Lindsey Jones 1B- Patient Data
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show | ((PaCO2-PECO2)/PaCO2 )* 100, Range 20-40%
show | (FIO2*7) – (PaCO2 +10)
show | PAO2- PaO2, RANGE 25-65mmHg
show | (Hb*1.34*SaO2) + (PaO2 * .003), range 17-20%
show | (Hb*1.34*SvO2) + (PvO2 * .003), range 12-16%
show | CaO2-CvO2, Range 4-5%
show | ((A-aDO2)*.003 ) / ((A-aDO2)*.003+C(a-v)O2), Range 3- 5 %
show | VO2 / (C(a-v)O2 * 10) , range 4-8 L/min
show | CO / BSA, RANGE 2.5 - 4 L/m/m2
Types of Chest X-rays : AP(Anterior to posterior) | show 🗑
Types of Chest X-rays : PA(Posterior to Anterior) | show 🗑
show | Helps to visualize the lungs as a 3-dimensional body
Types of Chest X-rays : Lateral decubitus | show 🗑
show | Any diagonal or non-traditional angle. Increases 3-dimensionality of lung, helpful in spotting internal issues such as masses, blebs, or lesions.
Neck X-rays : Lateral Neck | show 🗑
show | 1. Use a A-P chest radiograph. 2. Determined by radio-opaque line on the ET tube. 3. End of line should be 2cm above the carina (or 1 inch)
show | should be in the pleural space
show | 1)tip should rest in the right atrium or vena cava 2)distal end in the pulmonary artery, not wedged(i.e. balloon not inflamed.)
Placement X-rays : Nasogastric tube positioning | show 🗑
Normal Chest X-ray description | show 🗑
Radiological Description : Trachea shift from midline-Associated Problem | show 🗑
Radiological Description : Obliterated costophrenic angles-Associated Problem | show 🗑
Radiological Description : Flattened diaphragm-Associated Problem | show 🗑
Radiological Description : Radiolucent-Associated Problem | show 🗑
Radiological Description : Fluffy infiltrates-Associated Problem | show 🗑
Radiological Description : Wedge - shaped infiltrates-Associated Problem | show 🗑
show | Pneumonia
Radiological Description : Butterfly or Batwing Pattern-Associated Problem | show 🗑
Radiological Description : Plate like or patchy infiltrates-Associated Problem | show 🗑
Radiological Description : Ground glass or Honeycomb pattern- Associated Problem | show 🗑
show | ARDS/IRDS
show | pleural effusion
Diagnostic Radiology : V/Q studies | show 🗑
show | Used to visualize 1.lung masses,lesions,or nodules 2. during scanning metals are not to be used directly.
Diagnostic Radiology : Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) | show 🗑
Diagnostic Radiology : Bronchogram | show 🗑
show | 1. Radiographic assessment of esophagus while the pt. swallows food mixed with radiopaque paste. 2. Used to determine risk for aspiration by visualizing any food entering tracheal& protection of tracheal opening during swallowing.
K+ Potassium | show 🗑
Na+ Sodium Major: | show 🗑
show | Major: Extracellular Anion. Normal: 80-100 mEq/L range HYPERchloremia: (Metabolic ACIDOSIS ) Hypochloremia: (Metabolic alkalosis)
show | Changes in Total CO2 content reflect changes in blood base. Normal: 22-26 mEq/L range HIGH HCO3- (Metabolic ALKALOSIS) Low HCO3- (Metablolic acidosis)
show | 1. Both indicates kidney function. 2. Ceratine is more accurate than BUN. 3.Acceptable range- 8-25 mg/dl. 4. Acceptable range- 0.7-1.3 mg/dl.
show | 1. Required for blood clotting. 2. Acceptable value - 150,000-400,000 units/mm3
Coagulation Studies : PT (Prothrombin time) | show 🗑
Coagulation Studies : APTT(Activated partial thomblastin time) | show 🗑
Complete Blood Count(CBC) : Hb | show 🗑
show | 1. cells that carry Hb. 2.Acceptable range-4-6 mill/cu mm.
