APHG: UNIT 4 VOCAB Word Scramble
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Term | Definition |
consequent (ethnographic) boundary | A boundary line that coincides with some cultural divide, such as religion or language |
Nation | Tightly-knit group of individuals sharing a Common Language, ethnicity, religion, and other cultural attributes |
natural/physical boundary | Political boundary defined and limited by a prominent physical feature in the natural landscape such as a river or the crest Ridges of a mountain range |
Ethnic separatism | the movement where an ethnic group within a state seeks to separate itself from the larger political entity |
Stateless Nations | Nationalities without a recognized home country (examples: Kurds, Palestinians) |
Federal state | power is shared between central gov't and state or local gov't (ex. US) |
subsequent boundary | Boundaries created after recognized settlement. They are meant to separate existing cultural groups and may signify an attempt to align the boundaries that exist between nations |
Devolution | the transfer of power from one central gov't to many local/regional gov'ts (Ex: Fall of Soviet Union) |
Multi-national States | Countries made up of many nationalities (examples: US, Canada) |
Colonialism | The expansion and perpetuation of an Empire |
Stateless ethnic groups | Groups with no state of inhabitance |
Supranationalism | Term applied to association's created by three or more States for their Mutual benefit and achievement of shared objectives |
City-state | A system of small, City Center states where political organization revolved around the city itself. People not engaged with agriculture lived in the city, while Farmers resided in the surrounding hinterlands |
Multi-state Nations | Nationalities that spread among many states (example: Koreans live in North & South Korea plus many in China and the US) |
nationalism | The ideology that maintains that members of a Nation should be allowed to form their own sovereign state |
Territoriality | An individual or group attempt to identify and establish control over a defined territory considered partially or wholly and exclusive domain; the behavior associated with the defense of the home territory |
EEZ (Exclusive economic zone) | As established in the United Nations convention on the law of the sea, a zone of exploitation extending 200 nautical miles seaward from a coastal state that has exclusive mineral and fishing rights over it |
Nation-States | Country made up of one nationality (examples: Iceland, Japan) |
Sovereignty | An indicator that a particular government has complete control and jurisdiction over a defined area |
Stateless nation | A nation that has no state to call its own |
Ethnic cleansing | the process by which a more powerful ethnic group forcibly removes a less powerful one in order to create their own nation or nation-state |
Shatter belt | Regions that are politically fragmented and are often areas of competition between two ideological or two religious realms |
antecedent boundary | A boundary created before an area is known or populated often drawn with no recognition of the populations living there |
geometric boundary | straight lines drawn by people |
Cultural boundary | based on human traits or behaviors, without an official boundary |
Gerrymandering | changing voting boundaries based on race, voting patterns, class, etc (ex. if there's a big population of black voters, they would win seats as they outvote white voters) |
Nation-state | A state that contains a single nation that is not disputed by anyone inside or outside (ex. Iceland, Japan) |
boundary delimitation | In political geography the translation of the written terms of a boundary treaty into an official cartographic representation |
relic boundary | Old political boundaries that no longer exist as International borders but that have left and enduring mark on the local cultural or environmental geography |
boundary demarcation | In political geography the actual placing of a political boundary on the landscape by means of barriers, fences, walls, or other markers |
State | A country or the most important spatial scale unit in political geography |
Unitary state | power held primarily by central gov't without much power given to local gov't (ex: France) |
Microstates | A state or territory that is small in both population and area |
superimposed boundary | Boundary line drawn in an area ignoring the existing cultural pattern |
Decolonization | A trend in which colonies became independent from the states that colonize them after the United States declared its independence |
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