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Lab Final

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

What is hemolysis?   destruction of blood cells  
Where is the major artery located in the arm?   upper inner arm  
What tests can not be done on with a skin puncture on a child, must be venipuncture only   potassium, PT, and blood cultures  
Why do we do a modified Allen test, what does it tell us?   makes sure radial artery and ulnar artery are both working properly  
What test are reported to a doctor ASAP?   STAT and critical values  
What does a qualtative test tell you and how is it measured?   Positive or negative  
What does the pancreas produce?   insulin  
What specimen is needed or collected for an ova and parasite (O&P)?   stool sample AKA fecal sample  
What type of patient is ambulatory care?   outpatient  
What is one reason we do NOT draw on a specific arm?   mastectomy  
What analyte is sensitive to light?   bilirubin  
What is a fomite?   any inanimate object capable of transmitting infection organisims  
If a potassium is not run in time what happens to the value?   the level increases gives a false high result  
Phlebotomist job consist of what duties?   clerical, clinical, and technical  
What phase of the process do we have the greatest impact   pre analytical  
What 2 specific tests require being kept at body temperature?   cold agglutinin and clot retraction  
What does cyanotic mean?   lack of oxygen, blue  
What part of the patient do we perform an ivy bleeding time on   forearm above the wrist  
What component of the chain of infection am I if I am on immunosuppressive therapy?   susceptible host  
What is the difference between quality control and quality assurance?   QC focuses on mechanics QA focuses on humans  
What does INR mean?   international normalized ratio  
If there is a problem with an instrument what are you NOT going to do?   keep running tests  
How do we ensure instruments run properly everyday?   quality control  
What is our acceptable range of deviation for a test   plus or minus 2  
What is the most common way to get a false negative on a blood culture and biggest error   not drawing enough blood into bottles  
What type of test can we learn on the job   waived testing  
Who establishes the levels for laboratory test complexity?   CLIA  
What is the best urine sample to collect for cultures   midstream clean catch  
Patient has someone on POA what law do we still have to follow?   HIPPA  
If you draw a patient without their permission what can you be charged with?   assault and battery  
How does a body try to restore hemostasis after a blood draw or cut?   vascular spasm, platelet plug, blood clotting, fibrinolysis  
What is the medical term for arrest of bleeding?   hemostasis  
What blood test measures the time it takes for a small incision to stop bleeding?   bleeding time  
What is the test for coagulation factors of intrinsic pathway?   APTT  
What is a clot in the vein?   thrombus  
A newborn with hemorrhagic disease is caused by a lack of?   vitamin K  
BUN (blood urea nitrogen) measures what?   the amount of nitrogen in your blood produced by waste product urea  
What are lipids?   fat  
Elevated glucose level   hyperglycemia  
Point of care (POCT) testing is:   done at the bedside  
Where are the Levy Jennings charts located?   quality control manual  
One thing that should NEVER be found in the lab is:   a patient chart  
Which tube(s) do NOT contains a coagulation factor in it:   SST, red, tiger top, gold tubes  
Dr ordered a CK(creatine kinase) and a lactic acid what bodily system is he concerned about:   muscular system  
What stage of coagulation is the fibrinolysis stage?   4th and final stage, resolves the clot and returns vessel to normal function  
What are the three veins normally used in phlebotomy?   basilic, median, cephalic  
What is on an acceptable blood smear?   feathered edge, covers 2/3 to 3/4th of the slide  
Which tube additive destroys enzymes in the blood?   sodium fluoride, grey tube  
What is a basal state?   metabolic condition after 12 hrs of fasting and rest  
Why do we not use our thumb when we palpate a vein?   thumb has a pulse  
What do you NOT use with an arterial draw?   tourniquet  
What do we use to clean blood culture sites?   chlorhexidine  
If we are testing an acid base balance on a respiratory patient what test do we run?   ABG Arterial blood gas  
What is the legal term when a patient gives permission to be touched and drawn after being asked.   informed consent  
What federal law says that labs must have written policies?   CLIA  
The legal term that refers to what any reasonable person would have done under same circumstance   standard of care  
What is the legal term for failure to perform according to standard of care?   negligence  
A packed cell volume test (PVC) gives us the percentage of RBC's in the blood is known as:   Hematocrit  
Stress, anxiety, or fear can increase what in the blood?   WBC White blood cell count  
Which analyte is sensitive to light   bilirubin  
What equipment is needed for an ETS draw   hub, double sided needle, tube, gauze, alcohol, tourniquet  
A blood disorder in which the blood doesn't clot is:   hemophilia  
the acronym for fire extinguisher is:   PASS, pull, aim, squeeze, sweep  
What do you not use when drawing an ethanol or alcohol specimen   alcohol pad  
Neutrophils and basophils (NLMEB) never let monkeys eat bananas tells us:   Neutrophils highest 54%-62% Basophils lowest 0%-1%  