Complete Blood Count(CBC) : WBC | show 🗑
show | 1. used on infants 2. electrode placed on skin & should be moved every 4 hrs. or causes burns on the skin 3. only accurate if perfusion is happening - correlates with the blood gas values.
Urine: Urinalysis | show 🗑
Sputum:Gram stain | show 🗑
Sputum:Culture | show 🗑
Sputum: Sensitivity | show 🗑
show | Used to detect the organism associated w/ TB (mycobacterium TB)
Sputum: clear | show 🗑
show | chronic bronchitis
Sputum: Yellow | show 🗑
show | stagnant sputum- Bronchiectasis, pseudomonas.
Sputum: Red | show 🗑
Sputum: Brown | show 🗑
Sputum: Pink frothy | show 🗑
Ventilation : Definition | show 🗑
Ventilation : Physical signs of ventilation | show 🗑
show | 1. Intercostal & Sternal retractions - associated with upper airway obstruction 2. Accessory muscle use.
Ventilation : lab signs of ventilation | show 🗑
show | Oxygenation probs. r imp. than circulation&perfusion. consider those 1st. consider CPR. If an object is blocking airway, dont start chest compression eventhough pt.'ve lost HR.U continue to remove object for ventilation becoz 1st priority is ventilation.
Oxygenation : Physical signs of oxygenation | show 🗑
Oxygenation : Lab signs of oxygenation | show 🗑
Circulation: signs | show 🗑
show | 1. BP 2. Sensorium 3. Urine Output (best indicator of perfusion)
show | Hemodynamics
Visual Inspection : General Appearance | show 🗑
show | Hypoxemia.
Visual Inspection : Color - ashen/pallor | show 🗑
Visual Inspection : Color- jaundice | show 🗑
Visual Inspection : Color - erythema | show 🗑
show | good oxygentaion.
show | seen in pt. with COPD or chronic air-trapping such as cystic fibrosis.
show | curvature of the spine. Kyposis is hunchback. Scoliosis curvature. PFT will show restrictive component.
Visual Inspection : respiratory rate and pattern- Eupnea | show 🗑
show | RR over >20 bpm
show | RR less <8 also know as Oligopnea.
Visual Inspection : respiratory rate and pattern: Hperpnea | show 🗑
Visual Inspection : respiratory rate and pattern: Apnea | show 🗑
show | Increased RR,depth and irregular rhythm. Associated w/diabetic ketoacidosis/ metabolic acidosis.
Visual Inspection : respiratory rate and pattern: Biots breathing | show 🗑
Visual Inspection : respiratory rate and pattern: cheyne-stokes | show 🗑
show | 1. External intercostals 2. Diaphragm
Visual Inspection : Acessory muscle use - associated with ventilatory difficulty | show 🗑
Visual Inspection : Nasal flaring | show 🗑
Visual Inspection : Presence and nature of a cough | show 🗑
show | 1. COPD. 2. Flail chest(broken ribs. 3. Pneumothorax. 4. ET tube advanced too far into one lung. 5. Significant atelectasis.
show | 1. Thorax moves out on inspiration. 2. Abdomen moves out on inspiration.
show | 1. Increased angle of the nail bed. 2. Associated w/ chronic hypoxemia (COPD).
Visual Inspection: Venous distension | show 🗑
Visual Inspection: Diaphoresis(Heavy sweating) | show 🗑
show | 1. Found in extremities esp. in the lower legs. 2. Associated w/CHF and any fluid-shift disease.
show | 1. It is caused by Bronchoconstriction. 2. Bilateral wheeze is treated w/ a bronchodilator. 3. Unilateral wheeze could be caused by a foreign body obstructiob or a bronchial mass as seen w/ lung cancer and treat w/ bronchoscope.
show | 1. secretions in the large airways. 2. Often remedied by suctioning.
show | 1. Secretions in the middle-sized airways. 2.Treated w/ CPT including postural drainage. 3. Fine crackles/rales indicates atelectasis- treat w/ hyperinflation therapy.
show | 1. Upper airway obstruction. 2. Possible foreign body aspiration. 3. If mild- Treat w/cool mist and hydration. 4. If moderate-treat w/racemic epinephrine. 4. If severe-intubate the pt. 5. If foreign body-perform bronchoscopy. Croup and epiglottis occurs.
show | 1. Indicates decresed air movement in the area. 2. Egophony- associated w/consolidation of secretions such as Pneumonia. 3. Bronchophony-Indicates consolidation. Whispered pectoriloquy is similar.
