8th Grade American Revolution
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
show | England's chief lawmaking body; was the colonists' model for representative government.
show | The war between 1754-1763 over control of the northern and eastern parts of North America
George Washington | show 🗑
Proclamation of 1763 | show 🗑
George III | show 🗑
show | Man who said "as for me, give me liberty or give me death."
show | A refusal to buy something
Samuel Adams | show 🗑
Crispus Attucks | show 🗑
show | Defended the British soldiers who killed the 5 citizens during the Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party | show 🗑
show | Required colonists to house British soldiers and provide them with supplies
Stamp Act | show 🗑
show | Search warrants to enter homes or businesses
show | groups that exchanged letters on colonial affairs
Ally | show 🗑
Mercenary | show 🗑
show | a knife attached to a gun
Privateer | show 🗑
Rendezvous | show 🗑
show | to leave military duty without planning to return
Republicanism | show 🗑
Strategy | show 🗑
Guerrilla | show 🗑
show | Asserted Britain's power over her colonies
Townshend Acts | show 🗑
Navigation Acts | show 🗑
Boston Massare | show 🗑
show | Tax enacted in 1764 to help pay colonial defense
show | Actions taken by Parliament because of the Boston Tea Party
show | 12 colonies met in Philadelphia; sent a respectful message to King George urging him to consider the colonists' grievances (complaints)
show | A tax used to regulate trade
show | Wife of John Adams; a patriot; she wanted the Declaration of Independence to address women's rights
show | A partiot; she wrote plays that were critical of the British government's actions against the colonists
James Armistead | show 🗑
Wentworth Cheswell | show 🗑
show | Convinced many Hessians to desert the British military; he used his own money to finance the Patriot cause for independence
show | One of the most successful American captains; Famous victory came against a British warship; "I have not yet begun to fight"
show | Refusal to obey laws in an effort to induce change in governmental policy or legislation; usually through nonviolent means
2nd Continental Congress | show 🗑
Bernardo de Galvez | show 🗑
1776 | show 🗑
show | American Revolution; the 1st time that it looked like the Americans could win
show | First battle of the American Revolution; the "Shot Heard Round the World"
Declaration of Independence | show 🗑
Thomas Jefferson | show 🗑
Thomas Paine | show 🗑
show | Inventor; discoverer of electricity, negotiated peace treaty with France
show | Last battle of the American Revolution
Treaty of Paris 1783 | show 🗑
Inalienable Rights (Unalienable Rights) | show 🗑
Lord Cornwalis | show 🗑
Marquis de Lafayette | show 🗑
Valley Forge | show 🗑
Taxation without Representation | show 🗑
Militia | show 🗑
show | Colonists wanting to fight for independence from Britain
Loyalist | show 🗑
show | Organized by the 2nd Continental Congress to fight against the British
show | Nickname given to Mary Ludwig Hayes McCauley when she carried water to soldiers after her husband was kill in battle
show | We are German mercenaries (professional soldiers) hired by the British. 900 of us were captured by Washington at Trenton
show | I was an American patriot known as the "Swamp Fox" because of my guerrilla attacks on the British in South Carolina
show | I led a group of men from Vermont on an expedition to steal cannons from Fort Ticonderoga
George Rogers Clark | show 🗑
Frederick von Steuben | show 🗑
John Burgoyne | show 🗑
show | A request to change something
Grievance | show 🗑
Repeal | show 🗑
show | Decedents of future generation
show | Overturning of a government by the people being governed
show | The surrounding or blockading of a city, town or fortress by an army attempting to capture it.
Redcoats | show 🗑
show | A closing off of an are to keep people or supplies from going in or out
Deborah Sampson | show 🗑
Martha Washington | show 🗑
show | The statesman who was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence
Paul Revere | show 🗑
show | The location where colonial militias in Massachusetts stored their weapons
Battle of Lexington | show 🗑
Olive Branch Petition | show 🗑
The fort that Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen captured giving the colonists a large supply of weapons and cannon to use in the Revolution | show 🗑
show | Wat colonia city did the minutemen surround and hold under siege
Bunker Hill | show 🗑
show | This patriot moved the cannon from Fort Ticonderoga 300 miles through the wilderness to the siege of Boston
show | The British general who was driven out of Boston in March of 1776
show | Retired British soldier who served as a American General in the American Revolution; his victory at the Battle of Saratoga turned the tide in the war
Battle of Trenton | show 🗑
Battle of Bunker Hill | show 🗑
Minutemen | show 🗑
show | French commander who aided in the victory of Yorktown
The Great Awakening | show 🗑
show | Believed there should be a social contract between government and citizens
show | An Enlightenment thinker who thought that people had natural rights such as equality and liberty.
show | Important leader of the Great Awakening; his dramatic sermons told sinners to seek forgiveness for their sins or face punishment in Hell forever.
Olive Branch Petition | show 🗑
show | In response to Olive Branch Petition; King ordered all rebels arrested for treason and hung; hired 10,000 Prussian mercenaries to help suppress the rebellion
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