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Medical Terminology

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

What does each letter in SOAP stand for?   Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan  
What is the definition of Root?   Foundation or subject of the term  
What is a Suffix?   Ending that gives essential meaning to the term  
What is a Prefix   Added to the beginning of a term when needed to further modify (placed at beginning of a word)  
When DO you use a combining vowel?   To join a root to any suffix beggining with a consonant; to join 2 roots together; to join 2 roots together even when the second root begins with a vowel  
When DON'T you use a combining vowel?   To join a root to a suffix that begins with a vowel  
What is are 2 examples of a Subjective section of a health record?   -Main reason for the health visit -Description of his or her problem -Timing of the problem -Previous medical problems or surgeries -Family Health problems that might relate -Current medications and allergies  
What does the Objective part of a health record provide?   The Objective part of a health record tells you about the data collected during the health care providers interaction with the patient.  
What is the importance of the Assessment part of the health record?   Assessments are the facts from the patient that are recorded and data about the patient are collected, then put together to reach a conclusion on the nature of the problem AKA the diagnosis.  
What is the Plan section of the health record include?   The plan lays out what the provider recommends what to do about the patients current status. This may include medicine or home remedies, help from another health provider, surgery, or waiting to see if the problem will improve on its own.  
What is the position called when a person is standing facing forward, arms at the side with palms forward?   Anatomic Position  
what position does Lateral mean?   Out to the side  
What position does medial mean?   Toward the middle  
Ventral/anteral/anterior mean in body positions?   The front  
Dorsal/posterior body position means?   The back  
Cranial body position means?   Towards the top  
Caudal body position means?   Towards the bottom  
What does it mean when a patient is in a "Prone" body position?   Lying down on belly  
When a patient is in a "supine" position?   Lying down on back  
Unilateral means?   One Side  
Bilateral means?   Both Sides  
When a patients body is split from left to right, what is the name of the plane?   Sagittal  
When a patients body is split from upper body to lower body, what is the name of the plane?   Transverse  
When a patients body is split from front to back, what is the name of the plane?   Coronal  
Abbreviation ROS means?   Review of Systems  
Abbreviation of PMHx means?   Past Medical History  
Abbreviation of FHx means?   Family History  
Abbreviation of NKDA stands for?   No Known Drug Allergies  
Abbreviation of PE means   Physical Exam  
Abbreviation of "pt" means   Patient  
Abbreviation of "y/o" stands for   years old  
Abbreviation of "h/o" means   History of  
Abbreviation of PCP stands for   Primary Care Provider  
Abbreviation of "f/u" means   Follow up  
Abbreviation of SOB stands for   Shortness of Breath  
What does HEENT stand for?   Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat  
What does PERRLA stand for   Pupil are Equal, Round, and Reactive to light and accommodation  
What does NAD stand for   No Acute Distress  
CV in a chart means?   CardioVascular  
RRR stands for in a medical chart   Regular Rate and Rhythm  
CTA means what in a medical chart   Clear to Auscultation (description of normal sounding lungs)  
WDWN stands for?   Well Developed, well nourish  
A&O means   Alert & Oriented  
WNL means   Within Normal Limits  
NOS stands for   Not Otherwise Specified  
NEC   Not elsewhere classified  
When Administering medicine, PO stands for   By Mouth  
NPO on a chart stands for   Nothing by mouth  
When administering medicine, PR means   Per rectum (anal)  
When administering medicine, IM means   Intramuscular  
When administering medicine, SC means   subcutaneous (under the skin)  
When administering medicine, IV means   Intravenous  
When administering medicine, CVL stands for   Central Venous Line  
When administering medicine, PICC stands for   Peripherally inserted central catheter  
When administering medicine, Sig means   Instructions short  
What are the 2 languages that were used to describe Medical Terminology language?   Greek and Latin  
Root word Muscul/o means   muscle  
Root woord dermat/o means   Skin  
Root word Derm/o means   skin  
Root word vascul/o means   blood vessel  
Root word vas/o means   blood vessel  
Root word pneumon/o means   lung  
Root word pneum/o means   lung  
Root word pulmon/o means   lung  
Root word my/o means   muscle  
Root word angi/o means   blood vessel  
Root word hemta/o means   blood  
Root word hem/o means   blood  
Root word Cutane/o means   skin  
-meter   instrument used to measure  
-metry   process of measuring  
-scope   instrument used to look  
-scopy   process of looking  
-graph   instrument used to produce a recording  
-graphy   process of recording  
-gram   written record  
-centesis   puncture  
pre-   before  
post-   after  
re-   again  
contra-   against  
anti-   against  
pro-   before, on behalf of  
de-   down, away from  
a-   not  
an-   not  
ante-   before  
tachy-   fast  
-ium   tissue, structure  
-icle   small  
-ous   pertaining to  
-ac   pertaining to  
-ia   condition  
-eal   pertaining to  
-logy   study of  
-logist   specialist in the study of  
-ist   specialist  
-iatrist   specialist in the medicine of  
-iatrics   medical science  
-old   resembling  
-iasis   presence of  
-cele   hernia  
-penia   deficiency  
-rrhea   flow  
-lysis   loosen, break down  
-ptosis   drooping  
-rrhexis   rupture  
Using SOAP a description of the problem in the patients own words   Subjective  
Using SOAP data collected to assist in understanding the nature of the problem   Objective  
Using SOAP cause of the problem   Assessment  
Using SOAP treatment with medicine or a procedure   Plan  
Amedical professionals directions for a patients medication   Prescription  
Documents an Imagining procedure by a radiologist   Radiology Report  
Documents a Pathology procedure   Pathology Report  
Documents a patients progress during a daily hospital visit   Daily Hospital Note/Progress Note  
Documents a patients emergency department visit   Emergency Department Note  
