The Language of Medicine 11th Edition
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
A rounded, knuckle-like bone process at the joint: | condyle
Which of the following is a cranial bone? | parietal bone
Which of the following is a facial bone? | maxillary bone
Which structure lines a joint space? | synovial membrane
Skeletal (voluntary) muscle: | striated muscle
Spongy, porous bone tissue: | cancellous bone
The projection of the temporal bone: | mastoid process
The rounded depression, or socket, in the pelvis that joins the femur, forming the hip joint: | acetabulum
Flexible, rubbery connective tissue found in the immature skeleton, at the epiphyseal growth plate, and on joint surfaces: | cartilage
Pertaining to the upper arm bone: | humeral
The shaft, or middle portion, of a long bone: | diaphysis
The proximal bony process of the ulna at the elbow, or the bony point of the elbow when flexed: | olecranon
The round process on both sides of the ankle joint: | malleolus
Each end of a long bone is called a/an: | epiphysis
The name used for any type of joint: | articulation
Connective tissue that binds muscles to bones: | tendon
Supporting bundles of bony fibers in cancellous (spongy) bone: | trabeculae
Bone cell that helps form bony tissue to replace cartilage during ossification: | osteoblast
Bone cell that absorbs and removes unwanted bony tissue: | osteoclast
Sac of fluid near a joint to promote smooth sliding of one tissue against another: | bursa
Finger and toe bones are known as: | phalanges
The posterior part of the pelvic bone: | ischium
Thin bone that is the smaller of the two lower leg bones: | fibula
Small, flat bone that is also known as the kneecap: | patella
Seven short bones that are the hindfoot bones: | tarsals
The medial (little finger side) forearm bone: | ulna
The lateral forearm bone (in line with the thumb): | radius
Connective tissue binding bones to other bones: | ligament
One of two flat, triangular bones on each dorsal side of the thorax; also known as: | scapula
The larger of the two bones of the lower leg: | tibia
Lumb/o means: | lower back
The combining form for bone: | oste/o
What is the combining form for hand bones? | metacarp/o
Carp/o means: | wrist bones
The combining form for thigh bone: | femor/o
Patell/o is the combining form for: | kneecap
What is the combining form for skull? | crani/o
Tibi/o means: | shin bone
Scapul/o is the combining form for: | shoulder blade
What is the combining form for heel? | calcane/o
The suffix -blast means: | embryonic or immature cell
The Suffix -clast means: | to break
The meaning of -malacia: | softening
The combining form for the upper jawbone: | maxill/o
What is the combining form for elbow? | olecran/o
The meaning of phalang/o: | finger and/or toe bones
The meaning of -physis: | to grow
The meaning of -listhesis: | slipping
What is the combining form for the upper part of the pelvic bone? | ili/o
The combining form for ribs: | cost/o
What is the meaning of arthr/o? | joint
What is the meaning of chondr/o? | cartilage
What is the meaning of the suffix -desis? | to bind, tie together
The meaning of the suffix -stenosis: | narrowing
What is the meaning of the combining form leiomy/o? | smooth muscle that lines the walls of internal organs
The meaning of the combining form rhabdomy/o: | skeletal muscle connected to bones
The combining form for muscle: | my/o
The combining form for heart muscle: | myocardi/o
The prefix that means away from: | ab-
The meaning of the prefix ad-: | toward
The term for turning the palm upward: | supination
The term for turning the palm downward: | pronation
What is the term for straightening of a flexed limb? | extension
What is the meaning of the term flexion? | bending a limb
What is the meaning of the term abduction? | movement away from the midline of the body
What is the term that means movement toward the midline of the body? | adduction
What is the term for circular movement around a central point? | rotation
What is the meaning of dorsiflexion? | backward (upward) bending of the foot
What is the term for bending the sole of the foot downward toward the ground? | plantar flexion
What is the meaning of the prefix dorsi-? | back
Softening of bone, with inadequate amounts of mineral (calcium) in the bone: | osteomalacia
Decrease in bone density (mass) is known as: | osteoporosis
Inflammation of the bone and bone marrow secondary to infection: | osteomyelitis
The type of fracture that occurs near the wrist joint at the distal end of the radius: | Colles fracture
A chronic progressive form of arthritis with stiffening of joints, primarily of the spine: | ankylosing spondylitis
What is carpal tunnel syndrome? | a compression of the median nerve as it passes between the ligament and the bones and tendons of the wrist
What is a ganglion? | a fluid-filled cyst arising from joint capsules or tendons, typically in the hand
The enlargement of bone or tissue around the joint at the base of the big toe: | bunion
Bony growth (benign) arising from the surface of bone: | exostosis
A progressive, degenerative joint disease with loss of articular cartilage and hypertrophy of bone at articular surfaces: | osteoarthritis
Visual examination of a joint with an arthroscope and television camera: | arthroscopy
The procedure for recording the strength of muscle contraction as a result of electrical stimulation: | electromyography (EMG)
What is arthrocentesis? | surgical puncture to remove fluid from the joint space
The procedure that involves taking x-ray images after injection of contramaterial into a joint: | arthrography
The surgical repair or replacement of a joint: | arthroplasty
A procedure used to measure bone mass that involves low-energy x-ray absorption in bones of the spinal column, pelvis, and wrist: | bone densitometry
Treatment of dislocations that restores the bones to their normal positions: | reduction
Surgical removal of a portion of the vertebral arch in patients with chronic or recurrent disk herniation: | laminectomy
A surgical chisel designed to cut bone: | osteotome
What is the meaning of tarsectomy? | surgical removal of a bone of the hindfoot
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