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Ureters important landmarks   OVER: Common/External Iliac vessels UNDER: Gonadal Vessels (injury during ligation of Ovarian Vessels) LATERAL: Internal Iliac MEDIAL: Gonadal Vessel as they enter true pelvis  
Structure injured during ligation of uterine vessels in Histerectomy   Ureter  
Chi-Square   Association of 2 CATEGORICAL variables  
t-Test   Means of 2 GROUPS  
Meta-analysis   Pools data and integrates results from several similar studies to reach an overall conclusion (LIMITED BY: quality of individual studies or bias in study selection)  
ANTERIOR Drawer sign   ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injury  
POSTERIOR Drawer sing   PCL (posterior cruciate ligament) injury  
Common injury in contact sports due to lateral force applied to a planted leg.   Damage to ACL, MCL and lateral meniscus  
Determines the dose rate required to maintain a steady state plasma concentration (Css)   Clearance= Vd x Ke= rate elimination/plasma drug concentration  
Maintenance Dose   Cp x CL/F  
Most important steps for prevention of central venous catheter infections   *Proper hand washing * Full barrier precautions durin insertion of a central line *Chlorhexidine for skin disinfection *Avoidance of the femoral insertion site *Removal of catheter(s) when no longer needed  
Gram (+) infects prosthetic devices and intravenous catheters   Staphylococcus epidermidis (Novobiocin sensitive; Biofilms)  
Patient with ATYPICAL depression who has a hypertensive crisis after a wine and chefs party!   MAO inhibitor-tyramine crisis (especially Phenelzine)  
MAO inhibitors MOA   Nonselective Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors, increase level of amine neurotransmitters (NE, 5-HT, Dopa)  
Most common cardiovascular syndrome associated with SLE   Pericarditis  
Same sex twins   Dichorionic/diamniotic (2 oocytes, 2 sperm, 2 amnios, 2 chorions)  
Acute onset neurologic abnormalities + Hypoxemia + Petechial Rash   Fat Emboli (patient with severe long bone fracture and/or pelvic fracture)  
Types of PE   FAT BAT (Fat, Air, Thrombus, Bacteria, Amniotic fluid, Tumor)  
Test of choice for a PE   CT Pulmonary Angiography  
Necrotizing Fasciitis   1) Streptococcus Pyogenes (Group A strep) 2) Staphylococcus aureus 3) Clostridium Perfringens  
Pyrrolidonyl Arylamidase (PYR) positive   Streptococcus Pyogenes (Group A strep)--> Gram (+), catalase (-), beta hemolytic, bacitracin sensitive, forms chains  
Posterior Fossa malformations   Arnold Chiari Dandy- Walker  
Symmetric muscle weakness, endomysial inflammation with CD8+ Tcells, MHC I   Polyomyositis (LAB: increased CK, (+) ANA, (+)anti-Jo-1, (+)anti-SRP)  
Low EF, poor contractility, often 2º to Ischemic Heart disease or DCM   Systolic Dysfunction  
Isolated RHF   Cor Pulmonale  
Most common cardiomyopathy (90% cases)   Dilated Cardiomyopathy (S3, Echo->dilated heart, CRX->balloon appearance of heart)  
Eccentric hypertrophy of heart (sarcomeres added in series)   DCM  
Yeast and pseudohyphae (dimorphic), Positive Germ tube test at 37ºC   Candida albicans  
Four primary features of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome   1. Hyperthermia 2. Extreme generalized rigidity 3. Autonomic Instability 4. Altered mental status Treatment: Dantrolene (D2 agonist)  
MOA of Typical Antipsychotics (Haloperidol + ¨-azines¨)   Block dopamine D2 receptors, increasing cAMP  
2 most common causes of 1º eugonadotropic amenorrhea   1. Imperforate hymen 2. Mullerian Duct abnormalities  
1º amenorrhea in a female with fully developed 2º sex characteristics and normal levels of estrogens, gonadotropins   Mullerian duct abnormality  
Triad of abnormalities in ECG of Wolf Parkinson White   1. Delta wave at the start of QRS complex 2. Shortened PR interval 3. Widened QRS  
Most common type of Ventricular Pre-excitation Syndrome   Wolf Parkinson White (abnormal fast accessory conduction pathway from atria to ventricle; bundle of Kent, bypasses AV node)  
BH4 is used as a cofactor for the synthesis of   1. Tyrosine 2. Dopamine 3. Serotonin 4. Nitric Oxide  
Mononucleosis Monospot (-)   CMV  
(+) Monospot-heterophile antibodies detected by sheep agglutination RBCs   EBV  
Confirm Menopause   INCREASED FSH (loss of negative feedback on FSH due to low estrogen)  
Menopause before age 40   premature ovarian failure  
Hormonal changes in Menopause   Increased: FSH, LH, GnRH Decreased: Estrogen  
