Question | Answer |
What % of oxygen supplied in a room to maintain homeostasis? | 21%. |
What happens when oxygen is absent? | Production of cellular metabolism is grossly inadequate and death ultimately occurs. |
Is Oxygen flammable? | No, but it strongly supports combustion. |
Humidification should be used liter flows past what LPM? | 4 LPM. |
What is Hypoxia? | Is an abnormal low oxygen available to the body or individual tissue or organ. |
What are Central Venous (CV) lines? | Are catheters that are inserted into a large vein. |
Oxygen is? | Tasteless and odorless gas. |
What does FIO2 stand for? | Fraction Inspired Oxygen(O2). |
What % of Nitrogen keeps the lungs inflated? | 78% |
Which part high or low does not allow us to know the exact amount of oxygen the patient is receiving? | Low flow. |
What can be indicators for the need of extra oxygen? | Increased cardiopulmonary workload, heart rate, blood pressure, and patients work of breathing. |
A person can go without oxygen for how many minutes before irreversible brain damage? | 6 Minutes. |
What 3 things must you have to deliver oxygen? | 1. Oxygen delivery device 2. Gas source 3. Means by which the two can be connected. |
What 2 units are oxygen measured in? | Liter Per Minute(LPM) and Percent Concentration (%). |
When transporting a patient with an oxygen cylinder what amount of delivered oxygen should the patient get? | The amount should match what the patient was receiving at his/her bedside. |
CV lines were initially developed to administer what? | Chemotherapeutic drugs and Parenteral Nutrition. |
What color is an Air Flowmeter? | Yellow. |
A properly positioned endotracheal tube should be how? | The distal tip should be 1 or 2 inches (3-5cm) superior to the tracheal bifurcation (Carina). |
Oxygen therapy is broken down into 2 parts what are they? | Low flow and high flow. |
What are Thoracostomy (intrapleural) tubes, more commonly called chest tubes are used for what? | To drain the intrapleural space and the mediastinum. |
Which part high or low allows us to guarantee the amount of oxygen the patient is receiving? | High flow. |
What are CV lines also used for today? | To administer a variety of drugs, manage fluid volume, serve as a conduit for blood analysis and transfusions, and monitor cardiac pressures. |
What masks are high flow? | Venturi, Aerosol, Trach, and Face Tent. |
When the 30% of oxygen usage drops then this creates what in the blood? | Hypoxemia. |
Is oxygen a drug? | Yes, the U.S. Pharmacopeia defined O2 as being a drug in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1962. |
What Liter amount is the percents? | 1L=24%
6L=44% |
What is a high flow? | A device that meets or exceeds the inspiratory demands or needs of the patient. |
What masks are low flow? | Simple, Partial Rebreather, and Non-Rebreather. |
What is Hypoxemia? | The decreased partial pressure amount of oxygen present in the human blood. |
What is Human Homeostasis? | Is the body's ability to physiologically regulate its inner environment to ensure its stability in response to fluctuations in the outside environment. |
What color is an Oxygen Flowmeter? | Green. |
What is a low flow? | Is a variable-oxygen concentration, a device that does not meet the entire inspiratory demand or needs of a patient. |
What gases are available in Dalton's Law? | 1. Nitrogen(78%) 2. Oxygen (21%) 3. Trace Gases (1%). |
The average normal breathing pattern consumes what percent of the 150 mmHg oxygen pressure? | 30% |
When should an oxygen device be removed from a patient? | Under no circumstances should an oxygen device be completely removed from the patient for the purpose of taking a radiograph without the consent or supervision of a physician, respiratory care practitioner, or attending nurse. |
What are the tissues most sensitive to Hypoxia? | The brain, heart, lungs, and liver. |