Question | Answer |
Sulla | Marius faced a challenge from a rival general with his own army, a man named ---- |
Gaul | Julius Caesar was in ---- (modern day France) |
anger | these hard working conditions created widespread ---- |
debt | During the 100s B.C., farmers of small plots of land were sinking into poverty and ----- |
soldiers | now because this type of farmer was disappearing, Marius began to recruit ---- from the poor |
battled | while in Gaul, Caesar ----- foreign tribes and invaded Britain |
Pompey | after Crassus was killed in the battle in 53B.C., the Senate decided that --- pompey should return to Itlay and rule alone |
out | before the reform, the army had mostly stayed --- of government affairs |
duty | the new troops , however, were motivated by material rewards rather than a sense of ---- |
riots | Roman politicians were worried about ----- breaking out, but they quickly turned the situation to their advantage |
representative | Cicero favored ---- government and supported Octavian |
triumvirate | a ---- is a political alliance of three people |
enemies | while many Romans supported Caesar, he also had many ----- |
fought | Rome's government put their own interest above the general welfare, they ----- the Gracchus brother's proposals |
reforms | Octavian restored the republic with some ----- |
brothers; reform | Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus were tow wealthy ----- who tried to ---- Rome's government |
colonies | Caesar also started ----- to provide land for the landless |
what happened after Sulla stepped down from office? | men who saw Sulla gain power by using an army decided to follow the same path, and civil wars broke out |
political; against | Cicero was a ----- leader, writer, and public speaker who was ---- dictators |
military | Pompey and Caesar were not as rich as Crassus, but both were successful ---- men |
bread and circuses | the roman's policy of ---- and ----- helped many dishonest rulers come to power |
What is the origin of the phrase "crossing the Rubicon" and what does it mean? | The phrase refers to Caesar's return to Italy. by crossing the Rubicon, Caesar knew he would begin a civil war and that he would either be victorious or be destroyed. today it means passing a point of no return or making a decision you cannot take back. |
farms | Rome's government believed that many of Rome's problems were caused by the loss of small ----- |
weak | Octavian knew that most people favored a republican form of government but he also knew that the republic had been too ---- to solve Rome's problems |
Marius | things changed in Rome when a military leader named ---- became consul in 107 B.C. |
citizenship | Caesar granted ----- to people living in Rome's territories outside the Italian peninsula |
hero | Caesar became a ---- to Rome's lower classes |
military | the members of the triumvirate each had ---- command in the republic |
armies | after Sulla left office, different roman leaders battled for power, supported by their loyal --- |
wars | many farmers were unable to farm because they were fighting in Rome's ------ |
forces | During the civil war, on one side were ---- led by men who had killed Caesar |
ignored | Caesar ----- a famous warning to "beware the Ides of March" (March 15) |
claimed | Many senators, however, were among those who had ---- some of these public lands |
power | Marius's new military system led to new ---- struggles |
small | by using these enslaved people to tend their crops, wealthy Romans could force ---- farmers out of business |
Republic | they felt loyal to their general , not to the Roman ----- |
Antony | took the ---- |
Senate | in 49 B.C. , the ---- ordered Caesar to give up his army and come home |
civil | by Caesar giving up his army, he knew that he was starting a ---- war that there was no turning back |
first | drawing on their wealth and power, Pompey, Caesar, and Crassus, formed the ---- Triumvirate to rule Rome |
civil | Caesar's death plunged a civil war |
general | because Caesar was a better ----- he drove Pompey out of Italy and then destroyed his army in Greece |
Roman Empire | Octavian laid the foundation for a new system of government the ---- ---- |
dictator; life | after defeating Pompey's army, Caesar declared himself ----- of Rome for ---- and made many changes to Rome |
retire | Octavian forced Lepidus to ---- from politics and the remaining leaders divided the Roman world between themselves |
labor | the Romans who were rich landowners used a new source of ---- the thousands of prisoners brought to Italy during the wars |
Gregorian | in 1582 A.D. the calendar was modified slightly and became known as the ----- calendar |
cities | faced with debts they could not pay, many framers sold their land and moved to ---- to look for work |
king | Caesar's enemies feared that Caesar wanted to be ----- |
entertainment | because the romans were worried about riots breaking out, to win votes of the poor, they began providing cheap food and ----- |
free | Caesar also ordered landowners using slave labor to hire more ---- workers |
west | Octavian took the ---- |
home | Rome's armies were victorious wherever they went, but problems were building at ------ |
Christ | The Gregorian calendar, based on the birth of ---- has been used in the U.S. since its beginning and is used by most countries in the world today |
paid | Marius changed the Roman army from citizen volunteers to ---- professional soliders |
dictator | in 82B.C. sulla drove Marius out of rome and declared himself ----- |
Pompey | in 60 B.C. three men were on top: Crassus, -----, and Julius Casear |
farmers | The gap between the rich partricians and poor plebeians grew, and ----- especially suffered |
senate | he gave some power to the ---- but really put himself in charge |
richest | Crassus was a military leader and one of the ---- men in Rome |
44 | on that date in ---- B.C., Ceasar's enemies surrounded him and stabbed him to death |
Spain | Pompey was in ---- |
free | if --- men were lucky enough to find work, they earned low wages |
latifundia | small farmers could not compete with wealthy Romans who were buying up land to create ---- or large farming estates |
owners | before the reform, most of the soldiers were --- of small farms |
land | in return for the soldiers service, he paid them wages and promised them ---- |
Syria | Crassus was in ----- |
Rubicon | Caesar and his 5,000 soldiers marched into Italy by crossing the ---- , a small river at the southern boundary of his command area |
Sulla | senators and others back home in Rome feared that Caesar was becoming too popular and might seize power like ---- |
rich | Rome's government asked the Senate to take back public land from the ---- and divide it among landless Romans |
war | Octavian declared ---- on Antony to keep him from taking over the republic |
generals | on the other side during the civil war Caesar's grandnephew Octavian and two of Caesar's top ---- , Antony and Lepidus |
Julian | Caesar's calendar was called the ----- calendar and it was used throughout Europe until A.D. 1582 |
Actium | Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra's forces at the Battle of ---- |
alliance | Antony fell in love with the Egyptian Queen, Cleopatra VII, and formed an ---- with her |
killed | both Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus were ---- by senators who opposed their attempts to reform the Roman government |
3 | Sulla spent --- years reforming the Roman government before resigning from office |
Augustus | Octavian took the title ---- meaning "revered one" which began the Roman empire |
calendar | Caesar also created a new ---- with 12 months, 365 days, and a leap year. |
jobs | ---- were hard to find for the farmers because enslaved people did most of the work |
invasion | Others had suffered damage to their farms during Hannibal's ----- of Itlay |
Second | after defeating Caesar's assassins, these three men created the ----- Triumvirate in 43 B.C. |
army | reform in Rome only worsened as the Roman --- took on a new role |
argue | the members of the Second Triumvirate began to ---- immediately |