Should be removed from a patients diet suffering from Aldose B deficiency (Fructose Intolerance)   decreased intake BOTH: fructose+sucrose  
Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors (Cilostazol,Dipyridamole) cause   Increase cAMP= VASODILATION  
Oxaloacetate forms aspartate while reacting with glutamate, whats the essential cofactor for this reaction   Pyridoxine (vit B6)  
ALL current cases   Prevalence  
New cases   Incidence  
Incidence rate   # NEW cases specified time period/Population at risk during SAME time period  
Prevalence   Prevalence= Incidence x Time  
Prevalence > Incidence   Chronic diseases  
Fever, urticaria, arthralgias, proteinuria, lymphadenopathy, decreased serum C3 levels following drug use   Serum sickness (Immune complex disease, type III Hypersensitivy)  
Most serum sickness is now caused by drugs (not serum) acting as   Haptens  
NORMAL urinary excretion in Pancreatic insufficiency, DECREASED with Intestinal mucosa defects or bacterial overgrowth   D-xylose absorption test  
DIAGNOSE Pancreatic Insufficiency   1. Normal D-xylose absorption test 2. Increased neutral fat in stool  
MOST gastric ulcers occur in?   Lesser Curvature (Transitional zone)  
Enzyme activated responsible for pathogenesis of Acute Pancreatitis   Trypsinogen (converted to trypsin by enterokinase enteropeptidase, a brush border enzyme on the duodenal and jejunal mucosa)  
Pupillary light reflex   Illumination on 1 eye= bilateral pupillary constriction  
Decreased bilateral pupillary constriction when light is shone in AFFECTED eye relative to UNAFFECTED eye   Marcus Gunn Pupil (Afferent pupillary defect- due to optic nerve damage or severe retinal injury)  
Degranulation of MAST CELLS   IgE-Fc receptor aggregation on the cell surface  
Digoxin (Cardiac Glycoside); MOA   Direct inhibition of Na+/K+ ATPase leads to indirect inhibition of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger/antiport. INCREASING [Ca2+]i---> positive inotropy. Stimulates vagus nerve---> decreasing HR.  
Digoxin (Cardiac Glycoside); CLINICAL USE   1. CHF (increases contractility) 2.Atrial fibrillation (decreases conduction at AV node and depression of SA node)  
1º line treatment for Atrial Fibrillation with Rapid Ventricular Response   1. Ca2+ channel blockers (class IV, Antiarrhythmics): Diltiazem 2. Cardioselective beta blocker  
2º line treatment for Atrial Fibrillation with Rapid Ventricular Response   Digoxin  
Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis   TNF-alpha inhibitors  
lnfliximab, Adalimumab (TNF-alpha inhibitor)   1. Crohn's disease 2. Rheumatoid arthritis 3. Psoriatic arthritis, 4. Ankylosing spondylitis 5. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)  
All TNF-alpha inhibitors predispose to   INFECTION including reactivation of latent TB. TNF blockade prevents activation of macrophages and destruction of phagocytosed microbes.  
What test should be performed before starting treatment with a TNF-alpha inhibitor   PPD skin test  
TNF-alpha inhibitors   1. Etarnecept 2. Infliximab, adalimumab  
Anti-TNF-alpha monoclonal antibody   Infliximab, adalimumab  
Hypertension, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis and LOW plasma renin   Conn Syndrome (1º Hyperaldosteronism)  
Conn Syndrome (1º Hyperaldosteronism) is caused by   1. Adrenal hyperplasia 2. Aldosterone-secreting adrenal adenoma  
Treatment for Conn Syndrome (1º Hyperaldosteronism)   1. Surgery 2. Spironolactone (K+ sparing diretic, aldosterone antagonist)  
Single MOST important risk factor associated with Aortic Disecction   Hypertension  
CT shows intraluminal tear forming a ¨flap¨ separating true and false lumen   Aortic Disecction  
Aortic Disecction associated with   1. Hypertension 2. Bicuspid aortic valve 3. Connective tissue disorders (Marfan syndrome)  
Clinical LAB features of Legionella pneumophila   -High fever (>39ºC) -Headache and confusion -Watery diarrhea -Hyponatremia -Sputum gram stain showing many neutrophils, but few or NO organisms -CXR: unilobar infiltrate that progresses to consolidation  
Sputum gram stain showing many neutrophils, but few or NO organisms   Legionella pneumophila (gram-negative, facultative intracellular)  
stain used for Legionella pneumophila   Silver stain  
Legionella pneumophila grows on   Charcoal yeast extract culture with iron and cysteine  
Legionella pneumophila detected clinically by   Antigen in urine.  
