Question | Answer |
What was the political party of Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 presidential election? | Republican Party |
How did Abraham Lincoln feel about the slavery issue in the 1860 election? | He did not want the extension of slavery into the territories; he was personally against slavery |
Candidate who won the most Southern electoral votes | John C, Breckinridge |
What is the priciple by which an issue, such as slavery, is decided by a vote of the people? | popular sovereignty |
Minimum number of electoral votes for a state according the the Constitution | 3 |
What was the political party of John Bell In the 1860 election? | Constitutional Union Party |
Three things which caused tensions between the North and South just before the election of 1860 | Bleeding Kansas, John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry, and Dred Scott Decision |
How did Stephem Douglas feel about slavery in the 1860 election? | He believed in popular sovereignty. |
A meeting of delegates to nominate their party's presidential candidate | convention |
What was John Bell's home state? | Tennessee |
How did John Breckinridge feel about slavery? | It should be allowed everywhere; including the territories |
What was Stephen Douglas' home state? | Illinois |
One of the main reasons Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 election | The Democrats spit into several political parties |
What is a meeting of delegates to nominate their party's presidential candidate? | convention |
U. S. regions in which the Republican Party and Abraham Lincoln won large numbers of votes in the 1860 election | North and West |
What was John Breckinridge's home state? | Kentucky |
What was Abraham Lincoln's home state? | Illinois |
His party favored the building of the transcontinental railroad | Abraham Lincoln |
Main reason Lincoln won the 1860 election | Split in the Democratic Party |
Candidate who won the most electoral votes | Abraham Lincoln |
What was the political party of John Breckinridge in the 1860 election? | Southern Democrat |
Cast by voters | popular vote |
How did President James Buchannan react to the secession of southern states following Abraham Lincoln's election in 1860? | He did nothing. |
His party favored the Homestead Act | Abraham Lincoln |
What is a statement of the ideas and beliefs of a political party? | platform |
Lincoln, Breckinridge, Douglas, Bell?? Which candidate opposed the extention of slaves into the territories? | Lincoln |
How did John Bell feel about slavery in the 1860 election? | It was not as important as the preservation of the Union (United States). |
Candidate which opposed the extention of slavery into the territories | Abraham Lincoln |
His party favored a protective tariff | Abraham Lincoln |
Lincoln, Breckinridge, Douglas, Bell? Which candidate won the elctoral vote? | Lincoln |
How are the state's electors chosen? | By each state's popular vote |
Candidate who believed that the existence of slavery in the territories should be determined by popular sovereignty | Stephen A. Douglas |
In the 1860 election, where did Abraham Lincoln want to ban slavery? | territories |
A statement of the ideas and beliefs of a political party | platform |
Determines who wins a presidential election | electoral vote |
What was the political party of Stephen Douglas in the 1860 election? | Northern Democrat |
the principle by which an issue is decided by a vote of the people | popular sovereignty |
Candidate who said the most important issue was preserving the Union, not slavery | John Bell |
First candidate in U. S. history to actively campaign for the presidency | Stephen A. Douglas |
What type of vote really determines who wins a presidential election in the United States? | electoral vote |