9:1 stands for   nine parts blood to one part sodium citrate  
which tube is used when checking for arsenic poisoning   Royal blue  
What color tube(s) and additive(s) prevent coagulation by removing calcium from blood   light blue sodium citrate, lavender EDTA, grey potassium oxalate and sodium fluoride  
What department monitors medication and anticoagulation therapy?   coagulation department  
Order of draw   blood culture, light blue, sst, green, lavender, grey  
What additive preserves liable coagulation factors   sodium citrate light blue  
When a blood specimen clots, what is the portion that remains called?   plasma  
What tube stabilizes glucose for three days?   grey  
What tube contains thrombin and what color is the hemoguard   orange  
If I am using a 4.5ml citrate tube and I draw 3mls of blood what needs to be done?   recollect it is QNS  
What tube promotes clotting?   thrombin tubes  
What tube contains heparin with gel separator   light green, STAT tube  
What department does a pale yellow tube go to?   SPS tube, micro, ACD tube, hematology  
What department does serum go to?   Chemistry  
How does EDTA prevent clotting?   binds calcium  
What difference is there when doing a butterfly/winged infusion set instead of an ETS draw?   no difference except needing to clear the line on a winged set and possible transfer device if syringe is used  
What is the most common EDTA tube used   lavender  
What tube is used for a liver profile   sst, gold  
What tube is a CBC drawn in   Lavender  
What tube is used for diabetic GTT draws?   Grey  
What test and tube do we do on a patient that is on coumarin therapy?   APTT, light blue sodium citrate  
What tube is collected first on a dermal draw?   lavender  
What anticoagulant is in the green top tube?   heparin  
What type of tube is used when collecting blood with no anticoagulant?   serum tube  
What tube is used for a WBC count   Lavender  
What tube do we use when testing for copper   royal blue  
What is the personal bubble called?   zone of comfort  
Which phase of testing is labeling and identifying your specimen   pre analytical  
When a patient is scared what increases?   white blood cell count  
When there is an IV in place, where do you draw the blood?   below the IV with IV off  
What test is used to check for diabetes   GTT glucose tolerance test  
What happens if you shake a specimen too hard or to long   hemolysis  
How long does blood take to coagulate with no additive   30 to 60 minutes  
Why do we use standard precautions   reduce risk of transmission  
The most negligent lawsuits are due to   HIPPA violations  
Who is the CDC   center for disease control  
What agency requires employees to protect their workers exposed to biological hazards   OSHA  
What body system produces hormones   endocrine system  
What does distal pressure tell you?   relaxation phase  
What do the atrioventricular valves do   close to prevent back flow into the atria  
What feature should be present on a blood smear?   feathered edge  
When can/should we opt to do a dermal?   neonatal, morbidly obese, icu, hourly draw  
When can we NOT do a dermal?   blood cultures, citrate tube, when large amount of blood is needed  
What are the first three things you do with every draw?   introduce yourself, identify the patient, wash hands  
What is the alternative if we do not have a tourniquet or one big enough for obese patients   blood pressure cuff  
How are arteries different from veins   Arteries are larger, pulsate, and veins have valves  
What is the alternative to drawing in the arm   dorsal side of hand  
Where is a tourniquet placed?   at least three inches above the draw site  
What tube do we use for STAT chemistries   lithium heparin, mint green  
What is the max depth for dermal on a newborn   two mm or less  
The larger the guage of a needle the _____________   smaller the the size  
The smaller the guage of a needle the ____________   larger the size  
What disease wastes away the muscles   muscular dystrophy  
What is an acute facility?   short term  
venesection and venesection mean the samething. what do they mean?   to cut a vein, phlebotomy  
What is dermatitis   inflammation of the skin  
What does post prandial mean?   after eating  
When does a healthcare acquired chain of infection occur?   when the chain of infection is complete  
What type of precaution is taken with herpes   contact precaution  
If a tourniquet is left on too long what changes in the blood   potassium level rises giving false result  
OSHA requires employees to inform all employees of any possible chemical or health hazards in the work place, this is called   right to know  
A K+, CL-, and Na++ are pair tof   an electrolyte panel  
What stain is used of a blood smear   Wright's stain  
What is the total magnification of a microscope with a 10x eyepiece and a 40x objective   400  
What tests for dehydration and cell starvation in urine?   ketones  
What tube stabilizes glucose for up to 3 days?   grey, sodium fluoride  
What is done different when using a winged infusion to draw blood?   use a red top sterile tube to clear the line  
What is the additive in the pale Yellow tube used for blood cultures?   Sodium Polyanthenolesulfonate  
What type of care is an acute care facility?   Short term usually one night or short term rehab  
What changes when a patient changes position quickly?   Iron  
What decreases when a patient is scared or stressed?   Iron  


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Created by: CWillems
Popular Laboratory Science sets