Associate Legionella pneumophila   Smokers and patients with Chronic Lung disease. Aerosol transmission from environmental water source (air conditioning systems, hot water tanks,etc)  
X-linked defect affecting the methylation and expression of the FMRI gene.   Fragile X; Trinucleotide repeat disorder (CGG)  
2nd most common cause of genetic mental retardation (after Down syndrome)   Fragile X  
Macro­orchidism, long face with a large jaw, large everted ears, autism, mitral valve prolapse.   Fragile X (X-linked; FMRI gene;Trinucleotide repeat disorder (CGG))  
Trinucleotide repeat disorder (CGG)   Fragile X (X-linked defect affecting the methylation and expression of the FMRI gene)  
ACE inhibitors   INCREASE: renin, AT I, bradykinin DECREASE: AT II, aldosterone  
Acute hemolytic cystitis (dysuria+hematuria) in children   Adenovirus (naked, dsDNA, linear)  
Thrombocytopenic purpura, recurrent Infections, Eczema   Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome  
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome treatment   HLA-matched bone marrow transplantation  
mutation in WAS gene (X-linked recessive); T cells unable to reorganize actin cytoskeleton.   Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome  
Findings in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome   1. Decreased to normal: IgG, IgM 2. Increased: IgE, IgA 3. FEWER and SMALLER PLATELETS  
Aminoacids with 3 titratable protons   Histidine Arginine Lysine Aspartic acid Glutamic acid Cysteine Tyrosine  
Can be injured during axillary node dissection after mastectomy   Long thoracic nerve (C5-C7)  
Inability to anchor scapula to thoracic cage--> cannot abduct arm above horizontal position   Mucle deficit: Serratus anterior Injury: Long thoracic nerve (C5-C7)  
¨winged scapula¨   Long thoracic nerve (C5-C7) injury  
Wide pulse pressure, bounding pulses and head bobbing   Aortic regurgitation  
Female>65yoa with unilateral headache, jaw claudication, pelvic girdle pain and morning stiffness   Temporal (giant cell) arteritis  
Temporal (giant cell) arteritis is associated with   Polymyalgia rheumatica.  
Lab finding in Temporal (giant cell) arteritis   INCREASED ESR. LM: granulomas in the media of the arteries, consisting of mononuclear infiltrates and multinucleate giant cells  
Temporal (giant cell) arteritis should be treated with high-close corticosteroids prior to biopsy to PREVENT   Vision Loss  
Temporal (giant cell) arteritis most commonly affects   Branches of Carotid Artery  
Most common cause of Acute Gastroenteritis in children and adults in INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES   Campylobacter (Comma or S-shaped, oxidase positive, grows at 42°C)  
Campylobacter transmission   Fecal-oral through foods such as poultry, meat, unpasteurized milk.  
Major cause of bloody diarrhea, especially in children.   Campylobacter (Comma or S-shaped, oxidase positive, grows at 42°C)  
Common antecedent to Guillain-Barre syndrome and reactive arthritis.   Campylobacter (Comma or S-shaped, oxidase positive, grows at 42°C)  
Histone that ties nucleosome beads together in a string.   H1 Histone  
ONLY histone that is NOT in the nucleosome core   H1 Histone  
Single amino acid replacement in beta globin chain; substitution of Glutamic acid for Valine at position 6   Missense mutation; Sickle Cell anemia  
Metalloproteinases   secreted by inflammatory macrophages in the intima and may reduce plaque stability by degrading collagen  
Bilateral metastases to ovaries. Abundant mucus, signet ring cells.   Krukenberg's tumor (Stomach Cancer)  
Vaccine contains type B capsular polysaccharide (polyribosylribitol phosphate) conjugated to diphtheria toxoid   H. influenzae Hib conjugated vaccine: increased IMMUNOGENICITY  
Death from cardiac cause within 1 hour of onset of symptoms   Sudden Death  
sudden cardiac death most commonly due to   lethal arrhythmia (e.g., ventricular fibrillation)  
Lippid-lowerin agent that can EXACERBATE Gout   Niacin (Vitamin B3)  
Niacin (Vitamin B3) side effects   1. Red, flushed face 2. Hyperglycemia (acanthosis nigricans) 3. Hyperuricemia (exacerbates gout)  
Contralateral hemianopia with macular sparing   PCA  
Post-traumatic stress disorder   Disturbance lasts > I month, with onset of symptoms beginning anytime after event  
Persistent reexperiencing previous traumatic event. Nightmares, flashbacks, intense fear, helplessness, or horror. Leads to avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and persistent arousal.   Post-traumatic stress disorder  
Post-traumatic stress disorder, Treatment   psychotherapy, SSRis.  
