Question | Answer |
Adenitis | inflamation of the gland |
adenoma | tumor in the gland |
anemia | an blood condition |
Adenitis | inflamation of the gland |
adenoma | tumor in the gland |
arthroscope | a visual of the joints |
arthroscopy | a visual examination of the joint |
anemia | an blood condition |
autopsy | to view the body |
Arthralgia | pain in the joints |
biology | study of life |
arthrogram | a record of the joints |
Biopsy | removing tissue for subsequent viewing under a microscope or other laboratory studies. |
arthroscope | a visual of the joints |
arthroscopy | a visual examination of the joint |
autopsy | to view the body |
biology | study of life |
Biopsy | removing tissue for subsequent viewing under a microscope or other laboratory studies. |
Carcinoma | a cancerus tumor |
cardiac | a condition of the heart |
cardiology | study of the heart |
cephalgia | pain in the head |
cephalic | pertaining to the head |
cerebral | ceribreum |
cerebrovascular | stroke |
cystoscope | to view cells |
cystoscopy | to visually examine cells |
cytology | dermal |
dermatitis | inflamation of the skin |
dermatosis | a condition of the skin |
diagnosis | complete knowledge of a patients condition |
diameter | length of a stright line passing through the center of a circle when the end points are on the circle |
dysentery | pain in the intstines |
electrocardiogram | a record of the electric readings in the heart |
electroencephalogram | record of the electricity in the brain |
endocardium | outside of the heart |
endocrine glands | within the glands |
endocrinology | study of the secretion of the glands |
enteritis | inflammation of the intestines |
erythrocyte | red blood cells |
exocrine glands | secretion glands |
Gastrectomy | excession in the stomach |
gastric | a condition of the stomach |
gastritis | inflammation of the stomach |
gastroenteritis | inflammation of the intestines and stomach |
gastroenterology | study of the stomach and intestines |
gastroscope | to view the stomach |
gastotomy | cut into the stomach |
gynecologiest | women specialist |
gynecology | study of women |
hematoma | blood tumor |
hemoglobin | protein in the blood |
hepatitis | inflammation of the liver |
hepatoma | tumor of the liver |
hyperglycemia | high blood sugar |
hyperthyroidism | a condition of high thyroid secretion |
hypoglycemia | low blood sugar |
hypothyroidism | low thyroid gland secretion |
laparoscopy | a visual examination of the abdomen |
laparotomy | cut into the abdomen |
Leukemia | a condition of white blood cells |
leukocyte | white blood cells |
nephrology | study of the kidney |
nephrosis | a condition of the kidney |
neural | pertaining to the nerves |
neuralgia | pain in the nerves |
neuritis | inflammation of the nerves |
neurology | study of the nerves |
neurotomy | cut into the nerve |
oncologiest | tumor specialist |
opthalmoscope | an instrument to view the eye |
osteitis | inflammation of the bone |
osteoarthritis | inflammation of the bone and joint |
pathologist | disease specialist |
platelet | is blood clotting |
prognosis | Prediction as to the outcome of an illness or treatment. |
prostate gland | a gland that's in a males bladder |
psycosis | a condition of the mind |
renal | pertaining to the kidney |
resection | to come back |
retrogastric | backwards stomach |
rhinitis | inflammation of the nose |
rhinotomy | cut into the nose |
sarcoma | a tumor on the flesh |
subgastric | under the stomach |
subhepatic | under the liver |
thrombocyte | plateletes / blood clotting cells |
thrombosis | a condition of blood clotting cells |
transdermal | through across the skin |
transgastric | through across the stomach |
transurethral | pertaining to through across the urinary tract. |