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Microbiology -Chapter 6

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

the antibiotics penicillin and cephalosporin are produced by:   fungi  
fungi are free-living:   heterotrophic organisms  
algae that contain agar in their cell walls belong to the:   rhodophyta  
diatoms, major components of marine phytoplankton ,belong to:   chrysophyta  
the process by which the nucleus of protozoans undergoes multiple divisions before the cell divides is called:   schizogony  
the eukaryotes known for the presence of a macronucleus and a micronuclues are:   protozoans  
plasmodium is:   a slime mold  
toxoplasma gondii belongs to which group of eukaroyotic organisms:   protozoans  
a solex is a structure found in:   helminths  
commonly referred to as a pinworm:   enterbius vermicularis  
the study of fungi is called:   mycology  
the vegetative structure of algae is referred to as:   thallus  
the unique cell organelle found among the Archaezoa ,which appears to be a remnant of mitochondria, is called a:   mitosome  
masses of protoplasm containing thousands of nuclei are a characteristic of:   plasmodial slime molds  
the common name for nematodes is:   roundworms  
Describe the classification of fungi with emphasis on the medically important species.   Zygomycota—obligate parasites of insects or other fungi Ascomycota—includes Penicillium, which produces the antibiotic penicillin Basidiomycota—includes mushrooms that can produce toxins, yeasts that can cause meningitis Deuteromycota—referred to as im  
Describe the general characteristics of algae and their possible life cycles.   Algae are photosynthetic and are widespread in fresh and marine waters where they play an essential role in the aquatic food chain; also found in soil, on rocks, and on plants. Algae are capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction.  
Name and describe three protozoans that are human parasites.   Giardia—infects intestine Trypanosoma—infects blood Amoeba—infects central nervous system Entamoeba—infects intestines, liver Toxoplasma—CNS Cyclospora—intestine Cryptosporidium—intestine Leishmania—infects skin Trichomonas—urogenital tract Plasm  
Describe the fundamental difference between cellular and plasmodial slime molds.   Cellular slime molds are eukaryotic cells with one nucleus (resembling an amoeba). Plasmodial slime molds are masses of protoplasm containing many nuclei.  
describe the basic structure of cestodes (tapeworms) and their life cycle.   Tapeworms have a scolex (head), a neck, and one or more proglottids (body segments). The worm attaches to the host intestine. The cells of the neck form new segments that elongate the worm. Mature proglottids contain eggs and are released from the end of  
malaria   endemic in countries in a belt area roughly about the equator in tropical and subtropical climates. A disease associated with poverty, is also a hindrance to economic progress, particularly where it is endemic in developing countries.  
molds   rapidly growing, asexually reproducing fungi that grow on a variety of substances. They are characterized by the development of hyphae, which results in colony characteristics that can be used for identification purposes.  
ascomycota   the primary fungi causing food spoilage. This group also includes plant pathogens, bot producing a negative impact on the economy. However, many of the ascomycota are beneficial and probably the best known fungus in this category is penicillin, the mold  
algae   microscopic, photosynthetic organisms that are widespread in fresh and marine waters. They are a main component in plankton, a community of free-floating microscopic organisms that play an essential role in the aquatic food chain.  
dinoflagellates   medical concerns involving algae are due primarily to food poisoning caused by toxins of marine algae such as dinoflagellates. Overgrowth of these motile organisms during certain times of the year causes "red tides".  
protozoans   a group of microorganisms that are defined by three common characteristics: (1) they are eukaryotes; (2) they are unicellular; and (3) they lack a cell wall. Many protozoans are free-living organisms where as others are potential parasites of humans and o  
amoebozoa   a major group of amoeboid protozoans. Most of them are unicellular and common habitants in soil and water  


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Created by: naponte1
Popular Science sets