Nursing Fundamentals for Finals Mod A
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
American Nurses Association (ANA) | show 🗑
Florence NIghtingale | show 🗑
Clara Barton | show 🗑
Harriet Tubman | show 🗑
show | a nurse who completes a practical nursing program and passes a licensure exam. Practices under the supervision of an RN or other licensed person.
Registered Nurse (RN) | show 🗑
In-service education | show 🗑
Code of Ethics | show 🗑
show | 1. Cure
2. Cure
3. Coordination
Nurse Practice Act (NPA) | show 🗑
Caregiver | show 🗑
show | protect your patient's human and legal rights and will provide assistance in asserting these rights if the need arises (acting on behalf of your patient)
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) | show 🗑
Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) | show 🗑
Nurse Practitioner (NP) | show 🗑
show | APRN who is educated in midwifery
show | APRN with advanced education in anesthesia accredited program
Nurse Educator | show 🗑
Nurse Administrator | show 🗑
Nurse Researcher | show 🗑
show | deals with issues of concern to those practicing in the profession
National League for Nursing (NLN) | show 🗑
show | the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities
International Council of Nurses (ICN) | show 🗑
show | the study of all the genes in a person and interactions of the genes with on another and with at person's environment
show | a state of being that people define in relation to their own values, personality, and lifestyle
show | a peron's ideas, convictions, and attitudes about health and illness
Health Belief Model | show 🗑
Health Promotion Model | show 🗑
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs | show 🗑
Holistic Model | show 🗑
Passive strategies of health promotion | show 🗑
Active strategies of health promotion | show 🗑
show | activities such as routine exercise and good nutrition; motivate to act positively
show | teaches people how to care for themselves in a healthy way
show | activities such as immunization programs protect pt's from actual or potential threats to health
3 Levels of Health Prevention | show 🗑
show | any situation, habit, environmental condition, physiological condition, or other variable that increases an individual/group vulnerability to an illness/accident
Illness | show 🗑
Acute illness | show 🗑
show | longer than 6 months and sometimes life threatening
Illness behaviors | show 🗑
Internal Variables | show 🗑
show | visibility of symptoms, social group, cultural background, etc
Professional Standards Review Organizations (PSRO) | show 🗑
show | review admissions, diagnostic testing and treatments provided by HCP's
Prospective Payment System (PPS) | show 🗑
show | fixed reimbursement amount w/ adjustments for cost severity (set dollar amount)
show | payment mechanism in which provider's receive a fix amount per month per patient or enrollee of a health care plan
Managed Care | show 🗑
show | a set of providers and services organized to deliver a coordinated continuum of care to the population of patients in a specific market or geographic area
6 Levels of Care | show 🗑
show | patient's who have signs and symptoms of disease are diagnosed and treated
show | settings and services in which pt's who are recovering from illness or disability receive rehab and supportive care
show | -prenatal, well-baby, nutrition counseling, family planning, exercise
Secondary Care | show 🗑
show | -intensive care, psychiatric
show | -cardiovascular/pulmonary, sports medicine, home care
Continuing Care | show 🗑
show | centralized, coordinated, multidisciplinary process that ensures that a pt. has a plan for care after leaving hospital
show | The moment a patient is admitted!!!!!
