Question | Answer |
The combining form plasm/o means | plasma |
Blood is characterized as what type of tissue? | connective |
The formed elements of blood (erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes) are suspended in the | plasma |
Plasma is about 90%: | water |
Plasma proteins are called | albumin |
Chemical structures that carry a positive or negative charge in the blood that include sodium, potassium, chloride, and calcium, are called | electrolytes |
The process by which all the formed elements in blood are produced is called | hematopoesis |
Immature blood cells are called | stem cells |
A red blood cell is called an | erythrocyte |
A white blood cell is called a | leukocyte |
THe red iron-containing molecule in the blood is called | hemoglobin |
Hemoglobin bound to oxygen is known as | oxyhemoglobin |
The hormone secreted by the kidneys that increases the speed at which erythrocytes are produced and become mature is called | erythropoietin |
WHen a person drowns or suffocates there is a high level of what in the blood? | carbon dioxide |
What is the number of types of white blood cells? | five |
A leukocyte with large granules in its cytoplasm is called a | granulocyte |
Granulocytes include basophils, neutrophils,and | eosinophils |
The most common type of white blood cell is the | neutrophil |
Neutrophils are also part of the immune system because they are also phagocytes which engulf and destroy ......... | bacteria |
THe smalles leukocytes are called | lymphocytes |
The least common leukocytes are called | basophils |
Thrombocytes are also called | platelets |
Thrombocytes help the blood to | clot |
How many blood types are there? | four |
WHich blood type is known as the "universal donor" because it can be given to patients with any type of blood without causing a reaction? | Type O negative |
When the body is injured the injured blood vessel constricts to decrease the loss of | blood |
Thrombocytes stick to the damaged blood vessel wall and form clumps that decrease the loss of blood. This process is known as platelet... | aggregation |
THe process of the blood clotting is known as | coagulation |
The cessation of bleeding is known as | hemostasis |
The medical word for blood clot is | thrombus |
THe number of clotting factors is | twelve |
The technical term for lymphatic fluid is | lymph |
The word that means "pertaining to the lymph system" is | lymphatic |
Lymph nodes are also called | lymph glands |
The term that means "resembling the lymph system is | lymphoid |
The pink colored lymph structure that is located within the mediastinum, posterior to the sternum is called the | thymus gland |
The lymphatic organ that is located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen is the | spleen |
The coordinated effort between the blood and the lymphatic system to destroy microorganisms that invade the body is called the | immune response |
Microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, yeasts, etc) that cause disease are known as | pathogens |
A very immature cell that comes from a stem cell in the red marrow and then developes into a myelocyte is called a | myeloblast |
The fluid portion of the plasma that remains after the clotting factors are activated to form a blood clot is called | serum |
The body's continuing immune response and defense against pathogens that is has seen before is called | active immunity |
THe fluid that flows through the lymphatic system is called | lymph |
Immune response and defense against pathogens that is conveyed by the mother's antibodies to the fetus via the placenta is called | passive immunity |
THe suffix -cyte means | cell |
THe suffix -blast means | immature cell |
The suffix that means "that which is produded" is | -gen |
THe suffix that means "dissoved substance" is | -lysis |
The suffix the means "resembling" is | -oid |
The suffix that means "thing that eats" is | -phage |
The suffix that means "attraction to; fondness for" is | -phil |
The suffix that means "condition of formation" is | -poiesis |
The suffix that means "substance that forms" is | -poietin |
The suffix that means "condition of deficiency; decrease: is | -penia |
The suffix that means "excessive flow or discharge" is | -rrhage |
The suffix that means "a mixing" is | -crasia |
The suffix that means "condition of the blood" is | -emia |
The suffix that means "condition; abnormal condition; process" is | -osis |
THe suffix that means "tumor or mass" is | -oma |
The suffix that means "disease or suffering" is | -pathy |
The suffix that means "immune response" is | -immune |
The suffix that means "swelling" is | -edema |
The suffix that means "immature celle" is | -blast |
The suffix that means "dissolved substance" is | -lyte |
