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ch.48-test 3 study guide

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

insertion of a needle or cannula into a vein for the purpose of withdrawing blood   phlebotomy  
what is venipuncture   puncture of a _____ performed with a __________ and for the purpose of collecting blood  
whole blood is   the total volume of plasma and formed elements  
why is alcohol sometimes not used   because it can alter a test result, especially glucose, so the povidone-iodine swabs can be used in place of the alcohol for some tests  
GGT-What is the glucose tolerance test   Checks for glucose levels it take a couple hours and it is always done with pregnancy  
Confirming Pretest Prep: What should you instruct the pt. to eat for 3 days before test   instruction to the pt. for preparation for a GTT  
formed elements   RBC, WBC, platelets  
PPE for Phlebotomy especially use what ALWAYS   GLOVES  
What are the most common sites?   median cubital and cephalic veins, NOT femoral, inguinal, saphenous, seprior vena cava, popliteal, posterior tibial, radial nor ulnar veins  
standard supplies for procedures   evacuation - vacutainer, double needle, blood test tubes, alcohol, cotton or gauze bandaid butterfly- tubing with needle, syringe, alcohol, cotton, bandaid capillary- lancet, alcohol, cotton, test machine SHARPS container and gloves  
48-2 What is the vacutainer/evacuation system all about?   blood collection device used with interchangeable collection tubes that are calibrated to collect the exact amt. of blood  
What is the butterfly system? 672   used for small or fragile veins and with children more frequently. They have wings attached to the needle and it helps hold the needle steady in the vein  
The holder adapter plastic part of the evac system is also called what "v"   vacutainer  
What is the NIOSH   recommends that health care workers use needles only if no safe alternatives are available; never recap needles before putting in sharps  
yellow top tube TEST TYPE   CMP  
RED TOP TUBE- additive and test type   COLLECTION TUBE WITH NO ADDITIVES, it can clot if left alone OR if you centrifuge it will separate the plasma and keep the clot at the bottom, used for blood chemistries and HIV/AIDS tests  
GREEN top tube Test Types   Electrolyte studies  
RED/GRAY or gold - additive and test type   No additive,  
GRAY top tube test type   blood glucose tests like FBS or HgbA1c and then tested every 3 months  
If drawing Blood culture, then CBC, then Blood Chemistries,which tube is FIRST and last and why?   1-blood culture-yellow, 2- blood chem-RED, 3- CBC-Lav, Fresher cleaner sample for CBC  
What to do with a elderly patient when drawing blood   have the patient elevate their arm after removing the needle  
which specimen collection technique collects the smallest amt and uses calibrated glass tubes (674)   capillary puncture  
which fingers are preferred to be used first? (674)   3rd and 4th  
lancets are used when and what is definition 674   disposable instruments with sharp points used to puncture the skin  
how is a capillary puncture taken in a infant?   in the heel  
characteristics of capillary puncture technique   used on the pt's dominant hand used with a lancet used when smaller amounts of blood are needed NOT used in evacuation collection tubes nor syringes  
pt. fears and concerns- PAIN what to tell a pt. and suggest (675)    
bruises or scars   do not inject into these areas  
when does a hematoma occur?   going through the vein, or not putting enough of the needle in the vein..it happens sometimes  
What to tell a pt. regarding getting the blood test it is the best way to what? (675)    
how to avoid a hematoma and read venipuncture complications p.677    
anticoagulants and serum separators   anticoagulant- Heparin and EDTA serum separator- separates the whole blood clots on the bottom and plasma on the top by serum separator, or yellow gel in tiger top tube and gold tube  
KNOW TESTS: indications diseases and disorders-BUN and creatine kinase   BUN test -bllod urea nitrogen-kidney disorders CREATINE kinase-heart disease  
Total Cholesterol   blood test to identify coranary artery disease (CAD) and atherosclerosis  
Erythrocyte count (RBC)   used to identify anemia  
Glucose   gray top and capillary puncture  
potassium and sodium blood tests   identifies fluid-electrolyte imbalances  
Gout is identifies with which blood test   Uric acid  
PT or prothrombin time normal ranges   11-15seconds (how long it takes for the blood to clot)  
calcium normal ranges   8.6-10 mEq/L  
potassium normal ranges   3.5-5.1 mEq/L  
glucose fasting blood sugar -FBS normal ranges   74-120 mg/dL  
Blood counts    
normal sodium blood level   136-146 mEq/L  
WBC count- or white blood cell count is in which test?   CBC  
CBC contains what?   Hct., Hgb, WBC, RBC, erythrocytes, basophils, everything for the whole blood  
hematocrit determination   identifies how much volume of a sample is made up of RBC's after the sample is spun in a centrifuge  
What is the most common way to clean the sit for venipuncture?   with alcohol  
why do you not put tourniquet on too tight?   it can cause hemolysis  
what is hemolysis   lysing or rupturing of RBC's(red blood cells)  
what are the blood formed elements   red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets  
what is whole blood   the total volume of plasma and formed elements  
how far do you go into the vein wall when performing venipuncture with the evacuation system?   1/4-1/2 inch  
After how many unsuccessful attempts at obtaining a good blood sample should yu seek assistance from your supervisor or MD   2  
what is the blood disorder when the blood doesn't coagulate at a puncture site?   hemophilia  
what is plasma   the clear yellow liquid in which formed elements of blood are suspended  
After the blood has been spun in the centrifuge, what test determines how much volume of a sample is made up of red blood cells ?   Hematocrit  
what is the ELISA and Western blot tests used to confirm?   HIV infection and ELISA is the ENZYME -linked immunosorbent assay test  
What is Morphology   the study of the shape of form of objects. (like those morph apps for pics- what did you morph into??)  
steps before the collection of a blood specimen   Identify the pt. correctly, ask the pt. to tell you their name,  
when drawing blood from the elderly patient   have the pt. elevate her arm after removing the needle  
Be AWARE of any blood disorders BEFORE taking blood by asking pt. if they have a bleeding disorder or problems with their blood clotting AKA-   hemophilia, if so, hold for min 5 min with pressure on puncture site or wound  
Ask if pt. is allergic to   latex, non-latex is safer - some pts. dont even know until the procedure. (NOT ON TEST-common with seasonal allergies to some trees)  


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Created by: Wcflores007
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