AP Human Geography Agricultural
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
show | a person who advocates the political interests of working farmers; of, or relating to, the ownership, tenure and cultivation of land
Agribusiness | show 🗑
show |
show |
Agricultural location model | show 🗑
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Agriculture | show 🗑
show | is the process whereby a population of animals , through a process of selection, becomes accustomed to human provision and control
Aquaculture | show 🗑
Biorevolution | show 🗑
Biotechnology | show 🗑
Collective farm | show 🗑
show | agriculture ndertaken primarily to generate products for sale off the farm.
crop rotation | show 🗑
show | is an area suited by climate and soil conditions to the growing of a certain type of crop or plant group
show | branch of agriculture that encompasses the breeding, raising, and utilization of primarily cows, for the production of milk
show | are financial transactions in which a portion of a developing nation's foreign debt is forgiven in exchange for local investments in conservation measures
show | The practice of consecutively producing two crops of either like or unlike commodities on the same land within the same year
Economic activity | show 🗑
show | through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes - the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space
show | is self-sufficiency farming in which farmers grow only enough food to feed their families.
Extractive industry | show 🗑
Farm crisis | show 🗑
Farming | show 🗑
show | is a type of animal feeding operation (AFO) which is used in factory farming for finishing livestock, notably beef cattle
First agricultural revolution | show 🗑
Fishing | show 🗑
show | are representations of the predator-prey relationships between species within an ecosystem or habitat
show | is the art and science of managing forests, tree plantations, and related natural resources
Globalized agriculture | show 🗑
Green revolution | show 🗑
Growing season | show 🗑
Hunting and gathering | show 🗑
show | is the primary subsistence pattern of large-scale, populous societies
Intertillage | show 🗑
Livestock ranching | show 🗑
Market gardening | show 🗑
Mediterranean agriculture | show 🗑
Mineral fuels | show 🗑
Mining | show 🗑
Planned economy | show 🗑
show | genetic modification of a plant such that its reproductive success depends on human intervention
Plantation agriculture | show 🗑
Renewable/nonrenewable | show 🗑
Rural settlement | show 🗑
Sauer, Carl O. | show 🗑
show | took place which increased efficiency of production as well as distribution which allowed more people to move to the cities as the industrial revolution got under way
show | the separation of tasks within a system
Staple grains | show 🗑
Suitcase farm | show 🗑
Survey patterns | show 🗑
Sustainable yield | show 🗑
Third agricultural revolution | show 🗑
show | a dilemma arising from the situation in which multiple individuals, acting independently and rationally consulting their own self-interest, will deplete a shared limited resource even when it is clear that it is not in anyone's interest for this to happen
Truck farm | show 🗑
show | the model location of agri activities in a commercial, profit making economy process of spatial competition allocates various farming activities into rings around market, how far from market
Bid rent theory | show 🗑
acid rain | show 🗑
show | a process involving the clustering or concentrating of people or activities. refers to manufacturing plants and businesses that benefit from close proximity
show | savings which arise from the concentration of industries in urban areas and their location close to linked activities.
show | is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damages the natural environment, into the atmosphere
Aluminum industry(factors of production, location) | show 🗑
assemblyline production, Fordism | show 🗑
break of bulk point | show 🗑
show | the central region of a country or continent; especially a region that is important to a country or to a culture
carrier efficiency | show 🗑
show | refers to the ability of a party (an individual, a firm, or a country) to produce a particular good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another party
show | a mechanism by which an output is enhanced
show | the process of industrial deconcentration in response to technological advances and/or increasing costs due to congestion and competition
deindustrialization | show 🗑
show | also called industries
economies of scale | show 🗑
ecotourism | show 🗑
energy resources | show 🗑
entrepo^t | show 🗑
show | zones established by many countries in the periphery and semi-periphery where they offer favorable tax, regulatory and trade arrangements to attract foreign trade and investment
show | are business expenses that are not dependent on the activities of the business They tend to be time-related, such as salaries or rents being paid per month. This is in contrast to variable costs, which are volume-related (and are paid per quantity).
footloose industry | show 🗑
show | refers to the highly developed economies of: * Hong Kong * Singapore * South Korea * Taiwan These regions were the first newly industrialized countries, noted for maintaining exceptionally high growth rates and rapid industrialization
show | the blanket-like effect of the atmosphere in the heating of the Earth's surface; shortwave insolation passes through the "glass" of the atmospheric "greenhouse" heats the surface is converted to long-wave radiation that traps heat which raises earth temps
growth poles | show 🗑
Heartland | show 🗑
Rimland | show 🗑
industrial location theory | show 🗑
show |
show | a period from the 18th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transport had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions starting in the United Kingdom, then subsequently spreading throughout Europe
industry receding, growing | show 🗑
infrastructure | show 🗑
international division of labor | show 🗑
labor-intensive | show 🗑
show | the location of manufacturing establishments is determined by the minimization of three critical expenses; labor, transportation and agglomeration
major manufacturing regions | show 🗑
manufacturing exports zones | show 🗑
manufacturing/warehouse location | show 🗑
show | zones in northern Mexico with factories supplying manufactured goods to the U.S. market. low wage workers in the primarily foreign owned factories assemble imported compinents and/or raw materials and then export finished goods
show |
show | is the idea that an initial amount of spending (usually by the government) leads to increased consumption spending and so results in an increase in national income greater than the initial amount of spending.
show | an agreement for free trade between the United States and Canada and Mexico; became effective in 1994 for ten years
outsourcing | show 🗑
show | a slow, steady decline of about 4% per decade in the total volume of ozone in Earth's stratosphere (ozone layer) since the late 1970s, and a much larger, but seasonal, decrease in stratospheric ozone over Earth's polar regions during the same period
Plant location (supplies, "just in time" delivery) | show 🗑
postindustrial | show 🗑
show |
show | a substance in the environment that is useful to people, is economically and technologically feasible to assess and is socially acceptablle to use.
show | the position of substances in the environment useful and economically feasible and socially acceptable to use
show | is a geographical region that has economic laws that are more liberal than a country's typical economic laws
substitution principle | show 🗑
show |
show | a term associated with the work of David Harvey that refers to the social and psychological effects of living in a world i which time space convergence has rapidly reached a high level of intensity
show | the deliberate killing of a place through industrial expansion and change, so that its earlier landscape and character are destroyed.
trade(complementarity) | show 🗑
show | A multinational corporation (MNC) also called multinational enterprise (MNE), is a corporation or an enterprise that manages production or delivers services in more than one country.
ubiquitous | show 🗑
variable costs | show 🗑
show | was a German economist, sociologist and theoretician of culture whose work was influential in the development of modern economic geography.
weight-gaining | show 🗑
weight-losing | show 🗑
show |
show | Marketing plans, tactics, and methods that have been modified to fit in with the local settings in foreign markets
post Fordist production | show 🗑
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