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Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

aseptic   techniques used to eliminate or minimize contamination  
pathogen   disease causing  
8 taxonomy levels   domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species  
genus and species   the binomial name given to everything ex. E. Coli, Streptococcus mutans  
3 domains   Archea, Bacteria, and Eukarya  
Subspecies   strain or variety of organisms  
prokaryotes   does NOT have a nucleus  
eukaryotes   DOES HAVE a nucleus  
Archaebacteria   belong to "Archea Domain" ; ancient, oldest living forms known; able to live in extreme conditions  
Bacteria   Belong to "Bacteria Domain" ; unicellular prokaryotes - 3 types - bacillus (rods) , coccus (spheres), spiral (twisted) - all produce by binary fission - most are decomposers - some bacteria use flagella for motility  
Parasites   not always seen on microscopes  
Fungi   Eukaryotes that include yeasts (unicellular), molds (multi-cellular), lichens, and mushrooms ; heteroptrophic; have cell walls  
Algae   Eukaryotes that are photosynthetic (autotroph) and aquatic; multi/unicellular; categorized by the basis of pigmentation and composed of cell walls (red, brown, green); Agar is derived from cell walls of red algae  
Protozoa   Highly mobile aquatic eukaryotes which include paramecium, amoeba, mostly Asexual and sexual reproduction; capable of locomotion by Pseudopods, Cilia, and Flagella  
Viruses   missing link between living and non-living things ; first seen in 1932  
Microscopic Animals   Parasitic round worms, tapeworms  
Cell Theory   All living things are composed of cells  
Spontaneous Generation   believe that living things come from non-living things  
Antonio van Leeuwenhoek   Inventor of the microscope, made all microscopes on his own; Modern disciples: Bacteria, Protozoa, Fungi, Animals, and Algae  
Carolus Linnaeus   Father of taxonomy: First to discover Leeuwenhoeks microorganisms can be grouped into 6 categories  
Difference between Bacteria Cell Walls and Archae Cell Walls   Bacteria - contain peptidoglycan though lack cell walls Archae - composed of polymers rather then peptidoglycan  
Aristotle   proposed Spontaneous generation, believe that living things come from non-living things  
Francesco Redi   1st to do meat experiment  
John Needham   2nd to do meat experiment; boiled broth and sealed with corks, concluded must be 'life force' in flasks due to cloudiness  
Lazaro Spallanzani   Spontaneous generation does NOT occur; all living things arise from other living things; sealed glass by melting them  
Louis Pasteur   "swan necked flask experiment; developed scientific method; discovered fermentation and pasteurization - industrial microbiology and food and beverage technology  
Edward Buchner   demonstrated fermentation does NOT require living cells, enzymes promote chemical reaction; biochemistry and study of microbial metabolism, genetics and genetic engineering  
Robert Koch   Koch's postulates - etiology (causation of diseases) - anthrax ; simple staining techniques, First: photomicrograph of bacteria, photo of bacteria in diseased tissue, used steam to sterilize, use of petri dish  
Hans Christian Gram   Gram Stain - Positive is Purple, Negative is Red, microbial morphology  
Ignaz Semmelweis   "Father of Handwashing", required medical students to wash their hands in chlorinated lime water prior to entering surgery; higher pt survival rate women were dying from child birth bc drs were working on cadavers, wiped hands and deliver babies  
Joseph Lister   Antiseptic Technique, sprayed wounds, surgical incisions, and dressing with carbolic acid (phenol)  
Florence Nightingale   Nurse who implemented aseptic technique in hospital ward, cutting down on infection, advocate for for hospital and public health reform  
John Snow   mapped cholera epidemic in London, foundation for infection control and epidemiology  
Edward Jenner   developed vaccine for smallpox (injected boy with cowpox and smallpox), began the field of immunology  
Paul Ehrlich   "Magic Bullets" chemicals that would destroy pathogens but not harm humans; chemotherapy  
Which of the following microorganisms are not eukaryotic? A. bacteria B. yeasts C. molds D. protozoa   Bacteria  
Which microorganisms are used to make microbiological growth media? A. Bacteria B. Fungi C. Algae D. Protozoa   Algae  
In which habitat would you most likely find archaea? A. Acidic hot springs B. Swamp Mud C. Great Salt Lake D. all of the above   All of the above  
Of the following scientist, who first promulgated the theory of abiogenesis? A. Aristotle B. Pasteur C. Needham D. Spallanzani   Aristotle  
Which of the following scientists hypothesized that a bacterial colony arises from a single bacteria cell? A. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek B. Louis Pasteur C. Robert Koch D. Richard Petri   Robert Koch  
Which scientist first hypothesized that medical personnel can infect patients with pathogens? A. Edward Jenner B. Joseph Lister C. John Snow D. Ignaz Semmelweis   Ignaz Semmelweis  
Leeuwenhoek described microorganisms as_________. A. animalcules B. prokaryotes C. eukaryotes D. protozoa   animalcules  
Which of the following favored the theory of spontaneous generation? A. Spallanzani B. Needham C. Pasteur D. Koch   Needham  
A scientist who studies the role of microorganisms in the environment is a(n) ______________. A. genetic technologist B. earth microbiologist C. epidemiologist D. environmental microbiologist   environmental microbiologist  
The laboratory of Robert Koch contributed which of the following to the field of microbiology? A. simple staining techniques B. use of Petri dish C. first photomicrograph of bacteria D. all of the above   All of the above  
Biochemistry __________ and __________ .   Pasteur and Buchner  
Chemotherapy __________.   Ehrlich  
Immunology __________.   Jenner  
Infection Control __________.   Snow  
Etiology __________.   Koch  
Epidemiology __________.   Snow  
Biotechnology __________ .   Pasteur  
Food Microbiology __________ .   Pasteur  
Why was the theory of spontaneous generation a hindrance to the development of the field of microbiology?    
Discuss the significant diff between the flasks used by Pasteur and Spallanzani. How did Pasteur's investigation settle the dispute about spontaneous generation    
List 6 types of microorganisms   fungi protozoa algae bacteria archaea viruses  
Defend this statement: "the investigations of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek changed the world forever."   Leeuwenhoek was a dutch sailor and merchant. He learned to make his own magnifing glasses to examine the quality of cloth. He began making  
Why would a macroscopic tapeworm be studied in microbiology?   Even tho most of these worms are not microscopic as adults many of them cause diseases that were studied by early microbiologists. Infections of tapeworms were dx by finding microscopic eggs n immature stages in the blood fecal urine n lymph specimens.  
Describe what has been called the "Golden Age of Microbiology" with the reference to 4 major questions that propelled scientists during that period.   1.Is spontaneous generation of microbial life possible? 2. What causes fermentation? 3.What causes disease? 4. How can we prevent infection and disease?  
Refer to 4 steps in the scientific method in describing Pasteur's fermentation experiment.   1. Observes phenomenon and generates question 2. Hypothesis 3. Conducts Experiment 4. Analyzes results, either accepting, rejecting, or modifying hypothesis  
Developed smallpox immunization   Jenner  
First photomicrograph of bacteria   Koch  
Germ theory of disease   Pasteur  
Germs cause disease   Pasteur, Koch  
Sought a "magic bullet" to destroy pathogens   Ehrlich  
Early epidemiologist   Snow  
Father of Microbiology   Pastuer  
Classification system   Linnaeus  
Discoverer of bacteria   Leeuwenhoek  
Discoverer of protozoa   Leeuwenhoek  
Founder of antiseptic surgery   Lister  
Developed the most widely used bacterial staining technique   Gram  


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Created by: Cpvander
Popular Biology sets