Acute stress disorder   3 days- 1 month  
Most common childhood systemic vasculitis. Often follows URI   Henoch-Schonlein purpura  
Henoch-Schonlein purpura, Classic triad:   Classic triad: • Skin: palpable purpura on buttocks/legs • Arthralgia • GI : abdominal pain, melena, multiple lesions of same age  
Henoch-Schonlein purpura associated with   IgA nephropathy  
Vasculitis 2º to IgA + C3 complex deposition   Henoch-Schonlein purpura  
Virchow's triad   • Stasis • Hypercoagulability (e.g., defect in coagulation cascade proteins, most commonly factor V Leiden) • Endothelial damage (exposed collagen triggers clotting cascade)  
Gestational Diabetes   •Increased INSULIN-->Islet cell hyperplasia= HYPOglycemia in neonate  
The pancreas is derived from   Duodenal portion of the Foregut  
GI embriology   Foregut-pharynx to duodenum. Midgut-duodenum to proximal 2/3 transverse colon. Hindgut-distal 1/3 transverse colon to anal canal above pectinate line  
The ventral pancreatic bud becomes   1. Uncinate process 2. Pancreatic head 3. Main pancreatic duct  
The dorsal pancreatic bud becomes   Everything else! 1.Tail 2.Body 3.Isthmus 4. Accessory pancreatic duct  
Airway an GI infections, Autoimmune disease, Atopy, Anaphylaxis to IgA containing products   Selective IgA deficiency (Most common 1º immunodeficiency)  
Most common 1º immunodeficiency   Selective IgA deficiency  
The consistency and reproducibility of a test (reliability). Absence of random variation.   Precision  
Reduces precision in a test.   Random error  
Increases precision in a test.   Decrease in standard deviation.  
Deficiency of surfactant   Patchy alveolar atelectasis (collapse)  
Causes hepatocellular cytoplasm to take finely granular, eosinophilic appearance ¨ground glass¨-like   HBV  
Infection with N. gonorrhea does NOT result in lasting immunity due to   Its ability to modify its outer membrane protein, ANTIGENIC VARIATION  
1º cause of urinary tract obstruction in elderly male patient   BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)  
Distension/dilation of renal pelvis and calyces   Hydronephrosis  
Most common site of obstruction (hydronephrosis) in fetus.   Ureteropelvic junction  
Causes of Hydronephrosis   -Urinary tract obstruction (e.g, renal stones, BPH, cervical cancer, injury to ureter) -Retroperitoneal fibrosis -Vesicoureteral reflux  
Systolic heart sounds   1. Aortic/Pulmonic stenosis 2. Mitral/Tricuspid regurgitation 3. Ventricular septal defect  
Diastolic heart sounds   1. Aortic/Pulmonic regurgitation 2. Mitral/Tricuspid stenosis  
Most common congenital cardiac defect   VSD (L-to-R shunt)  
L-to-R shunts; frequency   VSD>ASD>PDA  
L-to-R shunts; LATE cyanosis ¨blue KIDS¨   1.VSD 2.ASD 3.PDA 4.Eisenmenger syndrome  
Holosystolic, harsh-sounding murmur. Loudest at tricuspid area, accentuated with hand grip maneuver due to increased afterload.   Ventricular septal defect  
R-to-L shunts; EARLY cyanosis ¨blue BABIES¨; 5 T´s   1) Truncus arteriosus (1 vessel) 2) Transposition of great vessels (2 switched vessels) 3) Tricuspid atresia (3=tri) 4) Tetralogy of Fallot (4=tetra) 5) TAPVR (5 letters in the name); Total anomalous pulmonary venous return  
Follows opening snap. Delayed rumbling late diastolic murmur. Enhanced by maneuvers that increase LA return (e.g., expiration).   Mitral Stenosis  
Opening snap   Mitral Stenosis  
Chronic Mitral Stenosis results in   LA dilation  
3 points of insertion of Sternocleidomastoid Muscle   1. ¨Sterno¨: manubrium of Sternum 2. ¨Cleido¨: medial part of Clavicle 3. ¨Mastoid¨: Mastoid process of the skull  
Sternocleidomastoid Muscle function and innervation   -CN XI -Function: turn head in the opposite direction  
