distance has been closed  
Hengen   show
show The idea when ever contact is made of gauging the pressure the opponent places upon you blade (either strong or weak), oppose strength with weakness and weakness with strength to control and exploit  
show from the roof  
Oberhut   show
In Des Fechten   show
Hangentorte   show
show an enclosed area where judicial duels and some foot challenges took place, it was an open made up of a square wooden barrier or "ring"  
Kron   show
show Back or "false" edge of the sword, opposite of the Long edge (Lange or "true" edge)  
show Forward or true edge of the sword, opposite of the Short edge (back or "false" edge)  
show or Langer Ort, meaning "long point", a limited defensive thrusting position with the blade horizontal and arms extended straight forward more, ideal for warding and making stabbing attacks or stop-thrusts  
Alber   show
show middle guard, the blade is held centered out from the lower abdomen at a 45-degree angle aimed at the opponent’s chest, throat or face, see "Pflug"  
Pflug   show
Meisterhau   show
Mittelhau   show
Mordschlag   show
Nach   show
Nachreissen   show
Obere Ansetzen   show
show over cuts, or strikes above the waist, either diagonal (Zornhau) or vertical (Scheitelhau)  
show German for the point of the sword  
Pressing-the-hands   show
show wrestling at the sword, sometimes called Ringkunst, also involving Schwertnemen ("sword-taking") close in disarming moves and grappling (ground-fighting or Unterhalten, "holding down")  
show a countering technique described by Filippo Vadi (c. 1480) wherein the back edge is quickly raised to smack or deflect an opposing blade prior to an immediate descending cut with the forward edge  
show a sideways cut with the back or short edge (Kurze Schneide) of the blade, delivered with only one eye on your opponent (perhaps also called the "squinting cut")  
Scheitelhau   show
show weak, German masters divided the long-sword into two portions, the weaker section of blade from middle to point was known as Schwech (or Schwäche), used for most thrusting and slicing  
show sword taking, close-in disarming or trapping actions  
Stark   show
show technique and counter, the idea that every technique has a counter and every counter has a technique, two major components of the German systems of swordsmanship  
Throwing-the-point   show
Ueberlauffen   show
Versetzen   show
show attacking before, one of the three ways of overcoming an opponent’s attack  
show the offensive principle of fighting, aggressively taking the initiative, opposite of Nach  
show the "Winding" or turning, close binding actions to maintain pressure and dominate the opposing blade to get in and use either edge to slice (also allows you to close and seize)  
show a diagonal cut, delivered either Oberhau (above the waist) or Unterhau (below the waist)  
show "guard of wrath" or "rage guard" sparingly used vulnerable posture with the weapon pulled all the way point down behind the back, but which allows the most powerful blows  
Zwerchhau   show
show one of the two phases of combat where the combatants are closing together and their weapons make contact (prior to Anbinden or Handarbeit)  
Abnemen   show
show To cut over the arms from below or from above, usually done with the long edge  
Duplieren   show
show Running in. To duck in under the opposing weapon or employ closing and entering techniques  
Fehler   show
Hende Trucken   show


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Created by: Marsman
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