Intensive Care | show 🗑
show | pt's w/ emotional/behavioral problems
Inpatient/Outpatient services
Rural Hospitals | show 🗑
show | pt's recoving from acute/chronic illness or disabilities
show | provision of medically related professional services/equipment to patients and families in their home
Rehabilitation | show 🗑
Extended Care Facilities | show 🗑
The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 | show 🗑
show | required by omnibus; uniform data set established by Dept. of Health (DHS), framework for any state-specified assessment instruments used to develop a written/comprehensive plan of care
Respite Care | show 🗑
Adult Day Care | show 🗑
show | family-centered care that allows patients to live and remain at home w/ comfort and dignity caused by terminal illness
Patient-Centered Care | show 🗑
show | to recognize health care organizations that achieve excellence in nursing practice
show | makes an appropriate plan of care based on assessment
show | a person who studies in the branch of medicine and deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases
Common Law | show 🗑
Statutory law | show 🗑
show | define the scope of nursing practice and expanded nursing care
Due Process | show 🗑
Criminal Laws | show 🗑
show | wrongful act/acts against a person/persons property that are compensated by awarding monetary damages to the individual violated
show | deliberate act of wrongful conduct (assault/battery)
Assault | show 🗑
Battery | show 🗑
Negligence | show 🗑
Malpractice | show 🗑
show | legal guidelines for minimally safe and adequate nursing practice
show | identifying possible risks, analyzing them, acting to reduce them and evaluating the measures taken to reduce them (occurrence report)
show | preventable errors (falls, UTI's) that should never happen in a hospital setting
Good Samaritan Laws | show 🗑
Consent | show 🗑
show | patient's agreement to allow something such as surgery to happen based on full disclosure
show | manual method, physical, or mechanical device/material/equipment that immobilizes
show | 1. Cardio-pulmonary- lack of circulatory/respiratory function
2. irreversible failure of all functions of the entire brain/stem
show | written statement of a person's wishes regarding medical treatment, living will
Living Will | show 🗑
Durable Power of Attorney/Health Care Proxy | show 🗑
Confidentiality | show 🗑
Ethics | show 🗑
Morals | show 🗑
Value | show 🗑
show | the study of ethics
show | person's independence; (nurse makes decision to give treatment w/o order due to pt's symptoms)
Justice | show 🗑
Fidelity | show 🗑
show | promotes taking "positive/good" steps to help others
Non-maleficence | show 🗑
Accountability | show 🗑
Deontology | show 🗑
Ethics of Care | show 🗑
show | a problem-solving approach to clinical practice that combines the conscientious use of best evidence w/ clinicians exptertise; making decisions about patient care
show | P = patient of interest
I = intervention of interest
C = comparison of interest
O = outcome (achieve)
T = Time (how long)
Sentinel Event | show 🗑
show | continuous process characterized by open-mindedness, willing to look at each unique patient situation and determine which identified assumptions are true/relevant
3 Levels of Critical Thinking | show 🗑
Scientific Method | show 🗑
Problem-Solving | show 🗑
show | "self-talk", powerful form of communication within a person
show | interaction that occurs between two people/small group
Denotative Meaning | show 🗑
show | shade/interpretation of the meaning of a word
show | talking rapidly
show | verbal/nonverbal exchanges between the nurse and the patient
SBAR (sit back and assess the recommendation) | show 🗑
show | assess the patient's understanding of ALL communication
Empathy | show 🗑
Clarifying | show 🗑
Focusing | show 🗑
Paraphrasing | show 🗑
show | concise review of main ideas from a discussion
show | personal statements intentionally revealed to the other person
show | "sense of possibility"
Overusing Medical Vocabulary | show 🗑
show | concern, sorrow
show | key intervention strategy to improve health behaviors
show | practice that results in an individuals learning knowledge, new behaviors or skills
Learning | show 🗑
show | idea that initiates reason for communication
show | -cognitive - what a person knows
-affective - person's feelings
-psychomotor - person can do physically
show | the mental state that allows a learning to focus on and understand the material
show | you and the patient set objectives; participate in the learning process together
Entrusting | show 🗑
Reinforcement | show 🗑
Demonstration | show 🗑
show | permits patient to perform skill as nurse observes
show | two similar things
show | universal phenomenon influencing the way we think, feel and behave in relation to one another
show | 1. Assessment
2. Diagnosis
3. Planning
4. Implementation
5. Evaluation
show | information obtains through the senses (see)
Inference | show 🗑
Gordon's 11 functional health patters | show 🗑
show | patient's verbal description (what they tell you)
Objective Data | show 🗑
Open-ended questions | show 🗑
Back-channeling | show 🗑
show | limit patients answers to 1 or 2 words such as "yes" or "no"
Validation | show 🗑
Critical Thinking involves | show 🗑
show | model for organizing nursing diagnosis for documentation, auditing, and communication process
show | condition that responds to nursing intervention
show | -Problem (problem)
- Etiology (cause)
-Symptoms (characteristics)
show | broad statement that describes a desired change in a patients condition/behavior
3 steps in choosing a nursing intervention | show 🗑
Independent Nursing | show 🗑
Dependent Nursing | show 🗑
show | the minimum level of care accepted to ensure high quality of care to patients
RBC (red blood cells circulating) | show 🗑
Hgb (hemoglobin) the 14 yr. old goblin goes trick/treating while transporting candy) | show 🗑
Hct (hematocrit) men (42) minus 5 for women (37) | show 🗑
ESR | show 🗑
show | blood, wound, urine, etc (collection of)
show | looks for presence of WBC's, bacteria, etc in urine
show | measures the % of each type of leukocyte present
5,000 - 10,000
show | bone marrow failure, radiation, overwhelming infection, etc.
