Question | Answer |
coat, jacket
(名) noun
件 | 外套
wàitào |
to draw support from, with the help of
(动) verb | 借助
jièzhù |
short pants, shorts
(名) noun | 短裤
duǎnkù |
suit trousers
(名) noun | 西裤
xīkù |
to have a pleasant journey (idiom)
(习惯用语) idiomatic expression | 一路顺风
yīlù shùnfēng |
to remember, to bear in mind, to learn by heart | 记住
jìzhu |
Oslo, capital of Norway | 奥斯陆
àosī lù |
dormitory roommate | 舍友
shèyǒu |
to envy, to admire
(形) adjective | 羡慕
xiànmù |
World Cup | 世界杯
shìjiè bēi |
gym, gymnasium
(名) noun | 健身房
jiànshēn fáng |
swim trunks
(名) noun
条 | 泳裤
yǒngkù |
to stare | 呆着
dāizhe |
underpants, panties, briefs
(名) noun
条 | 内裤
nèikù |
to guess
(动) verb | 猜
cāi |
shameful, ugly, disgraceful, clown, 2nd earthly branch: 1-3 a.m., 12th solar month (6th January to 3rd February), year of the Ox, (Chinese surname)
(形) adjective , (名) noun
None | 丑
chǒu |
(名) noun
条 | 领带
lǐngdài |
field, plain, open space, limit, boundary, rude, feral
(形) adjective | 野
yě |
atomic energy
(名) noun | 原子能
yuánzǐ néng |
formal dress | 正装
zhèngzhuāng |
network speed | 网速
wǎngsù |
cruel, mean, merciless, ruthless
(名) noun | 残忍
cánrěn |
swimsuit, bathing suit
(名) noun
件 | 泳衣
yǒngyī |
(名) noun
条 | 牛仔裤
niúzǎi kù |
to be jealous, to envy, to hate
(形) adjective, (动) verb | 嫉妒
jídù |
to collapse, to crumble, to fall apart
(形) adjective | 崩溃
bēngkuì |
to go out
(动补式) verb complement | 出去
chūqù |
dry land (as opposed to the sea)
(名) noun | 陆地
lùdì |
slippers, sandals, flip-flops
(名) noun
双, 只 | 拖鞋
tuōxié |
commonly seen, common, to see something frequently
(动) verb | 常见
chángjiàn |
to work one's shift, to succeed to a position, to take over a job (on the next shift), to relieve somebody as successor
(动宾式) verb object | 接班
jiēbān |
fantastic oddities of every description (idiom), grotesquely shaped | 奇形怪状
qí xíng guài zhuàng |
corset, sockpuppet (Internet slang), vest (dialect) | 马甲
mǎjiǎ |
cart, chariot, carriage, buggy
(名) noun
辆 | 马车
mǎchē |
(名) noun | 信号
xìnhào |
fleece, wool, woolen
(名) noun | 羊毛
yángmáo |
(名) noun | 橙子
chéngzi |
electric motor
(名) noun
台 | 电动机
diàn dòngjī |
glucose C6H12O6
(名) noun | 葡萄糖
pútao táng |
sleeveless garment (vest, waistcoat, singlet, tank top etc)
(名) noun
件 | 背心
bèixīn |
(名) noun
只, 艘 | 帆船
fānchuán |
sports shoes, sneakers
(名) noun | 运动鞋
yùndòng xié |
to go hunting
(动) verb | 打猎
dǎliè |
suit, western-style clothes (historical usage)
(名) noun
件 | 西服
xīfú |
short sleeves, short-sleeved shirt | 短袖
duǎnxiù |
to knit a sweater
(动宾式) verb object | 织毛衣
zhī máoyī |
to become more urgent, more rapid, urgent, to handle a matter urgently
(动) verb | 加急
jiājí |
to beat, to win, to profit
(动) verb | 赢
yíng |
to take a walk, to go for a walk
(动宾式) verb object | 散步
sànbù |
to hate, to regret
(名) noun, (形) adjective | 恨
hèn |
(名) noun
个 | 海洋
hǎiyáng |
thin, cold in manner, indifferent, weak, light, infertile
(形) adjective | 薄
báo |
to peck
(动) verb | 啄
zhuó |
meager, slight, weak, ungenerous or unkind, frivolous, to despise, to belittle, to look down on, to approach or near, (Chinese surname)
(形) adjective | 薄
bó |