Bedside Assessment :Adventious(abnormal) Breath Sounds-friction rub | show 🗑
show | Normal breath sounds indicate normal lungs.
show | Done by tapping the knuckles while placed over the thorax.
Bedside Assessment : Breath Sounds-tones Percussion-resonant | show 🗑
show | found in cases w/significant air-trapping, such as COPD and with Pneumothorx.
Bedside Assessment : Breath Sounds-tones Percussion-Dull | show 🗑
show | When done over bones or consolidated lung tissue (not fluid) such as seen with atelectasis.
Bedside Assessment : Breath Sounds-Pulse-Acceptable range | show 🗑
Bedside Assessment : Breath Sounds-Pulse-Tachycardia | show 🗑
show | <60 bpm associated w/shock, Heart failure, seizure etc.
Bedside Assessment : Breath Sounds-Pulse-Pulses Paradoxus | show 🗑
Bedside Assessment : Breath Sounds-Ventilation-Tidal Volume(VT) | show 🗑
show | Should be @least 10ml/kg otherwise pt. needs ventilatory assistance.
Bedside Assessment : Breath Sounds-Ventilation-Maximum Inspiratory pressure(MIP/MIF/NIP/NIF) | show 🗑
Bedside Assessment : Breath Sounds-Tracheal Palpation-Deviation toward the problem | show 🗑
Bedside Assessment : Breath Sounds-Tracheal Palpation-Deviation away the problem | show 🗑
show | Normal - 120/80 mmHg.
Bedside Assessment : Breath Sounds-Blood Pressure- Decreased | show 🗑
show | Associated w/ anxiety, stress, cardiac problems and hypoxemia.
show | Normal- S1 and S2. Abnormal- S3 and S4 indicates cardiac dysfunction-ECG is indicated.
show | 1. Diagnosis 2. Chief complaint 3. objective information(signs) 4. subjective information(symptoms)
show | Exposure to pulmonary irritants
Patient History: Patient Medical Record - Smoking history | show 🗑
show | 1.Orientation-name,place,day,language 2.Resp. ability-Dsypnea present&Orthopnea 3.Emotional State a)angry-electrolyte imbalance b)panic-hypoxemia,asthma,pneumothorax c)Euphoria-ingestional error(drug overdose) 4.Social Support System 5.Proper ques. tech.
show | 1. Home environment 2. Current care plan 3. pain location, quality and persistance 4. triggers to dyspnea 5. family medical history
show | Computer Manages polarity(+ve/-ve) of each electrode. Helps in tracing hearts electro physiology
show | A lead may be an individual electrode or a a line of electricity between 2 electrodes. There are total of 12 electrodes.
ECG/EKG : recording equipment & supplies - 6 Chest leads | show 🗑
show | LeadI- Left arm to rt. Arm. LeadII-left leg to rt. Arm. LeadIIIleft leg to left arm. - AVR-rt. Arm. AVL-left arm. AVF-left leg.
ECG/EKG : recording equipment & supplies- +ve Lead | show 🗑
show | leads involving 2 electrodes, one must be +ve & other -ve. GUIDELINES:1.(Looking @ pt.), electrode most right is +ve. 2. electrode most downward is +ve. 3. Of lead I,right arm -ve,left arm +ve. 4.Of lead II,right arm -ve,left leg +ve.
ECG/EKG : recording equipment & supplies-Interpretations- 5 Rate Definition | show 🗑
show | Normal. All the bumps (PQRST)are there especially the P wave.
ECG/EKG : recording equipment & supplies- Rhythms- Sinus Tachycardia | show 🗑
show | <60 Treated w/ O2 and Atropine.
ECG/EKG : recording equipment & supplies- Rhythms- Premature ventricular contraction(PVC) | show 🗑
ECG/EKG : recording equipment & supplies- Rhythms- Asystole | show 🗑
ECG/EKG : recording equipment & supplies- Rhythms-Ventricular Fibrillation(v-fib) | show 🗑
show | treat w/ defibrillation if no pulse. Then treat w/defibrillation @ 360 joules.