show | WBC containing bacteria combating granules
Agranulocyte | show 🗑
show | Neutrophils Lymphocytes Monocytes / Eosinphils Basophils
Granulocyte Agranulocyte
Neutrophils (granulocyte) | show 🗑
show | 20 - 40%
-fight bacteria and acute vial infections
show | 2 - 8%
-are phagocytic, fight bacteria, remove necrotic debris and microorganisms from the blood
-produce rapidly
Basophils (Agranulocyte) | show 🗑
Eosinophils (Agranulocyte) | show 🗑
ILIA/OSIS | show 🗑
show | low, down
Adult blood pressure | show 🗑
show | 60 - 100
show | 12 - 20
show | 96.8 - 100.4 F
5 parts of an examination | show 🗑
Resolving an Ethical Dilemma | show 🗑
show | fine bubbling sounds in the lungs
Atrophy | show 🗑
Adventitious Lung Sounds | show 🗑
Turgor | show 🗑
show | dark stool
Phlebitis | show 🗑
show | tiny red/purple spots; minute hemorrhages
Pallor | show 🗑
Orthopnea | show 🗑
Cerumen | show 🗑
show | yellowish discoloration of the skin; caused by greater amounts of bilirubin in the blood
show | Redness
Edema | show 🗑
Dyspnea | show 🗑
Dorsal | show 🗑
Cyanosis | show 🗑
show | skin hardening
OTO- | show 🗑
show | joint
show | before
-ology | show 🗑
show | after
tachy- | show 🗑
eryth- | show 🗑
show | to form an opening
show | glandular
bi- | show 🗑
nephron- | show 🗑
Broncho | show 🗑
derma- | show 🗑
show | enlargement
show | heart
neuro- | show 🗑
chole- | show 🗑
show | surgical removal of
-lysis | show 🗑
-osis | show 🗑
costo- | show 🗑
-plasty | show 🗑
vaso- | show 🗑
-algia | show 🗑
show | bladder
show | presence of stones
mal- | show 🗑
dorso- | show 🗑
entero- | show 🗑
show | tongue
pan- | show 🗑
show | air
brachio- | show 🗑
show | slow
ambi- | show 🗑
show | above, beyond, increased
gastro- | show 🗑
-rhage | show 🗑
ileo- | show 🗑
show | gallbladder
- it is | show 🗑
show | stone/calculus
show | new
-genesis | show 🗑
show | excessive discharge
show | not/without
show | half
-cele | show 🗑
show | self
hemo- | show 🗑
show | female
show | outside of/in addition to
dys- | show 🗑
show | to/toward
show | white
show | liver
show | kill/destroy
show | blood
show | blood
osteo- | show 🗑
histo- | show 🗑
Heat Loss | show 🗑
Diaphoresis | show 🗑
Pyrexia | show 🗑
show | elevated body temperature FEVER
show | without fever
Sustained Fever | show 🗑
Intermittent Fever | show 🗑
show | Fever spikes; falls w/o returning to normal temperature
Relapsing Fever | show 🗑
show | medication that reduce fever
show | elevated body temperature due to inability to promote heat loss
show | prolonged exposure to the sun or high temperatures
show | heat loss during prolonged exposure to cold
Oral Temp. | show 🗑
show | easy accessible; minimal patient repositioning/not waking pt.
