medical term 4 Word Scramble
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Term | Definition |
-algia | pain |
-asthenia | weekness |
-desis | binding |
-dynia | pain |
-esthesia | sensation |
-kinesia | movement |
-kinesis | movement |
-phobia | fear |
-phonia | sound |
-phoria | feeling, carrying |
-cele | hernia |
-cytosis | conditions of sells |
-ectasia | expansion; dialation |
-ectasis | expanding; dialating |
-edema | swelling |
-ema | condition |
-emesis | vomiting |
-iasis | pathological condition or state; presense of |
-ism | condition, disease |
-it is (pl. -itides) | inflamation |
-lepsy | seizures |
-leptic | pretending to seizures |
-lithiasis | precesnse of stones |
-mania | obsession; madness |
-megaly | enlargement |
-oma (pl.-omata) | tumor, neoplasm |
-opia | vision |
-opsia | vision |
-osis (pl.-oses) | condition, state, process |
-paresis | slight paralysis feeling of numbness and tingling |
-pathy | disease |
-penia | deficiency, small fewer |
-philia | attraction; affinity for |
-phernia | of the mind |
-phthisis | wasting away |
-physis | growing |
-plegia | paralysis |
-plegic | pretending to paralysis |
-ptosis | falling down; dropping |
-rrhea | to flow or discharge |
-rrhagia | excessive bleeding ( amount or frequency ) |
-rrhexis | rupture |
-trophic | pertaining to nutrition |
- trophy | nutrition |
-blast | immature, forming |
-cidal | destroying, killing |
-cide | destroying, killing |
-crine | secrecting |
-malacia | softening |
-para | bearing |
-parous | producing, bearing |
-pepsia | digestion |
-phang, -phangia | eating, devouring |
-phagy | swallowing |
-phasia | speaking |
-phoresis | carrying |
-plasia | formation, development, growth |
-plastic | forming |
-pnea | breath |
-poiesis | production and formation |
-poietic | pretending to production |
-protein | substance the produces |
-para | bearing |
-poroisi | leasoning in density |
-rrhage | deischarging heavily |
-rrhea | flowing, aflux |
-schisis | splitting |
-somnia | sleep |
-spasm | contraction |
-stalsis | contraction |
-steasis | stopping, constant |
-stenosis | narrowing |
-cyte | cell |
-derma | skin |
-emia | blood |
-emic | relating to blood |
-globin | protein |
-globulin | protein |
-oxia | oxygen |
-plakia | plaque |
-plasm | thing formed |
-uria | urine |
-ectomy | removal of part or all of an organ or a body part |
-lysis | destruction of |
-lytic | pretending to destruction |
-ostomy | an opening to the outside of the body |
-pexy | fixation, usually done surgically |
-plasty | surgical repair |
-rrhaphy | surgical suturing |
-static,-stasis | maintaining a state |
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