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Cardiology - paramedicine

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

perfusion   the passage of fluid though the vessels of a specific organ. It is the ability to provide adequate blood supply to meet nutritional demands and remove waste  
hydrostatic pressure   the force exerted by a fluid pressing against the wall (changes in APO)  
osmotic pressure   force that opposes hydrostatic pressure  
Cardiac output   SV x HR  
Blood Pressure   CO x R  
myocardial cells   conduct impulses muscular contraction intercalcated discs  
pacemaker cells   generation and conduction of electrical impulses phase 4, 3 and 0  
depolarisation   0- sodium channels open and sodium moves in 1- sodium channels close, potassium exits 2- calcium moves in and potassium leaves  
repolarisation   3- potassium finishes leaving, calcium pumped out 4- potassium enters and calcium exits  
sliding filament theory   myosin cross bridge attaches to the actin filament pulls actin filament toward m line ATP attaches to myosin head and cross bridge detaches  
Cardiovascular risk factors   diet, shift workers, age, depression, physical inactivity ...  
ACS   A spectrum of diseases including UA, NSTEMI and STEMI that share a common pathology of a disrupted atherosclerotic plaque  
unstable angina   chest pain that is not resolved through therapeutic means (episodic, new onset, easily provoked); non evidence of myocardial injury or necrosis  
nSTEMI   reduction in myocardial perfusion – caused by non-occlusive thrombus. The non-occlusive thrombus may become transiently or persistently occlusive (difficult to differentiate between UA and nSTEMI  
STEMI   Occurs when the thrombus that has formed and is completely occlusive. Myocardial necrosis results from interruption to myocardial blood supply  
Initial lesion   1 macrophage infiltration, isolated foam cells  
fatty streak   2 intracellular lipid accumulation  
intermediate lesion   3 intracellular lipid accumulation, small extracellular lipid pools  
atheroma   4 intracellular lipid accumulation, extracellular lipid core  
fibroatheroma   5 single or multiple lipid cores, fibrotic cap  
complicated lesion   6 surface defect, haemorrhage, thrombosis  
ischaemia   occurs when blood supply to tissue is inadequate to meet physiological may have t wave inversion or ST depression  
injury   prolonged ischaemia ST elevation  
infarction   tissue or organ necrosis caused by ischaemia may show Q waves  
Heart failure   When the heart is unable to pump an adequate amount of blood to meet the metabolic demands of body tissues (congestive heart failure, congestive cardiac failure)  
ejection fraction   A measure of the percentage of blood in a ventricle ejected with each contraction; a measure of heart failure (usually left ventricle failure)  
Starling's law   length tension relationship in muscle fibres relationship is lost in diastolic dysfunction due to inability of the heart to stretch SV drops off because of left ventricular issues  
dilated   -enlargement of chambers, systolic failures  
hypertrophic   thickening of the heart muscle, diastolic then systolic failure  
restrictive   stiffness of ventricular wall, diastolic failure  
Right coronary artery   Avr, 2, 3 and AVF inferior STEMI  
left coronary artery   high lateral 1, AVL, v5 and v6  
left anterior descending artery   septal and anterior v1, v2, v3, v4  
chronotropic   any drug or condition that influences HR  
dromotropy   any drug or condition that affects conduction speed  
inotropy   any drug or condition that alters the force or energy of muscular contractions  
beta 2 receptors   adrenaline - results in vasoconstriction located in the pulmonary, cerebral and coronary arteries  
beta 1 receptors   increase force of muscular contractions and rate of discharge adrenaline  
excitation/contraction coupling   primarily achieved through Moving caclium into the myocyte  
automaticity   The ability of the cell to self depolarise  
absolute refractory period   when an action potential cannot be conducted ends halfway through phase 3  
excitability   The ability of a myocyte to respond to an action potential in an adjacent cell  
gap junctions   present; create a functional syncytium  
ATP   aerobic supply only  
sequence of excitation   SA node, AV node, AV bundle, bundle branches, purkinje fibres  
bathmotropic   Affects cardiac excitability  
Cardiac pain   heavy/tight, radiating, SOB  
Pleuritic pain   sharp, localised, SOB on exertion  
Traumatic pain   sharp, localised, SOB on exertion  
Functional residual capacity   expiratory reserve vol + residual vol. Reflects the amount of gas remaining in the lung at the end of a normal expiration  
threshold potential   the all or nothing phenomenon  
bradycardia   a heartbeat less than 60BPM, usually due to overstimulated receptors. Stable bradycardia is defined as a heart rate between 50-60BPM  
RBBB causes   right ventricular hypertrophy pulmonary embolus ischaemic/rheumatic heart disease degenerative disease of conduction system cardiac tumours/surgery congenital heart disease cardiomyopathy acute pericarditis  
LBBB causes   Chronic - hypertension, ischaemic/rheumatic heart disease, AMI, cardiomyopathy, aortic stenosis, cardiac tumours , hyperkalaemia, digoxin toxicity Acute -anteroseptal MI, congestive heart failure, pericarditis and myocarditis, cardiac trauma  
left anterior fascicular blocks (LAFB)   Normal conduction interrupted anterior/lateral walls of L ventricle, posterior fascicle and RBB depolarised as normal then transmission via cell conduction to Lateral/anterior walls of L ventricle, QRS generally not widened, Acute Anteroseptal MI  
Left posterior fascicular block (LPFB)   LPFB is rare RBB/Anterior/lateral wall depolarised as normal, then depolarisation of posterior wall of L ventricle Caused with anteroseptal MI in combination with RV or Inferior MI  
Bifascicualr block   combination of RBBB with LAFB or LPFB Conduction to the ventricles is via the single remaining fascicle The ECG will show typical features of RBBB plus either left or right axis deviation RBBB + LAFB is the most common of the two patterns  
Trifascicular block   incomplete (“impending“) trifascicular block can be inferred from: Fixed block of two fascicles with delayed conduction in the remaining fascicle (1st/2nd degree AV block), Fixed block of one fascicle with intermittent failure of the other two fascicles  
sodium channel blockers 1A (procainamide, quinidine, disopyramide)   hypotension through reduced CO, ventricular arrhythmias, vertigo, seizures, prolonged WT, QRS widening  
sodium channel blockers 1B (lignocaine)   dizziness, respiratory arrest, bradycardia, asystole, hypotension  
sodium channel blockers 1C (Flecainide, Propafenone)   dizziness, prolonged QRS, heart block, asystole, hypotension  
Selective Beta Blockers   Metoprolol, Atenolol, Bisoprolol  
Non-selective Beta Blockers   Carvedilol, Sotalol, Propranolol  
Potassium Channel Blockers (amiodarone, sotalol)   bradycardia and hypotension, ventricular dysrhythmias, prolonged QT interval, t wave inversion  
Calcium channel blockers (verapamil, diltazem)   bradycardia and hypotension, first degree HB, syncope  
digoxin   increased parasympathetic innervation and increased intracellular calcium decrease HR, increased contraction force, slows AV node conduction  
vitamin k inhibitors   warfarin, Phenindione  
aortic aneurism   Is a dilation (or enlargement) of the aorta  
True aneurysm   Involves all three layers of the lumen  
False aneurysm   Blood leaks through Intima but is contained by Media and Adventitia  
Dissecting aneurysm   Blood penetrated Intima and creates secondary lumen between layers of vessel wall  
pericarditis   Inflammation and swelling of pericardial sac causes may be viral, bacterial, fungal, idiopathic, autoimmune, post-surgical  
STEMI mimics   pericarditis, Prinzmetal’s angina, Takotsubo  


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Created by: ZoDunk
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets