Question | Answer |
anatomic position | when a person is standing erect with arms at the side and palms facing forward |
anterior | nearer to or toward the front: ventral |
posterior | nearer to or toward the back: dorsal |
ventral | belly side, same as anterior for humans |
dorsal | directed toward or situated on the back side: same as posterior surface for humans |
medial | middle or nearer the middle |
median | middle or nearer the middle |
lateral | toward the sied; denoting position farther from midline of the body or from a structure |
superior- | uppermost or above |
inferior | lowermost or below |
proximal | nearest the origin or point of attatchment |
distal | far or distant from the origin or point of attatchment |
celaphad | toward the head |
caudad | toward the tail or in a posterior direction |
dorsal cavity | located near the posterior part of the body (cranial & spinal) |
cranial | contains brain |
spinal | contains spinal cord and beginning of spinal nerves |
ventral cavity | located near the anterior part (thoracic & abdominopelvic) |
viscera | large organs contained in the ventral cavity |
thoracic | chest cavity |
abdominopelvic | abdominal and pelvic |
diaphragm | divides the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities |
peritoneum | lines the abdominopelvic cavity and enfolds the internal organs |
adhesion | sticking together of two structures that are normally seperate |
abdomin/o- | abdominal |
acr/o- | extremities |
blephar/o- | eyelid |
cephal/o- | head |
chir/o- | hand |
cyst/o- | cyst, bladder or sac |
dactyl/o- | digit |
lapar/o- | abdominal wall |
omphal/o- | umbilicus |
onych/o- | nail |
pelv/i- | pelvis |
periton/o- | peritoneum |
som/a | body |
somat/o | body |
thorac/o | chest |
abdominothoracic | pertains to the abdomen and thorax |
abdominocentesis | (abdominal paracentesis) a surgical procedure to remove excess fluid from abdominal cavity or to inject a therapeutic agent |
peritonitis | can result if infectious microorganisms gain access by way of operative incisions or by the rupture or perforation of the viscera or associated structures |
laparotomy | incision through the abdominal wall |
laparocholecystostomy | incision into gallbladder through abdominal wall |
laparocolostomy | formation of permanent opening in the colon through the abdominal wall |
laparocystotomy | abdominal incision to remove a cyst or an embryo that has implanted outside the uterus |
laparogastrotomy | abdominal incision into the stomach |
laparohepatotomy | incision of the liver through the abdominal wall |
laparohysterectomy | removal of the uterus through in an incision in the abdominal wall |
laparohysteropexy | attatchment of the uterus to the abdominal wall |
laparorrhaphy | suture of the abdominal wall |
laparoscopy | abdominal exploration using a laparascope, an instrument used to view the interior of the abdomen |
laparosplenotomy | incision of the spleen through an abdominal operation |
cholecyst/o- | gallbladder |
col/o- | colon |
gastr/o- | stomach |
hepat/o- | liver |
hyster/o | uterus |
splen/o- | spleen |
pelvic | pertaining to a pelvis, usually the bony pelvis |
cephalopelvic disproportion | situation where head of the feuts is to large for the mothers pelvis |
omphalos | is greek for the umbilical cord or umbilicus |
omphalitis | inflamed condition of the navel |
omphalocele | congenital hernia of the umbilicus |
omphalorrhexis | rupture of the navel |
omphalorrhagia | rupture of the navel |
cephalometry | measurement of the dimensions of the head |
cephalagia | mean pain in the head or headache |
cephalodynia | mean pain in the head or headache |
dactylography | study of fingerprints |
dactylospasm | cramping of a finge or toe |
dactylitis | inflammation of the bones of the fingers and toes |
chiropody | pertaining to the hands and feet |
chirospasm | cramping of the hand |
chiroplasty | plastic surgery of the hand |
onychophagist | habitually bites the nails |
crin/o | secrete |
-crine | secrete |
dacry/o- | tear, tearing, crying |
lacrim/o- | tear, tearing , crying |
-emia | blood |
hem/a | blood |
hem/o | blood |
hemat/o- | blood |
hidr/o- | sweat or perspiration |
hydr/o- | water |
lymph/o- | lymph |
muc/o- | mucus |
py/o- | pus |
sial/o- | saliva |
ur/o- | urine |