Section 3 - notes
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
show | Rome's armies were victorious wherever they went, but problems were building at ------
farmers | show ๐
debt | show ๐
show | many farmers were unable to farm because they were fighting in Rome's ------
show | Others had suffered damage to their farms during Hannibal's ----- of Itlay
show | small farmers could not compete with wealthy Romans who were buying up land to create ---- or large farming estates
show | the Romans who were rich landowners used a new source of ---- the thousands of prisoners brought to Italy during the wars
show | by using these enslaved people to tend their crops, wealthy Romans could force ---- farmers out of business
cities | show ๐
show | ---- were hard to find for the farmers because enslaved people did most of the work
show | if --- men were lucky enough to find work, they earned low wages
show | these hard working conditions created widespread ----
riots | show ๐
entertainment | show ๐
show | the roman's policy of ---- and ----- helped many dishonest rulers come to power
show | Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus were tow wealthy ----- who tried to ---- Rome's government
show | Rome's government believed that many of Rome's problems were caused by the loss of small -----
show | Rome's government asked the Senate to take back public land from the ---- and divide it among landless Romans
show | Many senators, however, were among those who had ---- some of these public lands
fought | show ๐
show | both Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus were ---- by senators who opposed their attempts to reform the Roman government
show | reform in Rome only worsened as the Roman --- took on a new role
out | show ๐
Marius | show ๐
show | before the reform, most of the soldiers were --- of small farms
show | now because this type of farmer was disappearing, Marius began to recruit ---- from the poor
show | in return for the soldiers service, he paid them wages and promised them ----
paid | show ๐
duty | show ๐
Republic | show ๐
power | show ๐
show | Marius faced a challenge from a rival general with his own army, a man named ----
show | in 82B.C. sulla drove Marius out of rome and declared himself -----
show | Sulla spent --- years reforming the Roman government before resigning from office
what happened after Sulla stepped down from office? | show ๐
show | after Sulla left office, different roman leaders battled for power, supported by their loyal ---
show | in 60 B.C. three men were on top: Crassus, -----, and Julius Casear
richest | show ๐
military | show ๐
show | drawing on their wealth and power, Pompey, Caesar, and Crassus, formed the ---- Triumvirate to rule Rome
show | a ---- is a political alliance of three people
military | show ๐
Spain | show ๐
Syria | show ๐
Gaul | show ๐
battled | show ๐
hero | show ๐
show | senators and others back home in Rome feared that Caesar was becoming too popular and might seize power like ----
show | after Crassus was killed in the battle in 53B.C., the Senate decided that --- pompey should return to Itlay and rule alone
Senate | show ๐
Rubicon | show ๐
show | by Caesar giving up his army, he knew that he was starting a ---- war that there was no turning back
show | because Caesar was a better ----- he drove Pompey out of Italy and then destroyed his army in Greece
dictator; life | show ๐
show | Caesar granted ----- to people living in Rome's territories outside the Italian peninsula
colonies | show ๐
free | show ๐
calendar | show ๐
Julian | show ๐
show | in 1582 A.D. the calendar was modified slightly and became known as the ----- calendar
Christ | show ๐
enemies | show ๐
show | Caesar's enemies feared that Caesar wanted to be -----
show | Caesar ----- a famous warning to "beware the Ides of March" (March 15)
44 | show ๐
show | The phrase refers to Caesar's return to Italy. by crossing the Rubicon, Caesar knew he would begin a civil war and that he would either be victorious or be destroyed. today it means passing a point of no return or making a decision you cannot take back.
show | Caesar's death plunged a civil war
show | During the civil war, on one side were ---- led by men who had killed Caesar
generals | show ๐
Second | show ๐
argue | show ๐
retire | show ๐
show | Octavian took the ----
show | took the ----
alliance | show ๐
show | Octavian declared ---- on Antony to keep him from taking over the republic
show | Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra's forces at the Battle of ----
Roman Empire | show ๐
show | Cicero was a ----- leader, writer, and public speaker who was ---- dictators
representative | show ๐
reforms | show ๐
show | Octavian knew that most people favored a republican form of government but he also knew that the republic had been too ---- to solve Rome's problems
show | he gave some power to the ---- but really put himself in charge
show | Octavian took the title ---- meaning "revered one" which began the Roman empire
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