The suffix that means "condition of standing still; staying in one place" is | -stasis |
The suffix that means "movement" is | -kine |
The suffix that means "structure or thing" is | -body |
The combining form "granul/o" means | granule |
The combining form that means "base of a thing" is | bas/o |
The combining forms "hem/o" and "hemat/o" mean | blood |
The combining form "electr/o" means | electricity |
The combining form that means eosin (red acidic dye) is | eosin/o |
The combining form that means "red" is | erythr/o |
The combining form that means "normal; usual" is | norm/o |
The combining form that means "small network" is | reticul/o |
The combining form that means "shaped like a globe" is | glob/o |
The combining form that means "oxygen; quick" is | ox/y |
The combining form "leuk/o" means | white |
The combining form that means "lymph; lymphatic system" is | lymph/o |
The combining form that means "one; single" is | mon/o |
The combining form that means "bone marrow; spinal cord; myelin" is | myel/o |
The combining form that means "not taking part" is | neutr/o |
The prefix that means "many;much" is | poly- |
The combining form "morph/o" means | shape |
The combining form for "white" is | leuk/o |
The combining form that means "eating;swallowing" is | phag/o |
The combining form "meg/a or macr/o" means | large |
The combining form "kary/o" means | nucleus |
The combining form that means "thrombus or blood clot" is | thromb/o |
The prefix "anti-" means | against |
The combining form "fibr/o" means | fiber |
The combining form "hem/o" means | blood |
The prefix "pro-" means | before |
The combining form that means "growth; formation" is | plast/o |
The prefix "inter-" means | between |
The prefix that means "innermost;within" is | endo- |
The combining form "tox/o" means | poison |
The combining form that means "press down" is | suppress/o |
The combining form "meg/a" means | large |
The combining form "kary/o" means | nucleus |
The combining form "macr/o" means | large |
The combining form for "bone marrow; spinal cord; myelin" is | myel/o |
The combining form for "not taking part" is | neutr/o |
The combining form "plasm/o" means | plasma |
The combining form for "thrombus or blood clot" is | thromb/o |
The combining form "morph/o" means | shape |
The combining form "coaglu/o" means | clotting |
The combining form "splen/o" means | spleen |
A severe bacterial infection of the tissues that spreads to the blood is called | septicemia |
Decreased numbers of all types of blood cells is called | pancytopenia |
Loss of a large amount of blood, externally or internally,is called | hemorrhage |
The combining form "chrom/o" means | color |
The combining form "anis/o" means | unequal |
The combining form "poikil/o" means | irregular |
The combining form that means "well-timed; taking advantage of an opportunity" is | opportun/o |
The suffix "-oma" means | tumor |
The prefix that means "above normal; more than normal" is | hyper- |
The prefix that means "clotting" is | coagul/o |
The combining form that means "embolus" is | embol/o |
The combining form that means "widely scattered throughout the body" is | dissemin/o |
The combining form that means "blood vessel" is | vascul/o |
The combining form "aden/o" means | gland |
The combining form that means "unknown; individual" is | idi/o |
The suffix that means "enlargement" is | -megaly |
The combining form "aut/o" means | self |
The combining form that means "outer aspects" is | peripher/o |
The suffix that means "separation of" is | -crit |
The combining form "heter/o" means | other |
The combining form "ferr/o" means | iron |
The prefix that means "beyond;higher" is | ultra |
The combining form "son/o" means | sound |
The suffix that means "process of recording" is | -graphy |
The suffix that means "a record or picture" is | -gram |
The combining form "ven/i" means | vein |
The combining form "phleb/o" means | vein |
The combining form that means "giving a vaccine" is | vaccin/o |
The suffix that means "process of making, creating, or inserting: is | -ization |
The combining form that means "give as a gift" is | donat/o |
The combining form that means "move something to another place" is | transplant/o |
The combining form that means "surgical excision (removal)" is | -ectomy |
The combining form "cortic/o" means | cortex |
The combining form that means to "block or hold back" is | inhibit/o |
The abbreviation for "acquired immune deficiency syndrome" is | AIDS |
The abbreviation for "red blood cell" is | RBC |
The abbreviation for "white blood cell" is | WBC |
The abbreviation Hgb is | hemoglobin |
The abbreviation for "complete blood count" is | CBC |
The abbreviation HCT stands for | hematocrit |
The abbreviation for human immunodeficiency virus is | HIV |