Documents a patients admission to the hospital   Admission Summary  
Documents a Surgery   Operative Report  
Documents a patient visit in an office setting   Clinic Note  
Documents sent to a PCP usually by a specialist to give an opinion on a more challenging problem   Consult Note  
Documents a patients admission and hospital stay (usually longer stay)   Discharge summary  
Medical language is necessary and useful because   Medical professionals can communicate clearly and quickly with each other using a common language, and patients can be comforted and assure that the medical professional understands their symptoms and is in control of the diagnosis and treatment process  
An _________ is a word formed by including the name of the person who discovered or invented what is being described   Eponym  
Thinking of medical language as a sentence to be translated instead of words to be memorized alls one to   Break down and understand new words  
CCU   Coronary Care Unit  
ECU   Emergency Care Unit  
ED   Emergency Department  
PICU   Pediatric Intensive Care Unit  
NICU   Neonatal Intensive Care Unit  
SICU   Surgical Intensive Care Unit  
PACU   Post Anesthesia Care Unit  
DDx   Differential Diagnosis  
"Abrupt" means   All of a sudden  
"Febrile" means   To have a fever  
"Malaise" means   Not feeling well  
"Auscultation" means   To listen  
"Palpation" means   To Feel  
"Idiopathic" means   No know specific cause  
"Mortality" means   The risk of dying  
"Pending" means   Waiting for  
Integumentary system   The skin  
ABCDE   asymmetry, boarder, color, diameter, evolving  
AK   actinic keratosis  
Bx   biopsy  
C&S   culture and sensitivity  
Derm   Dermatology  
ID   intradermal  
SC   subcutaneous  
SQ   Subcutaneous  
Translate the root rhytid/o.   Wrinkle  
The roots onych/o and ungu/o both mean:   Nail  
Which of the following roots means thick?   Pachy/o  
Identify and define the roots in the term pachyderma.   (thick) skin  
The medical term for a freckle is:   macule, macula  
Which of these is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term ichthyosis?   fishy (scaly) skin  
Which of the following roots means fat?   adip/o, lip/o, steat/o  
Which of the following root pairs both mean hair?   pil/o, trich/o  
What is the correct pronunciation for the term alopecia?   a-loh-PEE-sha  
Translate the term onychopathy as literally as possible.   nail disease  
Which of these is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term ichthyosis?   ichthy (scaly) + osis (condition) = a condition of the skin that is dry and scaly  
Identify the correct breakdown of the term epidermal into its component parts.   epi/derm/al  
Which medical term means against histamine?   Antihistamine  
Which medical term means incision into a nail?   Onychotomy  
ABCDE is a mnemonic device for remembering steps in analysis and means   asymmetry, border, color, diameter, evolving  
ID is an abbreviation for:   intradermal = intra (inside) + derm (skin) + al (pertaining to) = pertaining to inside the skin.  
Build a medical term from the information provided: bone inflammation   osteitis  
Build a medical term from the information provided. wrist inflammation   carpitis  
Build a medical term from the information provided. removal of a rib   costectomy  
inflammation of the tendon   tendinitis  
inflammation of the bursa   bursitis  
joint inflammation   arthritis  
decrease in muscle tone or tightness   hypotonia  
softening of a muscle   Myomalacia  
muscle tone   myotonia  
instrument for looking into a joint   arthroscope  
neur/o   nerves  
crani/o   head, skull  
psych/o   mind  
hypn/o or somn/o   sleep  
-mania   excessive desire  
cerebr/o   brain  
esthesi/o   sensastion, feeling  
-paresis   slight or partial paralysis  
myel/o   spinal cord; bone marrow  
encephal/o   brain  
-plegia   paralysis  
mening/o   membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord  
LP   lumbar puncture  
PET scan   positron emission tomography  
TIA   Transcient ischemic attack  
ALS   amyotrophic lateral sclerosis  
EEG   electroencephalography  
LOC   Level of Consciousness  
PNS   Peripheral nervous system  
loss of brain function caused by blood loss   Stroke  
a disease marked by seizures   epilepsy  
a disease characterized by sudden, uncontrolled sleepiness   narcolepsy  
loss or decline in mental function   dementia  
time after a seizure   postictal  
time before a seizure   preictal  
procedure used to examine blood vessels in the brain   cerebral angiography  
a stroke where the blood loss is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel   hemorrhagic stroke  
a stroke where blood loss is caused by a blockage   ischemic stroke  
blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a foreign object   cerebral embolism  
blockage of a blood vessel in teh brain caused by a clot   cerebral thrombosis  
Translate the root/suffix asthenia.   Weakness  
Which root refers to the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord?   mening/o, meningi/o  
Which root refers to the nerve bundle?   gangli/o  
Which root refers to the spinal cord or bone marrow?   myel/o  
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term encephalalgia?   encephal (brain) + algia (pain) = brain pain  
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term apathy?   a (no) + path (suffering, disease) + y (condition) = without feeling; lack of emotion  
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term polyneuritis?   poly (many) + neur (nerve) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of multiple nerves  
Build a medical term that means "nerve pain."   Neuralgia  
Build a medical term that means "abnormal narrowing of the skull."   Craniostenosis  
Build a medical term that means "removal of a piece of the skull."   Craniectomy  
An excessive desire to steal is called:   kleptomania.  
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term synesthesia?   syn (with, together) + esthesia (feeling, sensation) = together sensation; condition where one sensation is experienced as another  
Build a medical term that means "head pain."   Cephalodynia  
Build a medical term that means "excessive bleeding inside the brain."   Intracerebral hemorrhage  
A patient experiencing an abnormal sensation, usually numbness or tingling in the skin, is experiencing:   paresthesia.  


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Created by: JFowler007
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