Question | Answer |
on genral grievous's ship what droids does R2-D2 set on fire? | battle droieds |
what is anicans nick name? | ani |
who is lukes sister? | leah |
who has a purple lightsaber? | mace windo |
is count doku bad or good? | bad |
what planit did obewan fight jango fet on? | cameno |
what are the creatures called that they ride on hoth? | tontons |
who is boba fets fother? | jango fet |
who is anicans master? | obewan |
what are the names of lukes two droieds? | R2-D2 AND C3-PO |
what is the name of obewan's droied? | R4-D2 |
what are the names of padamay's kids? | luke and leah |
what is hansolo's ship called? | milleniom felcon |
in the movie is there a yellow lightsaber? | no |
what are the two bad troopers called on the battle of hoth? | snow troopers and at-at drivers |
are lando and han solo friends? | yes they are |
does anican kill count duko? | yes |
what is the emperors real name? | chansler palpateen |
who is obewan's master? | qui gon gen |
what are the creatures called on endore? | Ewak's |
what is anican's girlfriend's name? | padamay |
who killed jaba? | leah |
does obewan kill genreal grevios in the last epesode? | no |
how many lightsabers can genral grevios hold? | 6 |
what bace do hansolo and leah stay at in the empire strikes back? | the eco bace |
what is lando palteens city called? | thhe city among the clouds |
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