TGD vocab Word Scramble
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Question | Answer |
insouciant | Free from concern, worry or anxiety; carefree |
Vet (vetting, vetted) | to appraise, verify, or check for accuracy, authenticity, or validity |
indignation (adj indignant) | anger aroused by something unjust, mean, or unworthy. |
pusilanimous | lacking courage; cowardly |
Filicidal | killing one's own song/daughter |
sadomasochistic | getting pleasure from pain esp. sexually |
megalomaniachal | delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence. |
interpose | to place between; cause to intervene. to put (a barrier, obstacle, etc.) between or in the way of. To introduce or interject (a comment, for example) during discourse or a conversation. |
intercede | To plead on another's behalf. to attempt to reconcile differences between two people or groups; mediate. |
TAP | Temporary Agnosticism in Practice. There really is a definite answer, one way or the other, but we so far lack the evidence to reach it. |
PAP | Permanent Agnosticism in Principle. No matter how much evidence we gather, the question can never be answered because the very idea of evidence is not applicable. |
reconcile | To reestablish a close relationship between. To settle or resolve. To bring (oneself) to accept. To bring into consonance, accord or harmony. |
intercessory | Having the function of interceding. |
salient | prominent or conspicuous; projecting or pointing outward. |
decry | to speak pejoratively of; express centure of. |
impinge | to collide or strike; encroach; to tresspass; to have an effect or impact. |
inoculate | to introduce a serum, vaccine, or antigenic substance into body, especially to produce or boost immunity to a disease; to protect; to introduce an idea or attitude into the mind of. |
comeuppance | payback; A punishment or retribution that one deserves |
aver | to assert or affirm with confidence; maintain |
ignominious | Marked by shame or disgrace; discreditable; humiliating. |
supine | laying on back |
odious | hateful; destestable; repugnant |
disavow | To disclaim knowledge of, responsibility for, or association with. |
colossal | extraordinarily great in size |
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