ECG/EKG : recording equipment & supplies- Heart Blocks- 1st degree | show 🗑
ECG/EKG : recording equipment & supplies- Heart Blocks- 2nd degree | show 🗑
ECG/EKG : recording equipment & supplies- Heart Blocks- 3rd degree | show 🗑
ECG/EKG : recording equipment & supplies- Define Axis | show 🗑
ECG/EKG : recording equipment & supplies- Axis- Hypertrophy | show 🗑
show | It means that tissue is dead and electricity cannot flow through dead tissue. So axis deviates away from the infarct tissue.
ECG/EKG : recording equipment & supplies- 3 Myocardinal "I"s | show 🗑
show | 1. Lack of O2 to the cardiac Muscle. 2. T-wave is depressed and will show a -ve deflection.
ECG/EKG : recording equipment & supplies- Myocardinal Injury | show 🗑
show | 1. Dead tissue (old / fresh). 2. Will produce a permanent Q-wave (wide,ht.and depth)
show | 1. Maximum volume a patient can exhale after a maximal inhalation 2. It is to measure restrictive lung disease.
show | 1. Maximum volume a patient can forcefully exhale after a maximal inhalation & in least possible time 2.Important to measure FVC both volume & flow 3.FV1/FVC is a best indicator of obstruction 4.Range-normal-85% min. is 75%. Obstructive is present if <75%
PFT:Maximum Voluntary Ventilation(MVV) | show 🗑
PFT:Flow-volume Loop(FVL) | show 🗑
show | 1.PURPOSE to determine FRC&RV 2.procedure involves breathing 100% O2 while exhaled nitrogen is analyzed until depleted then a calculation is made to project lung volume.3.He&N analyzer must be caliberated. He should read 0% caliberated to room air.
PFT:Gas Distribution(SBN2) | show 🗑
PFT:Body Box (Plethysmography) | show 🗑
show | 1. Normal DLCO=25 mL CO/min/mmHg(STPD) 2. Poor DLCO usually found in restrictive disease affecting alveolar capillary membrane(ACM) eg. ARDS. Emphysema is only obstructive disease with poor DLCO 3.DLCO measures how well gases move across ACM.
show | 1. determines ability to provoke bronchoconstriction.
show | 1. needed to determine effectiveness of bronchodilator medications & help determine dosage. 2. Helpful in determining reversibility of bronchoconstriction.
PFT:Ventilatory response to CO2 | show 🗑
show | 1. FEV1/FVC - If less than 75% then pt. is Obstructive. If FV1/FVC is not available then check or FEV1 by itself and if FEV1- less than 80% then pt. is obstructive too.
show | 1. FVC- If less than 80% then pt. is Restrictive. If greater then not restrictive. Look@ SVC first. If not available then check FVC.
Diffusion impaired Vs Normal Diffusion | show 🗑
show | 1.Normal-80%. 2. Mild-60-80%. 3. Moderate-40-60%. 4. Severe- <40% .
show | Best Test = Highest (FEV1 + FVC)
Spirometer | show 🗑
show | C BABE-1.Cystic Fibrosis 2. Bronchiectasis 3. Asthma 4. Bronchitis 5. Emphysema
show | Emphysema
show | .
show | Right Atrium-->Tricupsid valve-->Right Ventricle -->Pulmonary Artery-->Lung Capillaries-->Pulmonary Vein-->Left atrium-->Bicuspid/mitral valve-->Left ventricle-->Systemic Vascular system(body&capillaries)….back to right atrium
show | 120/80 mmHg(mean-93 mmHg)
show | Mean BP =((1 x systolic) + (2 x diastolic)) / 3
3 Mechanisms of BP | show 🗑
Normal Hemodynamic values(CVP,PAP,PCWP,CO,SV,EF,CI) :Means & Ranges | show 🗑
Central Venous Pressure(CVP) | show 🗑
Central Venous Pressure(CVP)-Other Names | show 🗑
show | 1. measurement taken with a transducer at the tip of a catheter placed in the pulmonary artery. 2. high with COPD patients. 3. best place to get a mixed-venous blood sample. 4. also know as Right Ventricular after load.
Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure(PCWP) | show 🗑
Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure(PCWP): Other Names | show 🗑
show | 1.expressed as vol. than pressure. 2.also expressed by Cardiac index CI=QT/BSA 3.relates condition of Lft.ventricle 4.measured by a computer thru thermal dilution. 5.calculated by Fick eq.& SV*HR. if QT is decreased - treat w/cardiac medications-Digitalis
show | the Vena Cava thru the Right Artery & Right Ventricle ending in the pulmonary artery
Hemodynamic Calculations: Systemic Vascular Resistance(SVR), Formula & Normal | show 🗑
show | ((Mean PAP-PCWP)/QT) x 80, normal: 200 dynes/sec/cm-5
show | helps to visualize(ultrasonically) function of the heart (in M-mode) including ejection fraction and assess general function of the left ventricle
show | Helps to visualize cardiac-related anatomy- especially when suspecting congenital heart and abnormalities
show | 1. Transpostion of the Great Vessels 2. Tetralogy of Fallot 3. Atrial septal defect (ASD) & Ventricular septal defect (VSD) 4. Patent ductus arteriosis (PDA) 5. Coarctation of the aorta.
show | 1. Ultrasonic procedure combined with a computer to compose two-dimensional and M-mode ECG 2. It is Non-invasive, safe, free of radiation.
show | 1. to determine adequacy of blood flow & pump function. 2. Examine size & disease state of cardiac tissue. 3. Inspect cardiac valve function
Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Monitoring: Acceptable Range, define Increased ICP | show 🗑
show | 1. Requires access to the brain through a hole in the skull. A) Subarachnoid bolt - metal screw-like device inserted into the subdural space. B) Ventricular Catheter - placed in a surgical hole in the skull.
Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Monitoring: Treatment & Prevention | show 🗑
Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Monitoring: Causes of increased ICP | show 🗑
Electroencephalography(EEG): Define | show 🗑
Electroencephalography(EEG): Indications | show 🗑
Pulmonary Angiography | show 🗑
Assessment of the Newborn upon Birth & Routine : APGAR | show 🗑
show | 1. Done after 1 min.(neonatal survival) & 5min(Future neonatal brain damage). 2. Scores between 0 & 10 3. The higher the score the better: a)7-10 points - Routine care b)4-6: support with O2,warmth & general simulation. 3. 0-3:CPR (heart/lungs or both).
show | 1. Normal Pulse:110-160bpm. 2. >170-tachycardia-give O2 3. Pulse can be taken brachially or femorally(not radially). 4. Any Cardiopulmonary challenge will cause will cause an increase in infant's heart rate (not an increase in contractility).
Assessment of the Newborn upon Birth & Routine : Routine Assessment: Vital Signs- RR & Pattern | show 🗑
Assessment of the Newborn upon Birth & Routine : Routine Assessment: Vital Signs - BP | show 🗑
Assessment of the Newborn upon Birth & Routine : Routine Assessment: Vital Signs - Temperature | show 🗑
Newborn Medical History : Perinatal History | show 🗑
Newborn Medical History : Gestational Age | show 🗑
show | 1.Normal: 3000 grams. 2. Low birth wt. - risk of complications. 3. Minimal surviable age and week - 26-28 weeks annd round 100 grams.
show | Blue extremities, pink body - called acrocyanosis.
show | sign of ventilatory distress 1)Retractions: a)Intercostal b)Subcostal c)Substernal d)Supraclavicular 2)Grunting:upon exhalation causes natural PEEP. 3) Nasal Flaring
Newborn Physical Assessment : Capillary Refill | show 🗑
Newborn Lab Assessment : ABG | show 🗑
Newborn Lab Assessment : ABG- How do you rule out a patent ductus arteriosis(PDA). | show 🗑
show | Range- greater>30mg/dL 2)for pre-term infants Range:greater>20mg/dL
show | 1) Normal- 2:1 2)relates to lung maturity 3)if 1:1 is bad administer pulmonary surfactant.
show | accurate lung maturity even in the presence of diabetes.
show | alternate indicator of lung maturity.
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Popular Respiratory Therapy sets