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Photosynthesis & cellular respiration unit test CMS

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

Series of chemical reactions that convert the energy in food molecules into ATP   Cellular Respiration  
Considered by biologists to be the energy currency of life. It is the high-energy molecule that stores the energy we need   ATP (Adenosine Triphospate)  
Pigment which absorbs the sun's energy, gives plants their green color   Chlorophyll  
Organelle that contains chlorophyll   Chloroplasts  
The result of carbon dioxide, water, and light energy (product of photosynthesis, provides food and energy for the plant)   Glucose  
The variable to observe for effects caused by the independent variable. It's the variable that is measured.   Dependent variable  
Variable in the experiment that changes   Independent variable  
Variables that are kept the same to keep each test consistent across an investigation   Control variable (constant)  
Small openings on the underside of leaves that allow gases (carbon dioxide and oxygen) to flow in and out   Stomata  
Organisms that makes its own food, also known as a producer   Autotroph  
Organism that cannot make their own food, also known as a consumer   Heterotroph  
Anything that has mass and takes up space   Matter  
How is carbon dioxide recycled back into the food chain?   Plants undergo photosynthesis where they take in carbon dioxide and convert it into sugar  
How do organisms get the energy they need?   Plants break down the glucose they produced in photosynthesis, and animals get energy from eating other organisms  
Series of chemical reactions that convert light energy, water, and carbon dioxide into glucose and gives off oxygen   Photosynthesis  
How is cellular respiration different from photosynthesis?   Photosynthesis produces oxygen and cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide  
What do animals do with the carbon dioxide produced in their cells during cellular respiration?   Exhale it in the breathing process  
True or false. Oxygen is one product of photosynthesis   True  
The two products from photosynthesis are oxygen and _________   Glucose  
Why is the sun necessary for plants to live on Earth?   Plants convert the sun's energy into food  
What are the three reactants for photosynthesis?   Carbon dioxide, water, energy  
What process changes light energy into chemical energy in living organisms?   Photosynthesis  
Penny writes a word equation to describe photosynthesis, what is that word equation?   Carbon dioxide and water combine to produce sugar and oxygen  
Which molecule in plant cells first captures the radiant energy from sunlight?   Chlorophyll  
What are the two products of photosynthesis?   Glucose and oxygen  
Deforestation (cutting down trees) can _________ the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.   Increase  
What are the products of cellular respiration?   ATP, carbon dioxide, and water  
What are the reactants of cellular respiration?   Oxygen and glucose  
What are the three functions of the stoma?   Breathe in carbon dioxide from the air, release oxygen, release water  
During cellular respiration, what happens to the total number of atoms during the chemical reaction?   The total number of atoms stays the same.  
If sunlight amount goes up, would the rate of photosynthesis increase or decrease?   Increase  
A HUGE asteroid is thought to have hit Earth near Mexico 65 million years ago which sent up so much dust that it actually blocked the Sun for many years. Because of this, plants were not able to undergo ________   Photosynthesis  
The cell process used by both plants and animals to access glucose energy is called __________   Cellular Respiration  
What organisms currently on Earth produce oxygen from sunlight?   Plants and bacteria  
What would happen if photosynthesis did not occur on earth?   Every plant and animal would become extinct and the world would be practically deserted  
The gas _______ is an input in photosynthesis   Carbon dioxide  
What is the formula for photosynthesis?   Sunlight + Water + Carbon Dioxide → Glucose + Oxygen  
What is the main role for cellular respiration?   To break down glucose into energy in the form of ATP  
What is the flow of energy in a leaf in a swampland?   sunlight → chlorophyll → glucose → starch  
Is the following describing photosynthesis, cellular respiration, or both: Carbon dioxide is a product   Cellular respiration  
Is the following describing photosynthesis, cellular respiration, or both: Carbon dioxide is a reactant   Photosynthesis  
Is the following describing photosynthesis, cellular respiration, or both: Produces a source of energy for an organism   Both  
Is the following describing photosynthesis, cellular respiration, or both: Chlorophyll is needed   Photosynthesis  
Is the following describing photosynthesis, cellular respiration, or both: Chlorophyll is not needed   Cellular respiration  
Is the following describing photosynthesis, cellular respiration, or both: Glucose is a reactant   Cellular respiration  
Is the following describing photosynthesis, cellular respiration, or both: Glucose is a product   Photosynthesis  
Is the following describing photosynthesis, cellular respiration, or both: Occurs in the mitochondria   Cellular respiration  
Is the following describing photosynthesis, cellular respiration, or both: Occurs in the chloroplast   Photosynthesis  
Is the following describing photosynthesis, cellular respiration, or both: Can be described as a chemical reaction   Both  


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Created by: HaleyCounts
Popular Science sets