show | Gold standard for core temp.; more reliable than oral; difficult/ impossible to obtain
Axilla | show 🗑
show | inexpensive; continuous reading; safe/nonevasive
Temporal Artery | show 🗑
show | earpiece
bell chest piece
diaphragm chest piece
Temporal Pulse | show 🗑
Carotid Pulse | show 🗑
show | 5th intercostal space at left mid-clavicular line
Brachial Pulse | show 🗑
show | radial/thumb side of forearm at the wrist
show | ulnar side of forearm at wrist
Femoral Pulse | show 🗑
show | behind the knee
Posterior Tibial Pulse | show 🗑
Dorsalis Pedis Paulse | show 🗑
show | speed of the heartbeat measured by the number of contractions of the heart per minute (bpm)
Tachycardia | show 🗑
show | slow heart rate; less than 60 beats/min.
show | regular interval interrupted by an early/late/missed beat
Blood pressure | show 🗑
Systolic Pressure | show 🗑
show | MINIMAL pressure; bottom number (DBP)
Pulse Pressure | show 🗑
show | persistently elevated blood pressure;
systolic greater than 140 : diastolic greater than 90
-if measured high like this 2 times
show | low blood pressure; systolic less than 90 : diastolic less than 60
Auscultation | show 🗑
Korotkoff Sound | show 🗑
show | temporary disappearance of sound
Respiration | show 🗑
show | movement of gases INTO and OUT of the lungs
Diffusion | show 🗑
show | distribution of red blood cells to and from the pulmonary capillaries (e.g. capillary refill)
Eupnea | show 🗑
show | full inspiration and expiration = 1
show | respiratory rate less than 12 / min. or lower
show | respiratory rate more than 20 / minute or higher
Apnea | show 🗑
Pulse Oximetry | show 🗑
show | measures the exhaled carbon dioxide
show | why patient is seeking health care
Inspection | show 🗑
Percussion | show 🗑
Olfaction | show 🗑
show | skin, hair, scalp, and nails
Documentation | show 🗑
show | electronic record of patient health information generated by one or more encounters in any care delivery setting
show | level with which I.T. is available and used to support clinic decision to improve quality/safety
show | when an actual/potential injury happens, but is not part of a patient record
show | the invasion of a susceptible host by potentially harmful microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa)
Colonization | show 🗑
Symptomatic | show 🗑
Chain of Infection | show 🗑
show | person that hosts a disease, but shows no symptoms
show | large number of microorganisms residing on the surface and deep layers of the skin, in the saliva, and on the oral mucosa and intestinal walls
show | secondary infection
show | inanimate surfaces (counter/desk)
Inflammation | show 🗑
Necrotic | show 🗑
Antigen | show 🗑
show | patient develops an infection that was not present at the time of admission
show | comes from microorganisms found OUTSIDE the body
Endogenous-Infection (IN) | show 🗑
Aseptic Technique | show 🗑
show | the absence of disease
show | clean techniques includes procedures used to reduce the number and prevent the spread of microorganisms (handwashing/PPE)
show | sterile technique, includes procedures to eliminate all microorganisms from an area
Standard Precautions | show 🗑
Disinfection | show 🗑
Sterilization | show 🗑
show | -airborne
-contact precautions
Homeostasis | show 🗑
show | affects a person's oxygenation by binding strong with hemoglobin; reducing supply of oxygen delivered to tissues
show | process by which RESISTANCE to an infectious disease is produced or increased
show | I'm CONCERNED
SAFE ("this is not safe, you should stop now")
RACE | show 🗑
Auditory | show 🗑
Tactile | show 🗑
show | taste
Proprioception | show 🗑
Sensory Deficits | show 🗑
show | INADEQUATE quality/quantity of stimuli; impairs perception
Sensory Overload | show 🗑
Presbycusis | show 🗑
Accommodation | show 🗑
show | analgesics, antibiotics affecting hearing acuity
show | ringing in the ears
Presbyopia | show 🗑
show | cause unknown (vertigo, tinnitus)
show | study of all aspects of the aging process
show | dealing with physiology/psychology of aging in older adults
show | form of dementia
Dementia | show 🗑
show | 2nd form of dementia; reversible; stroke or onset gradual
Review the information in the table. When you are ready to quiz yourself you can hide individual columns or the entire table. Then you can click on the empty cells to reveal the answer. Try to recall what will be displayed before clicking the empty cell.
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To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
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Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.
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