Rad Terminology | Answers |
Ventral | Front |
Midsagittal | Dives body into equal right and left sections |
Ventral Recumbent | Lying face down |
Superior | Above |
Anatomical Position | Patient standing with palms up, head straight, arms at the side |
AP | Central ray from anterior to posterior |
Ipsilateral | On the same side |
Recumbent | General term for lying down |
Pronate | To turn arm so that palm of hand faces down |
Supine | Lying on back |
Decubitus Position | Patient lying down, CR is horizontal and parallel with floor |
Medial | Refers to parts toward the midline or middle of a part. |
Abduction | Away from body |
Lateral | Patient on side |
Cephalic | Toward head |
Caudad | Away from the head end |
Left Posterior Oblique | Patient is lying face up with right side up and left side down. |
Projection (Central Ray) | Describes path of radiation as it goes from x-ray tube through patient to film. |
Superficial | Near the skin surface |
Sim's Position | Recumbent position with patient lying on left anterior side with left leg extended and right knee/thigh partially flexed |
Deep | Farther from the skin surface |
Midcoronal | Divides body into anterior and posterior sections |
Projection | Path of beam |
Lateral Projection | Perpendicular CR enters either side of body/part, passes traversely along coronal plane, and exits opposite side |
Lordotic Position | Patient leans backward in upright position, with only shoulder in contact with IR |
Dorsal | Back |
True Position | Specifically indicates that body part must be placed exactly in anatomic position |
Inversion | Hand or foot turned inward |
Dorsum | Top or anterior surface of the foot or posterior surface of hand |
PA | Central ray path from posterior to anterior |
Proximal | Near the source |
Dorsal Recumbent | Lying on back |
Decubitus projection | Patient is lying down and CR is parallel to horizon |
Contralateral | On the opposite side |
Decubitus | Horizontal beam |
Lithotomy Position | Supine position with knees and hip flexed and thighs abducted and rotated externally, supported by ankle supports (Pap Smear) |
Trendelenburg | Head lower than feet |
Tangential Projection | CR directed toward outer margin of a curved body surface to profile body part just under surface |
Circumduction | Circular movement of limb away from body |
Transverse | Cross-sectional slices of the body |
Inferior | Below |
Tilt | Tipping or slanting a body part slightly |
Fowler's Position | Head higher than feet |
Prone | Lying on front |
Plantar | Sole of the foot |
Axial Projection | Longitudinal angulation of CR with long axis of body or body part, 10 degrees or more |
Distal | Farthest from the source |
Extension | Straightening of part |
Caudal | Tube angled toward feet |
Cephalad | Toward the head end of the body |
Flexion | Bending of part |
Rotation | Turning or rotating of body/body part around its axis |
Radiograph | Images illustrated on x-ray film |
Right Anterior Oblique | Patient's right anterior surface touching cassette at a 45-degree angle. |
Oblique | Part angled sometimes 45 degrees |