Loss of high-frequency hearing 1st; sudden extremely loud noises can produce hearing loss due to tympanic membrane rupture.   Damage to stereocilliated cells in organ of Corti  
Damage to stereocilliated cells in organ of Corti   Noise-induced hearing loss  
Beta1-selective antagonists (Beta1 > Beta2)   1. Acebutolol (partial agonist), 2. Betaxolol, 3. Esmolol (short acting), 4. Atenolol, 5. Metoprolol  
Beta 1 receptors are found in   -Cardiac tissue -JGA cells  
Law of Laplace   Collapsing pressure (P)= 2 (surface tension)/radius  
2º Hyperaldosteronism   -Renal artery stenosis, -Chronic renal failure, -CHF, -Cirrhosis, -Nephrotic syndrome -Malignant HTN -REnin-secreting tumor (reninoma)  
Renal perception of low intravascular volume results in an overactive renin-angiotensin system. Associated with HIGH plasma RENIN.   2º Hyperaldosteronism  
Hypertension, HIGH= plasma RENIN, HIGH= plasma ALDOSTERONE   2º Hyperaldosteronism  
Treatment of 2º Hyperaldosteronism   Spironolactone  
Acute salicylate toxicity   Respiratory alkalosis  
Chronic salicylate toxicity   Metabolic acidosis with compensation (hyperventilation), Increased anion gap  
NADPH is required for   -Reductive reactions, e.g., glutathione reduction inside RBCs, Fatty acid and Cholesterol biosynthesis. -Ribose for nucleotide synthesis and glycolytic intermediates.  
2 distinct phases of HMP shunt (oxidative and nonoxidative), occur in   CYTOPLASM  
HMP shunt sites   Sites: lactating mammary glands, liver, adrenal cortex (sites of fatty acid or steroid synthesis), RBCs.  
Interferes with Gamma-carboxylation of glutamic acid residues   Warfarin  
Vitamin K deficiency   Decreased synthesis of factors II, VII, IX, X, protein C, protein S. vWF carries/protects VIII.  
Warfarin inhibits   Epoxide reductase  
Warfarin; CLINICAL USE   Chronic anticoagulation (after STEMI, venous thromboembolism prophylaxis, and prevention of stroke in atrial fibrillation).  
Follow Warfarin administration with   PT/ INR values  
Thyroid hormones alter gene transcription by binding to receptor situated inside   NUCLEUS  
Diagnosis of Strongyloides stercoralis   Rhabtidiform (non-infectious form) in stool  
Route of transmission; Strongyloides stercoralis   Filariform larvae (infectious form) in soil penetrates the skin  
UMN lesion signs   1. Hyperreflexia 2. Hypertonia 3. Babinski (+) 4. Spastic paralysis 5. Clasp knife spasticity  
LMN lesion signs   1. Weakness 2. Atrophy 3. Fasciculations 4. Hypotonia 5. Hyporeflexic 6. Flaccid paralysis  
Major virulence factor of S. pyogenes (Group A streptococci)   M protein  
deficiency causes Cheilosis, Angular Stomatitis, Corneal vascularization.   Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)  
Component of flavins FAD and FMN, used as cofactors in redox reactions,e.g, the succinate dehydrogenase reaction in the TCA cycle   Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)  
Screen pregnant women at 35-37 weeks. Patients with positive culture receive intrapartum penicillin prophylaxis.   Streptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococci)  
Intrapartum penicillin prophylaxis.   Streptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococci)  
Streptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococci)   -Bacitracin resistant, -Beta-hemolytic, -Produces CAMP factor, -Hippurate test positive. Colonizes vagina; causes pneumonia, meningitis, and sepsis, mainly in babies.  
1º line treatment for Essential Tremor   Propranolol (non-specific beta-adrenergic antagonist)  
Action tremor; exacerbated by holding posture/limb position   Essential Tremor  
Autosomal dominant. Patients often self-medicated with EtOH, which decreases tremor amplitude.   Essential Tremor  


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